Chapter 15

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I said yes to the date.

I can't even describe the way that I feel right now. The men that have been in my life have been nothing but bad and disappointing to me. It's like they did everything in their power to make me feel less special. Making me lose a lot of trust and making it harder for me to trust. I'm still scared of letting my guard down with Munro but when he asked me on a date the one thing I felt more than anything was hope.

Munro was able to give me the first feeling of hope that I haven't been able to feel in a long time. Of course I'm still worried that things won't work out between us but I'm thankful that he's given me this feeling.

I was just finishing getting ready for school, tying the laces of my black combat boots before heading over to my full length mirror to examine my outfit.

I was wearing a black turtleneck bodysuit with a plaid skirt, and some black tights. I decided to leave my hair down and just go with a more natural makeup look today.

"Violeta! Your ride is here!" My mom's voice floats from downstairs, breaking my gaze away from the mirror. Grabbing my bag off of my bed before running down the stairs finding my mom and Mateo sitting at the kitchen table. Giving them each a hug and wishing for them to have a good day before going to the front door as quickly as I could so I didn't keep Imogen waiting any longer.

Once I make it out of the house I stop once I see the sight in front of me. Munro was standing there, leaned up against his car, hands in his pockets as he threw a smirk my way.

"Gosh! You really do always take this long to get ready huh?" He joked once I started walking to him.

"I've told you once and I'll tell you again, it takes time to look this good." I point to myself once I reach him. "What are you doing here anyways?"

"Wow, is that how you greet someone that is giving you a ride to school? No 'hello' or 'how are you'?" He brings his hand to his heart, faking that he's hurt.

"Hi! How are you?" Saying as sarcastically as I can, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well thank you for asking, that's very kind of you. I'm great." Causing me to roll my eyes as a small smile appears on my face. He opens the car door for me and I thank him right before I get in.

"But really, why did you decide to pick me up today?" Buckling my seat belt once he gets into the driver's seat. After buckling up I make sure to text Imogen so she knows I won't be needing a ride to school this morning.

"I thought it would be nice to give you a ride to school so that we could make plans for our date?" He looks at me with hopeful eyes, his statement causing me to blush.

"Is that a blush that I see?" He smiles over at me as he begins to drive.

"Shut up!" Yelling at him before breaking out into a laugh. "So date ideas, what do you have in mind Rosario?"

"Hmm, movies?" He suggests.

"No, then we won't really get to talk." If I'm going on a first date with someone I want to get to know them.

"Aww you wanna talk to me?" Rolling my eyes at his response.

"Come on Rosario, what else have you got?" Crossing my arms and looking over at him.

"What about ice skating?"

"Of course you, the hockey star, would suggest that." Letting out a laugh. "I don't know how to skate though." I tell him truthfully, kind of embarrassed by it.

"What?!" Munro yells out with a bewildered expression laid out on his face causing me to jump a bit. "You're joking right?"

"Um wow I didn't know it was that big of a deal, but no I'm not joking." Laughing at his expression.

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