Birthday Gifts? (p2)

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They were finally taking off in their flight to Albuquerque. Eddie was squeezing Steves hand really tight,if he was honest. He was shit scared of planes. Yet he didnt tell Steve,he didnt know how to. They were a 4th into their trip when Steve noticed Eddie was shaking. "Hey,Eds you okay darling?"

Eddie just nodded his head and smiled, shaking still. Steve frowned as he looked at his lover, finally realising how tightly the other was squeezing his hand. A soft chuckle came from his mouth.
"are you scared of planes, Eds?" Steve asked in a playful tone. Eddie just rolled his eyes and looked away from him.
"yeah..." He replied quietly, "sorry..."
Steve starts rubbing his thumb on the others hand as he sat back into his seat, smiling softly.
"no it's okay, i'm sorry for making fun of you it's just cute."

Eddie slowly let go of Steves hand a bit,he wanted the boy to be able to actually feel his hand. He let go a few minutes after and started searching his bag for his walkman. "what you lookin for hun?" Steve asked the long haired boy "my walkman,need to shut the sound out." he replied. Steve took the bag and helped him look.He eventually it and asked Eddie which tape he wanted playing,it didn't surprise Steve when the boy asked for Master of Puppets by Metallica. He inserted the tape and placed the headphones on Eddies ears,who slowly settled down.Yet he grabbed Steves hand again,wanting to feel the warmth and safeness of the boy besides him.

After what felt like forever, the plane finally landed. Steve quickly tapped his lover beside him to tell him they've landed and Eddies face quickly lit up. Mainly because it means they're gonna get off the plane but also because it means they're closer to seeing Metallica. Eddie quickly hides his walkman back into his bag and stands up out of his seat, following Steve. He had a bounce in his step, visibly excited.

When they entered the airport to collect their stuff, Steve made sure he had a firm grip on Eddies hand,not wanting to loose the boy in a big crowd like this. As soon as they collected their luggage they went outside and waited for a cab to come and take them to their hotel. When a cab big enough pulled up,they called it over and it took them to their hotel. Steve could see how excited Eddie was,because now they were just hours away from seeing Metallica.

All the way the way to the hotel, in the cab and walking into the hotel, Steve held onto Eddie as if he were going to loose him if he let go. And to also try contain Eddies visible excitement. Eddie was bouncing up and down from the balls of his feet and messing with Steves fingers when possible. As soon as they got into the hotel, they checked into their room. Steve finally started relaxing as they were walking to it.

As soon as they got into the hotel room,Eddie jumped about with a big smile on his face. Ever since his uncle introduced him to Metallica,hes wanted to see them live.Now here he is,getting prepared to go and see them. He got tired after a while so Steve let him go to sleep. Whilst Eddie slept,Steve showered and got them matching outfits out. Whilst he didnt like Metallica,he would do anything to make Eddie happy. After he got dressed he woke the boy up "hey,hey,Eds,cmon love. you need to shower and get dressed" he whispered gently to the boy who started waking up. He saw Steves outfit and his face lit up even more "no way!!! you got a Metallica shirt!!!!" Steve smiled at the boys happiness "go get a shower and then get dressed love,trust me your gonna love this" Eddie did as Steve said and came back 30 minutes after.

Eddie walked back into the room, a massive grin on his face. He was holding the t-shirt from the bottom, looking down at it. He looked back up at Steve who was laying on the bed, his eyes slightly shut. Eddie ran over, jumping onto Steve and giving him a long kiss on the cheek.
"you got us matching t-shirts!" Eddie smiled as he kissed his cheek again. Steve who was now fully awake again, slightly in shock from the suddenty of Eddie, chuckled at his lover.
"do you think they'll notice us?" Steve asked jokingly. Eddie laughed and rolled off of him, now laying beside Steve.
"that'd be sick" Eddie mumbled.

Before they knew it,the time had come. They walked hand in hand to the stadium whilst steve hid a sign in his pocket with a ring. He was planning to propose to Eddie tonight. Eddie kissed the boys cheek before they entered and showed their tickets. Steve had gotten them as close to the stage as he could so the boys could see the sign. After a few minutes of everyone getting to their seats,the band entered onto stage. Steve looked over at Eddie and the boy was just focused on the show. "you enjoying it love?" Steve asked half way through,Eddie smiled at him "yes!". It was getting close to the half way mark,when the band started talking and appreciating the fans for coming out. The lead singer,James Hetfield,suspiciously walked over to Steve and Eddie,saw Steves sign and read it out.

As Hetfield read out the sign, he winked at Steve to show he read it and walked to his bandmates quickly. Just short of a minute later, he went back to the front of the stage.
"can Eddie Munson come onto stage, please?" he spoke into the microphone. Eddie looked at Steve, his smile wide but also mixed with shock. Letting go of Steves hand, he quickly made his way over to the security guard who was there to escort him onto stage. Steve, during this, was quietly running to the opposite side of the stage so he could prepare to do his thing. James smiled as he watched the boy practically bounce his way onto the stage, grabbing his arm to try calm him down. The other tried making sense of everything in his brain, the excitement, confusion, and shock taking over his brain.
"Hi there" James said, stalling slightly.
"Hi" Eddie whispered back, trying to hide his already visible excitement. No way did Eddie ever think he'd get this close to a Metallica member ever. Especially THE James Hetfield.
"So uh," Hetfield started, looking at the crowd and then back at Eddie, "Someone has something special to tell you" he finishes and moves to the side, revealing Steve who was kneeling on one knee and a box sitting in one hand. Eddie stood there confused, before realising what was happening. Instantly after, putting a hand over his mouth in shock. Steve quickly cleared his throat and mentally went over everything in his mind.
"Eddie Munson, ever since I met you I knew you were perfect. I knew you were the man I wanted to spend the rest of my days with until the end. Whenever I thought about someone else living the rest of their lives with you I broke down a bit inside..., so..," Steve cleared his throat one more time and opened the box, revealing a silver ring with a vivid black diamond in the middle, decorated by smaller silver decals. "what i'm trying to say is... Eddie Munson, will you marry me?"
Eddie stood there in shock, tears pricking at his eyes. A smile fell onto his face as he nodded.
"Yes..." he whispered.

Steve got up and placed the ring on Eddies finger before engulfing the boy into a hug,then kissing him. He had waited for this moment for so long. After a while of getting applauded by the audience, the boys were escorted back into the crowd. Eddies face was even more red than it was before the whole engagement. He never thought this would happen to him. Hed spent so many years alone until Steve came along and showed him true love. What he has always needed and wanted. He and Steve were an odd pair, a metalhead with a mom figure to a bunch of children. But Eddie wouldn't have Steve any other way. He loved the boy so much. Eventually the concert ended and they went to meet the band(again). Even if it was just a 5 minute private chat,it made Eddies day even better. First he found out his boyfriend got them matching t-shirts,then he found out they were seated closest to the stage,then Steve proposed and now they were going to actually meet the band! Eddies smile was dying down as he saw how close they were to the front of the queue. His grip on Steves hand tightened which made Steve panic slightly "Eds its gonna be okay,im here" he whispered to the panicking boy as they entered the room to talk with the band. They sat down and Steve saw Eddie shake lightly "Ed love, its okay." he whispered. They spoke with the band and before they got up, the boys congratulated them on getting engaged,Eddies face lit up even more.

When they left the room and made their way to the front of the venue, Eddie started bouncing on the balls of his feet again, all the rest of his excitement flowing through him. Steve chuckled as he watched his now fiancé lovingly.  They quickly caught a cab and went back to their hotel. As they arrived back into their room, Eddie quickly jumped onto the bed, waving his legs up and down. Steve sat beside the other on the bed, smiling. '
"HOW DID WE MANAGE TO SEE METALLICA, TALK TO METALLICA AND GET ENGAGED IN ONE DAY?" Eddie shouted into his pillow before turning to his lover. "how did you manage to make this day so perfect, Stevie?" Eddie asked, now leaning on his side. Steve just shrugged.
"I guess i'm just the best fiancé ever" Steve whispered with a smug look on his face.
"fiancé..." Eddie repeated, "I still can't believe it" Steve just chuckled in reply and grabbed the other, engulfing him in a tight hug.
"I love you Eds"
"I love you too"

- T+R

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