Chapter 13

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Due to it being a Sunday evening, there was lots of alcohol on the table with our Sunday roast dinner. The table was also round so no one was slightly more important than the other. Everyone was equal.

Everyone was drinking although I wasn't. Even though if I did drink, it would probably get rid of the pain that I faced through today for a bit, but not forever. Plus, I don't like the taste of alcohol.

"John, this is great. It's too bad that you're too sensible." said Archie.

"It is, but what is defined as sensible?" Agatha asked.

"More nonsense from you?" Archie said.

"Isn't there a happy hour every hour?" Gabrielle asked.

Everyone started laughing. She has definitely got that quote from the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trail.

Well, I mean, they are not wrong. According to a movie called 'Another Round', a Norwegian philosopher and psychiatrist thinks that it is sensible to drink not just when you're sad or happy. Or when you're working but, all of the time. He claimed that all humans are deprived of 0.05% of alcohol. For perspective, that means you need at least one to two glasses of wine. The idea is that it's supposed to make you more relaxed but not too relaxed that you're reckless and can't do anything in life.

"Maybe alcohol could help you a bit with your life, John. I can see you holding one to something, Alcohol can help you let go." said Agatha.

"Ok, yes. I was going through a midlife crisis. It was like I was standing at the train station all alone because the train had left me because I was too late. But, I'm on a new journey now. I have a new purpose." I said.

"40 is just a number, John. It can't define you. I think you'll feel better if you make something of yourself. I'm going back to the war in a few days, I'll sign you up to come and join me." Archie said.

"NO!" I said.

"No? Why not? You know that's dishonourable to your country." he said.

"Because... God said 'do not kill'." I said.

"I'm sure God won't mind, you're doing it in self defence." he said.

I could tell that Archie wasn't going to budge about me not going to war. If I'm not careful, I'll be sent to one of those camps where people went because they refused to go to war which had even worse conditions compared to the actual war.

The only reason I don't want to go is because Gabrielle needs me to finish this with her. I want to see this to the end.

"Okay." I said.

Gabrielle's face went white. I knew that she didn't want me to go but, if she had a problem with it, she should've defended me. I'm just hoping that I'll be so weak that they won't accept me. But, I doubt it. I mean if I can survive this organisation who is on the hunt for me, then I will probably be accepted. War will be a piece of cake then.

"We'll leave tomorrow." Archie said.

Great, that's just bloody great.

When we finish dinner, I get ready for bed. I find it extremely difficult to go to sleep. I mean, this could be my last proper sleep. I can't explain it, but I have a terrible feeling about this. I mean, if I do make it, I might die from the terrible conditions of the trenches.

I can tell that I'm lightly sleeping because I can hear everything that is going on in Christie's house. From the clock, the birds chipping and someone snoring. Even Gabrielle's gentlest touch woke me up. Maybe if I pretend dead I won't have to go to war.

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