Chapter 5

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Do I feel guilty leaving Venessa? Yes. Yes I do. But she wanted me to leave and when I tried to help her, it just backfired. Hell, I probably made it worse. Obviously I've had some pretty shitty treatment but, not as bad as that. I feel like such a coward but, what could've I done? Like Venessa said, if I phoned the police he would probably just pay them off. Let's just hope that she is ok.

As I get into my hotel room I open my laptop so I can print out my work for Agatha Christie. You're probably wondering: you're a screenwriter John, why are you printing out a screenplay for a novelist. Well, my method is that you write out a story and then you convert that story into a screenplay. I go into the lounge which has a bunch of brown sofas which complement the walls that look like they have been pissed on. When it eventually gets printed out I leave the building to go back in time to the 1910s. Part of me debates whether I should check on Vanessa. I could take her with me and give her a whole new life. But, she wouldn't belong there. I don't belong there. But my curiosity always brings me back there. I go along the streets of Paris until I reach the alleyway. I wonder whether anyone else has accidentally stumbled across this. Do they actually believe in 1918 or do they believe it's some sort of renaissance fair but just for the 1910s. I make my way to Gabrielle's house again and knock on her door. No answer. I knock again. Still no answer. Maybe she is sleeping.

Gabrielle eventually opens the door aggressively. Oh gosh, have I annoyed her by waking her up or something?

"Well that's a lovely welcome isn't it? You ok?" I said.

"I need your help with something." she replied.

For God sake, not again. I'm so done with people's shit. Can't my life just be normal for once? She takes me up to her living room and Archie Christie is sitting there on the couch. His face is extremely pale and he is crying very heavily. He is breathing very heavily as if he is a flopping fish out of water. It's a very similar state to what my mother was in earlier. I sat next to him and I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

I know it's a bit of a stupid question but I couldn't think of anything else. I dare you to try and give a better response.

"Agatha has run away from me." he said while sobbing.

Well he better get used to that because she does it a lot more in the future. Obviously I can't tell him anything about that because it hasn't happened yet and I don't want to change time. I mean I have probably changed time already. Stepping on a butterfly could send ripples through time and I'm doing something even worse as I am talking to people.

"What if me or Gabrielle go looking for her? She can't have gone that far." I said.

"Is there a third option?" he says.

Jesus Christ. You didn't have to be blunt about it. Clearly he doesn't like any of us. But if he doesn't like any of us then why is he here?

"It's just I thought it would've been better if one of us stayed with you. Keep you company you know. Would you prefer if both of us go?" I ask.

"Yes, I would be grateful for that." he said.

Venessa grabs some of her stuff and we leave to go on the hunt to find Agatha. There must be something about what Paris does to men. I mean that is crazy that the same situation has happened at the exact same place, date but different years and time. This place must have some sort of history for that stuff. But that means that these worlds definitely must be connected somehow. These situations are practically parallel. Perhaps the timelines connect. Maybe it will all unfold with time. I think to myself that if the worlds are directly parallel, does that mean Agatha is going to be sitting in the same place as Venessa? But how am I going to explain why I have a feeling she is down there. 'Oh Gabrielle my sister in law ran away from her fiance and she ran to this lovely place and Agatha might have stumbled across it to even though it is quite hard to find and it's definitely not because our worlds are parallel but, that doesn't mean I'm from another time so don't burn me yet'. Yep, definitely easy to tell her that.

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