Chapter 12

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Gabrielle and I started running down the endless corridor along the ice, cold, hard floor to leave and pretend like we were never here. I mean, that's going to be quite hard when there is a surviving witness to the situation.

I stopped running for a minute. I had a lightbulb moment. Something just sparked an idea in my mind. Gabrielle very angrily also stopped running.

"What the hell are you doing?! We need to get out of here." she shouted.

"We can't just leave. They probably have people guarding the outside as we speak. If you remember, on my side there was an armoury room therefore, there must be uniforms in there. That can bring us a lifetime of access to this place." I said.

"It's too dangerous." she said.

"Well, got any other better ideas? Persides, there are no cameras in here, so if we get it done quickly it should be fine." I said.

We then promptly made our way back to my side where the machine was. I start scrambling through the armoury room and I find these swat like uniforms. I chuck one to Gabrielle and we both put them on.

We opened the door to go outside and everything was so bustley. They are probably looking for us. I felt the hot sweat roll down my face. I couldn't tell whether it was from the hot uniform or just my nerves. Maybe both? The heat then started to make my mask condensate and I couldn't see anything. I didn't want to mess with my mask because I would have to take it off to wipe off the condensation. Which means they would see my face and I would be dead.

We try to discreetly make our way to the exit but it's too crowded. At this point, I don't even think that we're going to make it out of here.

Gabrielle pushes me to the side gently to not make things seem too obvious as everyone looks really busy and it would just look like we are slacking off.

"We are just going to have to follow the crowd. If we leave now they are going to know that it is us." she said.

"Then what do we do in the meantime?" I ask.

"Pretend and look like you're busy." she said.

We start looking around everywhere for us even though we are right in front of them. It's kind of like what they say, the best hiding place is plain sight. Except the rule if I can see you, you can see me doesn't really quite work.

By accident, I got seperated by Gabrielle. I was so busy keeping in character that I lost track of what actually matters. I tried to make my way back to her but the sea of people wasn't allowing me.

All of a sudden... the speakers in the hallway make this screeching sound that pierces my ears.

"Everybody make their way to the meeting room." it said.

What should I do? I've completely lost Gabrielle so I have no role model to look up to. I'm vulnerable, like a lamb left for slaughter. I need to weigh the facts. Like her.

I can't wait until the room goes quiet because that will look suspicious. I can't leave. I guess that leaves only one option. I have to follow the people to the meeting.

We all entered this room that was actually a very compact staircase which led to a very grand room. It literally juxtaposed the staircase. We all came out in single file and found ourselves a space in the room.

If we had modern Romans then this would definitely be their meeting room. Everything was practically cream apart from these little sections that were brown. The similarities although, was that everything was marble. To keep the room standing you had these pillars. There were also chandeliers placed around numerous walls.

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