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Camila POV:

Today is the day.

Today I'm going to Italy.

Pinch me.

It's been three weeks since Sebastian asked me to go with him. A lot has happened since then.

My mom encouraged me to go saying it was a once in a life time opportunity and to take it. She said I can always visit her and that it's okay, she'll be with her boyfriend and his family. Our family is in Puerto Rico so we can't always go from how costly it is given our situation since the divorce.

I finally decided to go back to work at the studio already, I feel like I'm ready mentally and physically it's not a toll on me anymore. I passed all my exams and I recently started writing a book to see if it helps with my anxiety and clear my mind. I start after we come back from Italy.

I haven't had a panic attack since the party of the boys first game which I felt incredibly guilty for but Sebastian reassured me that it's okay. No one was upset at him for not being there and the boys understood.

I started working out everyday after classes and on the weekends we go bike riding on trails with the whole group. It's become like a healthy routine between us all.

Sebastian and I have constant sleepovers either at the house or the apartment because if not we'll never see each other. Between school and his basketball practice and games. He's been going out of town for different games too so sleepovers are a must when he's here. They've been winning each game of course.

Melanie is still not pregnant. She says they're not actively trying but not really being careful either. Liam is still excited as ever though because of the possibility of having a baby with Melanie makes his dreams come true. A real family. They're are going back to Miami for break.

Sean is still being Sean and pulling girls left and right. I don't know if he's okay, he hasn't really been hanging out with us especially since Sebastian and I officially got together. I wish I never slept with him in the first place because I feel like it's ruined our group dynamic and our friendship of eleven years. I have to talk to him but I don't know how if he's never around anymore.

Penelope is going to Mexico for thanksgiving to visit her family. She'll be gone for two weeks and then when she comes back she has soccer so I don't know if we'll see each other as much even though we live together.

Yasmine and Zac are dating now. Sean accepts their relationship and it's nice seeing Zac finally settle down. He's going to Australia for thanksgiving because that's where he is from and where his family resides still. Yasmine is going back to Miami with Sean.

Lexie and Bren are still doing whatever it is they're doing. They're happy and that's all that matters.They're also going back to Miami.

And that leaves us to now.

I'm currently sitting on my maleta to see if I can close it properly. According to Melanie I'm going to Italy and It's necessary to have as many outfits as possible. Luggage

Sebastian snickers coming into my room watching me struggle "need a little help babe?" He raises his eyebrow and puts his hands on his hips.


"Don't mock me and get your fine ass over here." I give him a little attitude because I'm getting my period soon and my hormones are all over the place. Plus, this maleta is not closing and it's driving me crazy.

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