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Camila POV:


Three weeks later...

Shit shit shit shit shit shit.

We're going to be late for our own graduation ceremony because my feet don't fit into any of my shoes.

The last few weeks of pregnancy has been hell. I'm thirty-six weeks pregnant, my belly is huge and I can't see my feet but I know they are swollen, none of my clothes fit me, I've gained about forty pounds, my boobs are leaking, I cry like every other hour. Let's just say Sebastian is the best man in the world being able to handle me. He's been the most attentive and sweetest man to me even when I cry for no reason or scream at him for stealing my last Cheeto.

He's currently at a random boutique store at this shopping center nearby the school buying me a pair of shoes that will fit me. I'm sitting in the passenger seat in the car waiting for him.

My hair is half up half down in loose waves, I'm wearing a white strapless bodycon dress with nude wedges. Luckily, my red gown closes around my bump just a bit snug.

The driver door opens and Sebastian sighs heavily sitting down on the seat starting the car.

"I got you sandals, hopefully you like them. It should match your dress."

"Thank you" I kiss his cheek briefly and open the box of nude sandals that have straps around my ankles. They're perfect. Throw them on the floor and slip my feet in— they fit.

I sigh in relief and he holds my hand on my lap.

"I'll strap them for you when we get there."

Five minutes later we pull up to the parking lot, that's completely packed to the brim with cars and families walking into the theatre.

Sebastian walks around to my side, opening the door, kneeling down on the ground to wrap my sandals on. He's the sweetest. He kisses both my ankles and takes my hand helping me out of the car. The movement makes my stomach tighten and I stop moving, breathing in and out the cramps.

"Whoa you okay?" He wraps one arm around my back and holds one of my hands.

I close my eyes and count to ten slowly until the contraction surpasses. Sebastian and I took a birthing class together last month so we know what to expect.

Once I feel it disappear I nod my head to keep going but he's not having it and stops me from walking. I turn my head and look up at him "it's okay Seb, it's not like I'll give birth on stage" I say mockingly.

He rolls his eyes and scoffs. "You never know."


Sometimes I really despise having a last name that's at the end. The announcers are still calling out last names that start with P and I feel like we've been sitting here for two hours already and my bladder feels like it's going to burst. Not kidding at all.

Why couldn't they just send me my diploma by mail? Or I just pick it up from the office and call it a day?

I can barely walk as it is. I'm going to be walking up the stairs in front of thousands and thousands of people and waddle like a penguin across the stage. Or worse what if my water decides to break as I'm shaking hands with the superintendent? Fucking embarrassing.

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