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He was scared,he wouldn't admit it but Eddie Munson was scared. Currently he was sat next to his best friend since the 8th grade,Chrissy Cunningham in the woods and was about to confess that he was dating Steve "The Hair" Harrington.

"So Eds,what did ya wanna tell me?" the strawberry blonde haired girl asked. "Well,I- erm Im-," he couldn't spit it out "Im dating Steve Harrington and im really scared to tell people" he blurted out and started to get up. "Eds,sit down." she insisted.

He started panicking,he had just told his best friend that he was dating one of the most popular boys in Hawkins. His eyes started to tear up and he started to shake rapidly. She wrapped her arms around him in hopes to help him stop crying and shaking.

"Eds,its okay nobodys upset with you."  she whispered to him. She held him until he calmed down. He looked at her and smiled "C-can we go to S-steve?" he stuttered, she nodded and they went looking for him. Little did they know,Steve was panicking and looking for Eddie.

"Eddie! were are you?" Steve shouted. He had been looking for him for ages. When he saw Chrissy and Eddie,he ran to the boy and held him close "Eddie! your okay!" he smiled and held his boy close to him. "Your okay,your okay eds" He could tell the boy was crying.

Steve took the boy home and rocked him gently in his lap. "whats got you so worked up eds?" he whispered to the boy after an hour of silence. " I told Chrissy we were together and got scared caught i thought she was mad at me" he stuttered out to the other. Steve held him close and whispered sweet nothings to him, things like 'your okay,nobodys mad at you,im so proud of you'.

After a few minutes,Steve heard nothing but soft snores as Eddie slept in his lap. Steve awed at the sight and carried the boy to bed,changing them both into something comfy. After a long day of crying,confessing and panicking,Eddie was happy to be in Steves arms,safe and sound.


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