Chapter 20

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One minute, I was stone cold in darkness- the next minute- an extreme amount of light from the room woke me up. Going from one extreme to the other was unbearable at first. With that amount of brightness, not even the world's greatest spy could hide in there.

My eyes kept twitching, I fought my hardest to try and open them so I could be ready for anything. At first, it was just blurry; however-eventually- I began to be able to see.

Even though I was able to see, my body was not able to move. Every single part of my body was strapped tightly to a chair.

Gabrielle (if that's even her name) and Sam were sitting on chairs opposite to me;however, they were not tied to them. Please don't say that they are a part of the opposing team. After all this time.

"One of the greatest part about torture for me is that you can drive a man crazy enough that he isn't a man anymore if he doesn't yield in time. In that brief moment between life and death, it reveals the true nature of a person." said Mr Waltz.

He was on a chair that could roll about the place (that was also white) and he made his way to the computer.

"You don't need us for information, that's the soul purpose of torture anyway." I said.

"That's true, I don't need it from you. But I do need it from him." said Mr Waltz.

In the distance, I could see this tall, bulky man that looked like the shape of a bear. As he came closer... for fuck sake- it's Harry. Mr Waltz left his chair and Harry took his place.

"Just as I thought you weren't a coward, you pulled a stunt like this." I said unimpressed.

"There is nothing more entertaining than family feud." replied Mr Waltz.

My brother started pressing the buttons on the computer and then I heard some sort of robotic machinery. I glanced slightly to the side and there was a table of all sort of torture objects and this robotic hand that my brother was controlling had free range.

"I think it's obvious what I'm going to do, I'm going to penetrate you with all sorts of things until you go mad." said my brother with a devil grin from eye to eye.

"Well get on with it then. Listening to you talk is more painful than the actual anticipation." I said.

"Alrighty, lets begin." he said as he clicked a button.

That's not the response I was expecting or what I wanted. I guess you can choose your friends but not your family.

First off, he chose the small scalpel and he aimed it at my thigh. He slowly pierced it in my leg and I felt it pierce every single layer of my skin. He didn't have to put much effort into it and it caused immense pain. I grunted in pain but tried to stop it with heavy breathing so I wouldn't think about it that much. That was quite hard though as my body was paralysed and all I could feel was the rage and pain in my thigh.

Gabrielle and Sam were just watching this and it was very obvious that they felt uncomfortable as they were squirming at my pain.

"Why are you doing this?" asked Gabrielle.

"John here, he's not even my brother. His parents died when he was younger. My family, to look like they were good people, adopted him. A fucking charity child. He was always a weak child, they smoothed his wounds by helping him with everything. However, I had to teach myself everything. Asked me to treat him like a brother, my little brother. Do you know about natural selection?" said Harry.

"It's when animals have to adapt to suit their environment," said Gabrielle.

"He forced me to go onto this path, so thanks," said Harry.

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