Remember Cuddles In The Kitchen?

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Steve was staying at Robins house for a few days whilst Eddies trailer was being cleared out so it could be sold to him. A few days ago,Eddie had died in the upside down due to bat bits and ever since Steve hadn't been the same.

Now here he was,on his best friends bed listening to her tapes waiting for the pizza they ordered. One of the tapes that came on was Mardy Bum by Artic Monkeys. It was Steve and Eddies song,but Robin didnt know and he didnt want to change the tape,he knew she loved this song so much,and has since it came out.

Instead he just sat there crying,waiting for the song to end. It didnt help when it got to those lines he and Eddie loved the most. "remember cuddles in the kitchen. Yeah,to get things off the ground. And it was up,up and away. Oh,but it's right hard to remember that oh on a day like today when you're all argumentative and you've got the face on" He full on broke down at this point.

Luckily Robin had just entered the room,but what she saw wasnt lucky. She saw her bestest friend,curled up in a ball crying his eyes out. She rushed to sit next to him before asking "Steve,whats wrong?". He looked up and saw her next to him,a worried look on his face "This was mine and Eddies song" he choked out through sobs.

She got up and turned the song off immediately "Im so sorry Steve,if I had of known I wouldn't of played it" she rushed out whilst hugging him. "Its okay Rob,I didnt wanna be an ass and make you turn of your favourite song." he mumbled the last part but she still heard it. "Steve,dont say that. I dont care if its my favourite song,i would of turned it off" She replied before getting up and changing the song "So,to brighten the mood,shall we listen to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper or Bo-Rhap by Queen?" she asked him.

He gave her the stare before saying "You know im going to say Queen right?" She giggled and nodded,taking out one tape and putting in the other. They then belted out the rest of A Night At The Opera by Queen,Robin getting up to skip the sad songs so Steve didnt cry his eyes out. Eventually their pizza came and Steve went to collect it. He came back up and saw no sight of Robin,until she walked back into the room "Whered you go Rob?" he asked her. She had a cheeky grin on her face "I got rid of the Mardy Bum tape. Im not having that if its gonna upset you" He smiled as she spoke.

They sat down on her bed and ate the pizza,watching something random that was on Tv. Even if Steve was upset,Robin always knew how to make him happy or calm him down. Or maybe sometimes its both. Even if they dont say it,the other is always glad to know the other. If Steve hadnt helped Robin that one day at Scoops last summer when she was over stimulated,they wouldn't be here on her bed eating pizza.


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