Chapter 14

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What if I just ran away? What are they going to do? If I can run away from this organisation then I can do that with the war. That's a great life lesson for kids isn't it? Run away from your problems.

When I walk through the corridor to get back to Archie, everything seems like it's going in slow motion. I can feel the sweat slowly run down my head. My eyes are constantly looking in every direction seeing people continue with their life but I know that mine is probably going to end in a moment.

When I walk through the door to go outside, Archie is standing outside waiting for me.

"So?" he said.

"I guess I'm going to war." I said

We walk to his Ford car that is black and the roof can come on or off and he drives me to the camp where soldiers rest and train to kick some nazis ass'.

The place was just a field that was desolated and trees acted like a fence to cut us off from society. I guess it's kind of ironic because the government censored soldiers' letters to stop people knowing what war was actually like.

We first went to our quarters where there were numerous bunk beds to save space and there was a uniform on our beds for us to change into. We had a white shirt that would probably not stay that white for long and an all in one jumpsuit that had hundreds of pockets and you could easily button it up. The quality was quite cheap. On the one hand, I understand because you should probably put all of the wars budget to bombs and weapons but, on the other hand we will be in some cold conditions where we will need so clothes that are made from good quality to keep us warm.

After we were done changing, we were sent to the field to get a little introduction from the commander. He was a very bulky man who had very light brown hair and was also english.

"Listen up, recruits. Gentlemen, I am Commander Reynolds. I supervise all operations for this division and during our battles." he said.

"What's up with the accent, Queen Victoria?" said a man.

Reynolds stopped pacing up and down and stopped and stood directly opposite to the man and gave him a deep, dark, cold stare. He needed no words to express how he was feeling.

"I thought I was signing up to the French military," he continued.

That man doesn't understand how much deep shit he is in right now. He should've quit while he was ahead.

"What's your name, son?" asked Reynolds.

"Lennie, your majesty," he said.

Jesus christ, he doesn't learn does he? What is he trying to do? Impress his friends? To be frank, it's impressing no one. Infact, everyone else is finding it embarrassing.

"Step forward," said Reynolds.

Lennie obeyed his command and stood there very impressed with himself. He reminds me of teenage boys when they are winding someone up.

Reynolds wiped his smug look on his face by punching him so hard that he crumbled to the floor.

"Stand up Lennie, and stand in line until someone comes and tells you what to do. You don't run this place. We do bastard." said Reynolds.

He stood back up as if nothing hit him although we knew that something did because he had a bloody nose.

"Yes sir," he said.

"War is not just beaten by weapons, it is won by the men that pull the trigger. We train the best men to do that." Reynolds said.

After that talk, all of our belongings had been brought to our quarters and they also brought in our sheets and other things we would need that we probably didn't bring. All the men in our room were setting up their place to make it seem more like home and they made their bed. The bed wasn't very comfortable at all, it felt rock hard.

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