Its Okay,Your Okay

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vent chapter!!

If he was honest,Eddie was having a shit day and all he needed was hugs from his boyfriend Steve. All day Eddie had been at band practice and it wasnt going right. The others were being shitty towards him. It really upset him.

Now here he was wrapped up under the covers in Steves room,waiting for him to get home soon. Eddie felt tears prick at his face. Soon enough he heard Steves footsteps running up the stairs. Steve then burst into his room and saw Eddie under the covers.

"Eds,love whats wrong?" he asked softly as he made his way to the scared boy. Eddie just shook his head and reached out for Steve. Who immediately brought him out of the covers and into a hug. "its okay,your okay love" he whispered into Eddies ears whilst running his hands through his hair. Eddie slowly calmed down in Steves arms.

A while after Eddie finally spoke up. "today was to overwhelming" he choked out. Steve held him closer "whys that hun?" he sat up so Eddie could get comfy. "well to begin with, band practice was terrible. Garreth turned up late,Jeff didnt show up at all and they all made fun of me for the song i wrote saying that it wasn't fit for the band" he sobbed into Steves arms.

Steve didnt know what to do,how could have they been so mean to Eddie? He knew that Eddie tried his hardest at band practice due to his ADHD. But hed never think that the boys would be so mean about something hes passionate about.

Steve slowly rocked Eddie to sleep and whispered sweet nothings into his ear.As soon as Eddie fell asleep,Steve laid him down and got into the shower. He cleaned his room and got dressed.He then went downstairs and told his parents what was happening, making sure they didn't make to much noise.

Steve went upstairs and saw Eddie still fast asleep. He kissed his head. He wrapped his arms around Eddies waist to pull him in closer. Steve slowly drifted off to sleep,making sure his hands were holding Eddie close.


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