Chapter 7

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Due to me going to be in this isolated hotel room for a while, I try to figure out what Venessa has left me. The hotel room looks exactly like mine so it's not much of a change. White, bland walls with a bed, chair and table and toilet. Basically, all the necessities you need for a hotel room. Luckly, I left my phone in my hotel room so those cops won't be able to track me. The thing that worries me is Venessa's phone. They will probably want that and within one minute of opening the phone, they can find your location.

I grab Venessa's letter and just stare at it. I don't really know what to do. I never get help in life anyway but, I've always had someone to turn to and now- I don't. And, why would she write a letter for me? Surely her friends are more important than me. I still can't get my head over the fact she is dead. I still don't know who would do such a thing. I'm not in the right headspace to open the letter. I just feel so overwhelmed by everything that the slightest piece of work will just finish me off. I just want to let my mind run off and not think about any of this shit.

Eventually, I gained the courage to open the letter. I opened the letter prestigiously because I wanted to preserve everything as much as I could. In the envelope was one singular page with writing on each side which read:

"Hi John,

If you are reading this then-sadly- I'm most likely dead or I'm in a really bad situation. I'm hoping it's the second option because I don't want to die. I just don't want it to be painful and I don't want to be alone. I haven't seen everything I want to see and I haven't done everything I want to do. Although, I know that my time is limited. On the one hand, I feel excited and comfortable because I'll be able to see my family again, but on the other hand, I don't feel ready to leave yet. I'm really disappointed that this is the life I got, although I know I'll be getting a better one soon. I'll get a new purpose; however, my purpose now is to help you.

You're probably wondering why I'm going to die. Well, while Harry was in the shower I decided to snoop through his phone. In his messages there was a man called 'Mr Waltz' where he had frequent conversations. It turns out we have not gone to Paris to celebrate our engagement, but because this Mr Waltz wants Harry to do some sort of task here. I don't know exactly what it is because their text messages are in code but, I think he is a part of some type of group. And, I don't think that it's a good type of group. Anyway, Harry caught me on his phone and he started to approach me as if to finish the job. The only reason he didn't go through with it the first time is because your parents came to come pick us up. Throughout the whole experience since this morning he has been giving me the look as if he is going to kill me. Obviously, he needs to silence me so he can get away with whatever he is doing. I haven't bothered telling the authorities because Harry has got so much power so, I've left it to you because I know you will do something about it. The best part about you, you don't do what is easy, you do the right thing. Also, you are not a follower of people, you do the best for everything. Well, I just need this one last thing from you so I can live in peace. I wish we could've done this together but I'll be by your side in spirit.

To help you, I have gotten some evidence. I've taken some photos of the Mr Waltz texts and you should be able to get his phone number in that as well. As I'm writing this, I'm in your hotel room. It was really easy to get inside there, I just said I lost your card and they gave me a new one. As Harry is definitely coming for me, I'll start recording the situation but it will only record for 30 minutes so I hope that captures my death. If he leaves my phone that I've hidden (which is probable as Harry is very reckless.) Then the code is 3451.

I would just like to say because you only live once and it doesn't matter what I say at this point because I'll be dead. I loved you. The only reason I said yes to Harry was because I thought you didn't want my heart, so he was a last resort. Every girl in fact liked you in school but you handled it so badly that you became oblivious to it. I hope you find love in this world someday.

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