You're Bullshit, Steve Harrington.

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Steve woke up to due to the streaks of sunlight peaking through the blinds and the lack of his lover around him. His eyes slowly peeled open to see Eddie not there, a frown making his way to his face quickly as he sat up to look around.
"Eddie?" he mumbled out, still half asleep. Not long after, Eddie peaked his head around the door.
"Good morning sunshine!" Eddie said before returning back to what he was doing before. Steve grumbled before standing up from the bed, going to search for his boyfriend. As he walked out of the others bedroom door, he saw Eddie standing by the stove, playing with a pan.
"What are you doing?" Steve asked while yawning and making his way over to Eddie.
"I'm making us breakfast!" Eddie replied, a happy tone evident in his voice. He was attempting to make pancakes. Steve sluggishly walked over to Eddie, wrapping his arms around the other and resting a chin on his shoulder. Since he was still basically asleep his eyes were slowly shutting. They both stood there in comforting silence enjoying the company of each other, the only sound to be heard is the breathing of the two boys and the sizzling of the pan.

As Eddie finished plating the pancakes onto two plates, he lightly tapped the nose of his lover who's head was resting on his shoulder. Steve just made a few noises before moving to sit onto the couch. The other just laughed seeing how out of it Steve was.
"You know why I made these, right?" Eddie asked, placing the plates on the table in-front of them and sitting beside Steve. Steve just looked at Eddie, his half awake mind trying to run through reasons why. Eddie just sighed and tilted his head a bit. Steve tapped his knee slightly, slowly coming up with an idea.
"Is it.... It's our anniversary today right?"
"There we go." Eddie said before taking a bite of the pancakes, smiling after. "You should try these, I didn't burn them this time!" Steve chuckled, now waking up a bit. While going to take a bite of a pancake he caught a look at his watch and saw the time. He instantly froze which caught Eddie's attention.
"Are you okay?" the boy asked before taking another bite from his pancakes, the plate sitting on his knees. Steve didn't answer he just rechecked his watch and stood up.
"Im late to work..." Steve whispered before quickly running into the bedroom, getting changed quickly and running back out. "I'm so very late to work" He said louder, now running around to the bathroom, cleaning his teeth and then running back out over to his lover. He stopped and caught his breath, staring at a now confused Eddie.
"Steve..." Eddie started but got interrupted.
"Do I look okay?" Steve asked, messing with his hair a bit. Eddie just nodded and put on a smile. "Great, I'll see you later, Eds." He said, leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek and grabbing a pancake from his plate. Steve quickly made his way to the door, grabbing his bag and car key from the side just before opening it.
"Steve!" Eddie shouted to catch the others attention, Steve turned around and looked at Eddie with half a pancake in his mouth. "Don't forget about date night tonight. I have something special planned. Be back by 8, okay?" Steve just nodded and ran out the door.

When Steve arrived at work, he quickly got out of his car and ran in to see a disappointed Robin at the counter.
"I can't believe you Harrington..." Robin said, shaking her head. Steve playfully rolled his eyes and made his way to the back to put down his stuff. "No seriously, this is the busiest day of the week and you're an hour late?" Robin exclaimed, following the boy into the back.
"Look, Rob, i'm sorry I just... I forgot to put on my alarm because Eddie got in late last night" He sighed as he leant against the wall. Robin hit Steve in the arm lightly and walked back to the counter.
"You're lucky I don't report this to Keith." Robin stated, sorting stuff out at the counter, "Now get over here. You've got a long shift ahead of you." Steve sighed and made his way over to the shelves he had to restock for the next couple hours.


tw// implied alcohol abuse + minor violence

Finally not long after the timeless 'rush hour' of the day, Steve and Robin both sat back into the chairs in the back both letting out a sigh.
"I hate working these shifts.." Steve muttered, stretching his arms. Robin just made a small noise of agreement. Steve's head moved towards to door as he heard it open. He put his hand out to show he was gonna get it, and he stood up.
"Hi, welcome to family video, how can I help you?" Steve said, walking to the counter from the back. As soon as he saw who it was he smiled. "Eds! I was just about to call you what are you-" he stopped as soon as he got interrupted.
"Do you know what time it is..." Eddie spoke quietly, his voice breaking slightly. Steve looked down at his watch and read the time 10:00 pm. He looked back up at his supposedly broken lover with a confused look.
"It's uh... it's 10 o'clock? Are you okay Eddie?" Steve asked, leaning into him from the counter. Eddie just sighed and stared at Steve.
"Today... today was our one year anniversary." Eddie hissed. Steve quickly took a step back, the smell of alcohol dripping off of the other. "Today was the only time I asked something from you. THE ONLY TIME! AND THAT WAS TO BE BACK BY 8PM!" Eddie snapped causing Steve to whimper slightly. Steve walked over to Eddie, grabbing his hands and staring his lover in the eyes. Eddie quickly pushed the boys hands away and took a frustrated sigh.
"Eddie..." Steve whispered, taking another step closer to his boyfriend to see if he could try calm him. "Eddie i'm sorry... let's go home now okay?" Steve whispered again but Eddie took a step back with one foot, now looking down to the floor.
"One thing Steve..." Eddie repeated quietly. He looked back up at the other grabbing him by his shirt collar. "Nancy was right... you're bullshit Steve." Eddie growled, the strong smell of alcohol landing on Steve's face. Steve looked at Eddie with shock and tears pricking his eyes.
"What..." Steve whispered before Eddie pushed him backwards. Steve landed heavily on the side of a shelf and slid to the ground, painfully looking back up at the other. Robin quickly ran over to Steve, asking him if he was alright but everything around him went quiet. He could just see the shock on Eddie's face before he ran out of the shop.

Steve sat on the floor, probably with a concussion from hitting the shelf so hard. Robin walked back over to him, kneeling down to his level and frowned.
"I'm sure he didn't mean any of it... he looked a bit out of it y'know" Robin assured as Steve just grunted. Those words went through Steve's head.'Nancy was right' and 'you're bulllshit'. He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself before standing up, walking over to the back to get his things.
"Steve? Are you sure you're well enough to drive?" Robin asked, concerned for her friend. Steve just nodded and messed with his hair a bit, looking in the staff mirror.
"I need to go see if Eddie's okay..." Steve muttered before walking off to the shop door. "Sorry if i'm late tomorrow" Steve said before walking out. Robin just nodded and watched the other walk off to his car.

When Steve got back to Eddie's trailer, he quietly opened the door and turned on the light. Placing his keys and bag on the side, he looked around to see plates left out from where Eddie probably made stuff. A wave of guilt washed over Steve as he realised how much effort Eddie put it to making this the perfect anniversary date ever. Slight panic ran through Steve as he couldn't find the boy already. He quickly made his way to the bedroom to see a curled up Eddie surrounded by a good couple boxes of empty beer bottles. Steve sighed as he picked up the bottles and put them on the kitchen counter, not wanting to deal with them right now. He went back into the bedroom and looked at his lover, tear stained face, curled up into a ball. Steve instantly got onto the bed, hugging Eddie. He didn't change from his work clothes before doing so, he just hugged him tightly mentally forgiving him for the things he did today as if he could read his mind. Steve left a small kiss on the others head before drifting asleep, holding him.


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