spirits and bandaids

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(part two of cocktails and bruises)

Eddie continued to look down at his broken lover. He knew exactly what happened due to everything being shouted so clearly. It broke his heart to know that the bouncy energetic Steve Harrington had such a bad home life. As Steve sobbed into Eddie's chest, the other combed his fingers through the boys signature hair and whispered sweet nothings. That moment was when something clicked in Eddie. He realised how much he loved Steve and how much he'd do to protect him to hopefully never see him so sad again.

It took 20 minutes before Steve's sobs were reduced to small sniffles. Eddie had his chin placed on the others head as they were laying down on Steve's bed.
"Eds..." Steve mumbled out.
"yeah?" Eddie replied, moving his head to look at Steve.
"can we go somewhere?" Steve asked as he looked into the others eyes. Eddie looked back, confused as to what he meant.
"anywhere in mind?" Steve shook his head and Eddie let out a small hum before coming to a conclusion.
"I know! let's get out of here and i'll show you" Eddie smiled as he sat up slightly. Steve nodded and looked at his door. There was no way that he would be able to walk out the door with a boy. He winced slightly as future possibilities played in his head. A small frown was placed upon the others face as he watched the state the boy was in. Eddie placed a hand on the others chin, gently forcing the other to turn around to look at him.
"I wont let anything happen to you, okay?" Eddie stated, a serious look on his face which caused Steve to smile. Eddie leaned in, giving Steve a quick kiss before standing off the bed.
"lets get going shall we?" he asked, holding out a hand. Steve, although shaking, took his hand and went towards the door.

Steve took careful steps down the stairs, continuing to hold his boyfriends hand. As they got to the bottom of the stairs, he took quick peaks around the corners before running to the door, opening it quickly and slamming it shut. They walked over to the car and got in it quickly, Eddie sitting at the wheel. When they were finally out of the street, Steve relaxed a bit more, his arm resting on the rolled down window.
"so where is this place you want to show me?" Steve asked, looking out of the window to try figure it out.
"if I told you that would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it?" Eddie teased as he gave quick glances to Steve. The other let out a chuckle.

After a ten minute car drive, they arrived at the place. It was a pretty big lake surrounded by overgrown forest. It was peaceful. Eddie got out of the car, going towards the trunk and grabbing a backpack before shutting it and walking towards Steve who was still sitting in the car, admiring the surrounding. Eddie leaned on the open window and looked at his lover.
"do you wanna know the best distraction from shitty parents?" Eddie asked, catching Steves attention. Steve just hummed in response, now staring at Eddie.
"usually i'd say weed but I think this is more suitable" he said while holding up a bag full of spirits. "it's mainly just vodka but I keep a bag of things I stole from Wayne," Eddie admitted. Steve rolled his eyes but quickly got out of the car, knowing this was a well needed distraction.

They walked over towards the lake, sitting just beside it. Steve was still in awe with how amazing the place looked causing Eddie to just chuckle. Grabbing the backpack, Eddie starting taking out the multiple bottles of vodka and placed them on an area in front of them. Steve without rethinking his actions, grabbed one of the bottles, opened it and starting chugging it causing Eddie to snatch the bottle off of him.
"and what do you think you're doing?" Eddie asked, looking at his boyfriend.
"I just really need a distraction..." Steve mumbled, looking back at Eddie and reaching for the bottle. Eddie sighed and gave it back to him, knowing either way he was definitely gonna get hammered.

After an hour of drinking, Eddie grabbed a small box with a few first aid items. Grabbing a bandaid, he looked at Steve, placing his hand on the others chin so they could face each other.
"Eddie what are you doing?" Steve slurred as he put down the bottle that was just by his lips. Eddie placed the bandaid on Steves cheek and smiled.
"you had a cut on your cheek, just put a bandaid on it" he replied. Steve softly smiled as he moved closer to his lover, leaning his head on the others shoulder, slowly beginning to fall asleep.
"I love you Eds" Steve whispered.
"I love you too Harrington" Eddie smiled as he responded, leaving a kiss on the others head.


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