Chapter 24

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Just like every other morning, I wake up with the urge to take my  phone and throw it across the room after my alarm goes off. I'm getting really sick of this alarm sound, you know? Everytime someone's phone rings with this tone I get triggered. I wish I was joking. Don't even get me started on actually trying to get myself out of bed.

I was currently staring at the ceiling, debating on whether or not I actually wanted to go to school or not.

After much compilation and the thought of my mother beating my ass if I ditched, I decided it would be best to get my education. Plus today was Munro's hockey game that I said I would go to and although I know nothing about hockey, I was really excited for it!

I let out a loud groan as I finally sat up from my bed, stretching my arms out in the process. I eyed the hockey jersey folded on my dresser that Munro had given me last night so I could wear it to tonight's game. I decided that I would just wear it for the entire day instead of just wearing it at the game. I paired it with my light blue jeans and white converse. After I was done getting ready I made my way downstairs to see my mom cooking breakfast.

"Morning mama." Walking over to her and giving her a kiss on the cheek before taking a seat at the kitchen counter. She looked up from her cooking and eyed the jersey I had on with a small smile.

"You like hockey now huh?" Rolling my eyes at her comment as she laughed.

"Well I guess we'll see if I like it or not since it's my first game, either way I'll be a great supportive girlfriend." Shrugging my shoulders, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Oh so he's your boyfriend now?" She raises an eyebrow up at me, oh shit maybe she doesn't like the fact that I have a boyfriend. "Well it's about time Violeta! I've been waiting for you to open your eyes!" Okay definitely was not expecting that to be her reaction.

"Well jeez ma I didn't think you'd be so eager about me having a boyfriend."

"I'm just really happy that this guy is good to you." She paused holding back tears before continuing. "You didn't deserve to go through what you did and I think Munro has helped you see that you deserve to be treated well." Unlike her I couldn't hold back my tears, I nodded along to her words.

"Yeah he really does." She walked over to me and gave me a hug, kissing the side of my head. We talked a bit more and had breakfast before I had to leave for school.

Munro spotted me instantly as I walked into school, he was at his locker with Tate and a smile spread across his face as he eyed my outfit up and down.

"That's my girl, always love seeing my jersey on you." His comment causes a blush to appear on my face considering that the only time he's seen it on me is when we had sex.

Reaching his hand out to me, I gladly take it and he twirls me around before pulling me into one of the best hugs and kissing the top of my head.

"I am so lonely." Tate sighs, I look over to see the sad look on his face and it makes me wanna cry.

"Aw come on buddy, you know that you'll always be my number one!" He unwraps his arms that were around me, walking over to put his arm around Tate.

"Thanks buddy." He says in awe as he looks at him with puppy dog eyes and leans his head against his.

"Your bromance is adorable." They both look over to me with smiles on their faces. "As much as I'd love to stay here and chat, I sadly must get to class."Before leaving I walked over to Munro, placing my hand on his shoulder and getting on my toes so I could give him a kiss on the cheek.

                            Munro's POV

I enjoyed seeing her watch away with my number on her back and watched with a small smirk lifting up on my face.

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