Birthday Gifts? (p1)

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Steve was anxious.Eddies birthday was today and he was scared what he got the boy wasnt enough at all,yes he got him new guitar pics and stuff he needed. But he also got his lover something hes wanted for years. Tickets to a Metallica concert,now if you ask Steve,all Eddie listens to is Metallica. He anxiously waited for the boy to get up so he could give him the gifts.

It wasn't long before Eddie woke up. Steve silently panicked as he heard movement coming from Eddie's room. His pacing around the others 'living room' suddenly coming to a holt as he started practicing how we was going to tell Eddie in his head. As he was too busy muttering to himself, he didn't notice the sudden presence in the room.
"are you okay?" Eddie asked, staring at his boyfriend. "hey? Steve?"
Steve looked up, eyes locked with Eddies. He just nodded and mentally prepared himself.

Steve sat on the couch and patted the space next to him,indicating that Eddie should join him. He handed the older a box which read 'Happy Birthday Love'. Eddie looked at Steve and smiled "birthday gifts? for me?".Steve nodded and kissed the boys cheek "open it!" he giggled. Eddie opened the box and saw each gift was surrounded by polaroids of them. He almost teared up as he saw how much effort Steve had put into this. He started opening the gifts from where it said 'Start Here!'. His first gift was some new guitar pics,the second one was Master Of Puppets by Metallica on cassette tape,which Eddie has wanted since it came out,the 3rd one was new film for his polaroid and the 4th one was just sat there in an envelope. Eddie lifted it up and before he opened it,Steve finally broke the silence "When you open this love,i hope you realise how much and how much i truly love you" Eddie opened it and saw the words hes always wanted to see in big bold letters 'TICKETS TO METALLICAS DAMAGE INC. TOUR"

Eddie's eyes lit up and a massive smile was planted on his face. With no thought, he sprung himself on his boyfriend, falling back onto the couch and hugged him tightly, leaving kisses on his cheek. Steve laughed as he hugged the other back.
"I'm guessing you like it?" Steve asked, playing with his lovers hair.
"yes! yes! yes! yes!" Eddie shouted at him, excitement evident in his voice. "I love it! I love you! thank you so much Stevie!" Eddie broke the hug, now looking at him from above. Steve moved his hands down to the others back as they stared at each other lovingly. Tears pricking out of Eddie's eyes due to how happy he was. Steve chuckled, wiping the tears from his eyes. Eddie softly put his hand over Steve's and leaned in to him. Leaving a loving kiss on his lips.

Steve blushed after they pulled away from the kiss,Eddie hugged him once more before Steve got up "theres just one more thing love". Eddie waited whilst Steve ran into their room and came back with two lanyards "read what it says hun" he spoke as he handed one to Eddie. His boyfriends face lit up as he read the lanyards "you got us vip passes!!!" he giggled as he tackled Steve to the couch again. Steve giggled and kissed Eddies cheek,noticing the boy was blushing even more "happy birthday Eds" he smiled at the boy
"thanks Stevie"


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