Chapter 23

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As much as I would have loved for Munro to stay over last night, he had to leave about two hours after showing up before my mom got home. Lord knows what she would do if she caught him upstairs in my room. For once I woke up with such a calm and reassuring feeling. He managed to take such a bad moment, such a bad night and turn it into one that was only memorable for the good moments. It's something that I would look back on years from now and feel thankful that the good moments overpowered the bad for once.

To continue on with my good mood, Liz gave me off from work today. It's the first full weekend I've had off in a long time. To make things even better,  Imogen was currently on her way over here so we could have a girls day to catch up on everything. Because as much as I enjoy spending time with Munro it's important for me to have some one on one girl time. As Brooke Davis once said, Hoes over bros.

A lot of the time when I'm in a good mood I start to worry about how long it will last. I always feel like whenever good things are happening in my life there's just going to be something awful that will happen next. The reality is, I'm not used to good things lasting. As sad as it may sound. I never like to get my hopes up that things are going to stay this good for me. But today feels different, I of course still have this voice in the back of my head that things are gonna start going bad soon, that this feeling won't last. But it's different this time. The voice isn't as loud as usual, the voice isn't taking control over my mind. I have hope for once that the good feeling will stay.

The doorbell rang as I was in the process of making some breakfast for Imogen and I. Dropping my whisk into the bowl I walked over to the door in a fast past to be greeted with a bone crushing hug by Imogen.

"Are you making breakfast? It better be for two!" She walks over to the kitchen and takes a seat at the counter.

"Well obviously." Giving her a dumbfounded look as I return to cooking pancakes, bacon, and homefries for the both of us. I always enjoyed cooking breakfast the most for some reason, I feel like it's just really simple to make.

"You're glowing, you had sex didn't you?" She sounds way too excited when she makes the correct assumption, I look up at her and couldn't hold back the smile that grew on my face.

"Way to be subtle about it Imy." Shaking my head as my shoulders shake from laughter.

"Well your face isn't giving much subtlety either." She's not wrong, I probably had the most stupid grin on my face from her bringing it up. "So.... How was it? Seriously V this is huge! Oh my gosh was it huge?"

"You know sometimes I really cannot with you." Placing the two plates of food down on the counter and taking a seat right next to her. "It was really great though, he made me feel really cared for and didn't rush into anything. He made sure I was the one to make the decision. But honestly that's not why I'm this happy." Imogen gave me a look as if to say 'well don't hold back.'

"At the carnival last night I ran into Jason." Her body tensed up at the mention of his name and her eyes went wide, filled with nothing but concern. She knew all about what he had put me through, she knew how bad I was after that.

"I was wondering what happened when Munro texted me last night. Are you okay? I'm so sorry you had to run into him." She rubbed my back in a soothing motion, her eyebrows furrowed with concern as she waited for me to continue.

"I'm okay now. It was definitely scary seeing him again, I never really thought I would have to face him again. He tried to talk to me but I couldn't form any words, I just stood there in shock and after he left I started to have a panic attack. I left shortly after I ran into him, Munro knew something was up so he came over to my house later that night to make sure I was okay, and Imy it was honestly so perfect. I didn't feel judged by him at all, he let me tell him everything I wanted to say to Jason." I could feel the happiness in my heart when I spoke about how great he was, how supportive he was of me.

"I'm so happy he was there for you and that he was able to make you feel better. You seem so happy." I mirrored her blissful smile as she looked at me with joy filled eyes.

"Anyways, enough about me. Catch me up with you, what's been going on?" I feel as if I haven't spoken to her in a decade.

"Things have been really good lately... I actually came out to my mom recently." Without any hesitation I smacked her shoulder.

"Ow V! What the hell?!" She placed her hand on the shoulder I hit and looked at me with the most confused look on her face.

"You let me go on and on about myself when this happened?! Imy this is huge, I'm so proud of you!" She kept the look of confusion on her face before she broke out into laughter at the way I was reacting. "So how did she take it?"

"Really well." The content smile instantly spread across her face.

"I knew she would." She looked so at peace, like a weight has been lifted on her shoulders. I felt a huge amount of happiness for her, she deserves this.

"Wow, look at us both in happy and healthy relationships." Before I could respond my phone began to ring, seeing that it was Munro calling, the smile appeared on my face again.

"Is that lover boy now?" Imogen's head nods in the direction of my phone, using a teasing tone in her voice.

"Yeah but I could call him back later." I place the phone down on the counter and shake my head.

"Oh please, I won't be the one to get in the way of love. Plus I think I'll be able to live without a few minutes of your presence, you're not all that great." I playfully rolled my eyes at her before answering the phone.

"Well you sure take your time answering the phone." I rolled my eyes at his joke with a small smile on my face.

"Sorry I'm with Imogen right now."

"Oh shit, should I call you back?"

"I think I could spare a few minutes for you."

"Well I just feel very honored." There's a brief pause before he continues. "How are you feeling beautiful?"

"I'm feeling a lot better thanks to you."

"Aw you really know how to make a grown man blush you know that?" Before I could respond the doorbell rang.

"Give me one second, someone's at the door." I began walking to the front door, Imogen and I shared a confused look considering that we weren't expecting anyone.

"Violeta Cabello?" The delivery man asks once I've opened the door, looking up from the sheet of paper he had.

"Uh yeah, that's me." He turns around briefly to grab a large bouquet of flowers and then turns back to me.

"Then I believe these are for you." He hands the flowers to me before wishing me to have a good day.

"So do you like them?" Munro's voice breaks me out of my thoughts, almost forgetting he was on the phone with me.

"You got me flowers?" I say in awe as I look down at them. "No one has ever gotten me flowers before."

"Um, I've gotten you flowers before bitch!" Imogen yells at me, taking offense to my words.

"Sorry Imy, I meant to say that no guy has gotten me flowers before." She mutters an approving 'mhm' before crossing her arms and walking back into the kitchen.

"Well, I feel lucky to be the first guy to get you flowers. This won't be the last time."

"Thank you, you really didn't have to."

"You deserve them. Now go enjoy your girl time with Imogen, I'll call you later." It sounds dumb but I had to hold back the urge to tell him I love him before we ended the call.

"You guys are so adorable." Imogen said as I was placing the flowers in a vase that I had just filled with water.

"Yeah, I think I'll keep him."

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