Chapter 1

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Time; something that everybody needs more of. Everyone is a ticking bomb that could explode at any minute. You don't know how long you're going to live or how much time you have left. It can be chaotic. You blink and you have already missed one second of your life. Just like you and me now- we have both blinked in the past ten seconds. That is why most people say that you should live life to the fullest. Stop looking at your phone pretending that it is your life or stop clipping your toenails and go do something meaningful. But who cares? I mean what I do now the people in the future won't care about it. I could set fire to the White House or I could be the person who finds the cure to cure cancer. The people in one hundred years won't care about what I did. So that is why I say screw it. Don't let fear get in the way and just learn to let go. If you let fear get in the way of something you want to do then you will never fulfil your dream. Just learn to not care. Learn how to say no. To achieve something you have to do nothing to then be able to do something. They say to not let people get in the way of your dreams and I disagree with that. I think that you need to do it together to then be able to do it on your own and -if that accomplice sticks around- it is love.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My phone was giving off the annoying alarm sound that drives everybody insane in the morning. I grabbed my phone giving into the wake up call and slammed it down so hard that I thought it was going to break. I re-positioned myself into a sitting position and stared hopelessly at the Dallas view that I had from my apartment view from my nice, warm, comfy bed. The sun rised up slowly giving off a big yellow glow that was almost blinding but complemented Dallas' industrial/western style. It is kind of ironic as when people think of Dallas they think of cowboys, deserts and cactus';however, it is just like any other country (it is being influenced by technological advancements). I am 44 and I still don't know how to use Facebook sometimes. I jumped out of bed enthusiastically onto the soft cream carpet hoping that it would bring some life into me although it didn't. I guess that is what coffee is for and got myself ready to some tunes. I walk into my blue sea bathroom like a pop star and use my toothbrush as if it is a microphone to sing "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go ''. I put some product into my beach blonde, surfer hair and stare into my baby blue eyes trying to reassure myself that everything will be alright. It probably won't and I'm probably lying to myself but I'm just going to roll with it. I put on some casual, comfy yet formal clothes, clench onto my suitcase and rush quickly out of the flat. The elevator music sounded like a clock ticking almost like I am running out of time. Tick tock, tick tock. My adventure was awaiting me outside while on the inside I was dreading it.

I made it outside into the sunny, bright dusty Dallas street and started waving carelessly around hoping that a taxi would come and whisk me away. To other people who have no context on what I was doing they would probably think that I am a loner waving at everybody trying to get some friends. I mean if they did think that they wouldn't be completely wrong. It has been minutes and I felt like I was getting nowhere. I looked at my old vintage clock and realised that I was going to be late for my flight. I started waving around frantically and I looked like a fish out of water. I waved around so hard that this man-not paying attention- on his phone bumped into me. In a New Yorkan accent he went "No change". Wow, do I look so old and lonely that I look like a homeless man? How rude. People these days are so addicted to their phones that they are unaware of the outside world. They are so manipulated by them and they just rely on their phone to do all of their work. These days you can just go on "Tinder" and be a hopeless romantic and get yourself a partner. In some ways I'm just like my parents by being old school and asking a person out verbally. Which is quite surprising because I'm close to no one in my family. I just feel like something on text isn't as meaningful as if you say it in person. I look at my watch again and time is still racing ahead of me. I scream "Taxi! TAXI" getting more and more worried and eventually this yellow mustard car cruises up by me. I threw myself into the car along with my luggage and decided to take no attention from the driver and play solitaire on my phone. Clearly my plan didn't work as he engaged in conversation with me. "What's your name?" he asked. The man looked quite young; early twenties I would say. He had a very pleasing smile although it looked like he was trying to go for a more friendly approach and he wore very casual clothes.

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