Overcoming Fears Removes Your Tears

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Here he was,sat with his crushes best friend about to confess to her about loving her best friend. Eddie wasnt the type to tell people he liked Steve,especially not Robin Buckley. But here he was in her room,confessing that he likes Steve.

"Rob,thanks for letting me talk to you about this. most people dont and i feel like i can trust you"He spoke to break the silence"Your welcome Eds" she responded to the boy who was clearly shaking.

"so,what is it you wanted to tell me?" she asked. Here it was,the age old question of what do you need to tell me. Eddie was shaking,how would he confess that he liked Steve?? "I wanted to tell you that....erm....i like Steve...." he stuttered out and looked down. Her face lit up "omg Eds thats amazing!" she smiled at the brunette boy who looked confused.

"how?" he asked her,being confused on why Robin said its amazing. "Well,Mr Steve likes you back,he told me himself" she responded to the boy,who jumped up and jumped for about 2 minutes before sitting down and apologising.

Robin looked at him and smiled "so? what are you waiting for Eddie, go get your man!" she giggled as she started pushing Eddie downstairs and to his van"take me though,i need to be there incase he needs comfort or you do" she giggled and got in the passengers seat.

They got to Steves house and Eddie knocked on the door,it swung open immediately"Munson!" Steve smiled at the boy "Harrington!" Eddie smiled back and they hugged before Steve noticed Robin "oh hey Rob" he said before letting them enter the house. "So,whats up? why have my two favourite people come to see me?" He asked without noticing one of them was shaking.

"Well," Eddie started to speak "Steve,ever since I met you,I knew you were the one for me. from the first day we started hanging out up until now. I knew that you were meant for me. Ive sobbed into my pillow hearing about you and the bitchy girls and how they treat you. So i wondered if you want to be my boyfriend?"

He finally finished before Steve looked at him and smiled "Oh Eddie,id love to be your boyfriend!" He smiled and hugged his boyfriend,Robin stood there and waited for them to pull apart. As soon as they pulled apart,Steve went to get Eddie something. Eddie turned to Robin,he had a massive grin on his face and was blushing "See Eds, overcoming your fears removes your tears"


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