Chapter 11

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We end up successfully spending the night at the Christie's house and not in a coffin. The Christie's gave Gabrielle the spare room and I ended up on the sofa. They have given us lovely hospitality. I mean, they fed us, gave us clean towels, a place to stay- it's more than what I have gotten in these past couple of days.

Due to the result of what has happened these past couple of days, I can't sleep very well. Maybe I'm traumatised? I don't know anymore. This situation is a whole mess. Infact, so is my life. Let's face it, either me or my brother is going to survive. Only one of us can live in this world. There isn't room for the both of us. Good can't conquer while evil still exists and vice versa.

I sleep lightly just in case anymore of those men come and hunt us down. Due to this, I wake up to Agatha lightly walking down wooden, cold stairs. I think she intended not to wake me up but she was unsuccessful.

I turn around so I can face the stairs and I watch her sneakily try and make her way down the stairs. When her destination had been reached, she pondered over the sofa to see if I was awake.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" she asked.

"No, no. I just can't go to sleep properly unless it's my own home." I say.

It's like when you go on holiday- you sleep but not very well. Apparently this is due to our ancestors back in the very olden days. When they were travelling, they too slept lightly so if a bear came along they would be able to wake up straight away and defend themselves. But all I'll say is, I don't know what kind of holiday this is.

"Why are you here, in Paris?" I ask.

"Well, I can say the same thing as you." she said.

"I asked first, and if you must know, I'm on a holiday." I say.

"A holiday during WWI?!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking." I say.

"Some writers have been moving over here. I think that it's going to continue to rise in the future after the war. I just want to get as much inspiration as I can." she said.

That's very weird. No one starts to acknowledge the literacy movement until the 1920s. That's when a bulk of the movement happens.

Since I won't be able to go back to sleep due to Agatha working in the kitchen I decided to help her.

"Why are you helping me?" she said surprisingly.

"If I'm staying in your hospitality then I want to try my best to make it up to you." I replied back.

"It's just, women are normally the ones in the kitchen. We do everything while you men go to work and come back home so we can pamper you." she said.

"I'm not like most men." I said.

I spend most of this time doing the dishes, cleaning the floor, preparing the table for breakfast and helping Agatha make it. When all is said and done, Gabrielle comes down the stairs. She is wearing silky pyjamas and her hair is an absolute mess. Even when she looks her worst, she still looks her best. She also helps us until we finish breakfast and then Agatha goes upstairs to wake up Archie to come down to go and eat breakfast with us.

We had freshly made croissants that were golden and hand made by us from scratch. As you put the croissants into your mouth, the butter glided across your mouth making a nice slippery sensation.

After breakfast, we all get ready to put on our day to day clothes. After I'm done, I wait for everyone in the living room. Gabrielle walks in and she has a lovely summer dress on. There is no one else in the room but us.

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