𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷

310 21 26

Ruby POV

Jake: "How am I supposed to tell her that?"

The way he pronounced the word that gave me shivers. What is it, why doesn't he just talk to me? I thought we trust each other. For a while, nothing is to hear in the bathroom but then I hear him brushing his teeth and after some minutes I hear footsteps. Ah! He's walking towards the door, like a ninja, I sprint to the couch and do nothing, I don't even know what I should do, I still have no phone. He comes out of the room and looks confused at me but it seems he doesn't care about me. That hurts.

Jake: "I'll go to bed." His voice sounds kinda sad.

"Night." There's too much coldness in my voice

He looks confused at me, I can see a flash of regret in his eyes. Dammit, why is my voice so cold again? I don't want this but his behavior hurts me, I saved his life and this is how he thanks me for it? First, fucking me passionately and then ignoring me as if I was just a cheap One-Night-Stand? Just the thought of it lets my heart tightens. 

Was it goodbye? 

Was it too much for him what happened in this building? I mean I could understand him, but he can talk to me. Is he maybe sad about the death of his old friend even if they ended up as enemies?

A lump forms in my throat and I try to swallow it without success. What happened that he changed so suddenly?

He doesn't say anything more and leaves me in the living room and goes to bed. If he wants distance then I'll accept that, I don't want to impose. Luckily I still wear my pajamas, I rush into the bathroom and do my daily bed routine. Washing my face, brushing my teeth, taking a quick shower without washing my hair, brushing my hair, etc. When I'm done with everything I lay down on the couch and cover myself with a thin blanket. If it gets too cold I still can warm myself up with my powers but I shouldn't use them too much. I still don't know if we're really safe. The only thing I know is that Caesar and his men are dead but I don't know if the government is really after me or not. Suddenly a sob leaves my mouth, oh no please not. At first, it was just sobbing, then some sniffling, and then finally I burst out crying, silently. I cried into the pillow of the couch as quietly as possible. After I calmed down I tried to finally sleep, in vain.

I sighed and went to the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. My eyes are swollen, veins are popping out, my cheeks are wet and my lips are still trembling. I start crying again, this time my legs give out and I fall to my knees on the floor. I miss my old self, the Ruby who was cold as ice and didn't allow feelings. That's what happens when you allow feelings, you're permanently sad! After calming down again I had a headache. Too many thoughts are rushing through my head. But one thought appears every 10 seconds again, my talent... 

"Run away" 

I mean the thought isn't that bad but do I even want my old life back? What if Jake is going to be worried about me? Ha! What a joke! After his behavior today he wouldn't even be worried if I was about to jump out of the window. I laugh to myself, almost spitefully. And I made my decision, he wants distance? I'll give him the distance.

My bag is in the bedroom, dammit. I sneak to the bedroom and slowly open the door, I peek through the small slit and see that Jake is sleeping. I make a loud noise to see if he's really asleep, yup he's asleep. I tiptoe to my bag and pack my most important things into my backpack, I put on a hoodie. I take one last look at Jake, it's like deja vu. But this time it hurts even more because he obviously doesn't want me around. This time I don't leave a note or anything else, he probably wouldn't even read it. I walk out and close the door quietly, I put my shoes on and walk out of the apartment. Outside of the apartment I swallow the tears and leave the building. Luckily he can't track me down since I have no phone with me. I decided to go wherever my legs carry me.

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