"I Could See Us Lost In The Memory"

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Eddie's eyes slowly opened as he heard shuffling coming from inside his room. With a light breath he sat up, rubbing his eyes and looking around.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" Steve whispered, looking at the boy on the bed. Eddie just shook his head and crawled over to the end of the bed, hovering over Steve.
"What are you doing?" Eddie asked. Steve smiled and looked up.
"I found these old pictures of us from our first date" He replied, holding up the polaroid pictures in his hand. Eddie chuckled as memories came back to him.
"Remember what we were like when we first met?" Eddie said, taking the picture from his lovers hand to look at it properly. Steve just sighed and hid his face in his hand, embarrassed slightly.
"It all started when—"

Eddie and the rest of Corroded Coffins were getting ready to play the last gig of the month at The Hideout. Garreth peaked out behind the curtain "Its packed out there" he spoke up. Eddie froze in place. "What do you mean,packed?" he was terrified. They normal had a small crowd of 5 drunks,not the whole pub being full "Looks like almost the whole school,even Steve 'The Hair' Harringtons here" Eddie shuddered as he heard the Bartender announce the band would be coming on. They got into position and walked onto stage. "Hello Hideout! are you ready for the best concert ever!!" Eddie spat out like he always did at the start of their gigs. The pub went loud for a few seconds before Eddie started playing Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden.

Steve and his friends came to The Hideout with ill intentions. They knew Eddie's band Corroded Coffin were preforming tonight and they knew they were going to ruin this night for the band by embarrassing them. As the band came on the little group giggled a bit, Steve wanted to join in with it but was instantly caught by Eddie Munson. Their eyes locked for probably a millisecond but Steve felt like everything inside him shut down and when the band started the music he felt a shiver down his spine. Steve's friend nudged him slightly causing Steve to look away from the band and at them.
"Aren't they shit" he chuckled, cringing slightly at the music. Steve just laughed along and nodded ignoring the feeling gnawing inside of him. For the rest of the song, Steve's friends were quietly laughing and shit talking, rehearsing the lines for the things they were going to tell Eddie the next day. Steve on the other hand was struck by Eddie Munsons voice.

After a few laughs and jokes and songs,the concert finally ended. Steve was walking out when he got called back by the Bartender "Look Harrington I dont know what your doing,but laughing at those kids aint funny. their going places.unlike you" He spoke as he looked Steve up and down "Anymore bullying of my Tuesday night entertainment and you and that gang of yours are barred! you hear me boy?" The Bartender spoke with a stern anger in his voice "Yes sir.." Steve spoke with a slight fear in his voice. The Bartender shooed him off and Corroded Coffin started packing up their stuff and taking it outside. They finally got it all into Eddies van,and he started dropping the lads off at their homes. He arrived home finally and went inside,locking the door,plonking onto the sofa and almost crying. "Why did he have to come!!" he screamed. Eddie was falling Head Over Heals for Steve. He had been since Middle School,nobody knew. Nobody but his uncle.

Eddie sighed as he looked up at the ceiling, hoping for some mental support from somewhere. Eddie's mind ran through all the possibilities as to why THE Steve Harrington could've been at his bands gigs but when his mind gave the idea it was to see Eddie he got all flustered. Instantly denying it and trying to come up with a more realistic reason. He would't allow himself to sit in an idea that would never ever be possible. Steve Harrington would never go to one of their gigs without an ulterior motive. Eddie's mind then wondered to something he saw while they were preforming. It was of Steve's friends all laughing at them, probably. A small sigh came from his mouth as his mood instantly dropped again. This crush he had on Steve Harrington was stupid and he knew it was something he needed to get rid of.

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