cocktails and brusies.

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Muted yellow poured out of the dimmed lightbulbs and onto the two boys as they stared at each other lovingly. A cocktail in both of their hands. They were in Eddie's caravan for their weekly date. Usually they sit down and watch a movie or two but today they decided to take a more romantic turn and have a fancy meal; fancy meal meaning anything but a microwaved meal. 'Our Last Summer' by Abba playing in the background upon Steves request. Eddie thought it was something he would let slide since every movie night they watched movies Eddie picked.

"Steve..," Eddie said, breaking the silence. Steve just humming in response. "Wayne's going to be back soon.." Steve frowned as he realised what that meant. Eddie hadn't told Wayne about their relationship yet and probably wasn't going to anytime soon. Steve stood up from his spot on the couch and sipped the remaining cocktail from his glass.

"Theres no rush" Eddie laughed, seeing Steve so suddenly stressed. He watched as his lover took the plates and glasses into the sink and quickly cleaning them.
"But what if Wayne comes in and see's this... i'm just being careful, okay?" he replied with a quickened tone. Eddie chuckled once more before walking over to his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around the others waist and placed kisses on his neck.

"Eds.." Steve smiled as his hands held the others. He turned around to look at Eddie, the other still holding onto him but now his waist. "Eddie we should get going" Steve whispered due to their closeness.
"But why when we could just stand here" Eddie whispered back, leaning in a bit to the point their noses were almost touching. Their lips then connecting, Steve draped his arms over his boyfriends shoulders to pull them together a bit more. Once they broke the kiss, they stared at each other for a moment before Steve spoke again.
"Let's go Munson" earning a sigh from the other. Steve just chuckled and grabbed Eddies hand, basically dragging him out of his trailer and to the car. They promptly got in the car, now on the way to Steves house. Steves parents are never usually there so it's the main spot for Eddie and Steves little dates.
"Maybe we can continue what we started back at your house" Eddie suggested, a smirk on his face as he looked at Steve. Steve just sat there with a blush on his face.
"Yeah yeah.." Steve mumbled in a response. They both had a massive grin on their faces all the way to Steves house.

As soon as they arrived, they quickly got out of the car and headed straight towards the door. Steve fumbled as he unlocked it. Shortly after the door opening, Steve dragged Eddie inside and pushed him against the wall.
"I like this side of you, Harrington."
"Oh shut up" They both laughed before they joined lips again, Eddie wrapping his hands up in Steves luscious hair. He broke the kiss and lightly pushed Steve off of him gaining a small confused look from the other.
"I don't like being pinned against a wall" Steve scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully.
"I'm sorry princess" Steve said before Eddie grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs to his bedroom, opening the door and pushing his lover onto the bed. Steve smirked at the others suddenty. Before anything could proceed, another car could be heard pulling into the drive way. Steves face instantly dropped and he stood up from the bed. He looked at Eddie who was confused and held his hand.
"Stay here.. i'll be right back. Okay?" Steve whispered and left the room before Eddie could say anything.

Steve walked down the stairs to see the door being opened. He watched as his parents made their monthly visit to the house. His legs shook slightly as he stood at the bottom of the stairs to greet his parents. His mother turned towards Steve and smiled slightly before walking past him. His father doing nothing but ignoring him. His mind perked at an idea so he took this probably once in a life time opportunity to try it.
"Mom.., Dad" Steve said, catching his parents attention as they turned to look at him. "Can I.., uhm.., can I tell you something..?" slight regret jabbed into Steves throat as he spoke.
"Yes sweetie, what's up?" His mother said, walking towards him slightly.
"I.. uh.. I'm dating someone" He said as he forced a smile onto his face.
"That's great! Who's the lucky girl?" She asked, a big smile on her face for her son.
"It's actually a boy.." Steve mumbled, catching the attention of his father.
"What did you say?" His father asked as he walked towards Steve slowly.
"I'm... I'm dating a boy... I'm bisexual!" Steve said louder this time and with proudness in his voice. His father gritted his teeth as he slapped his son. Steve held onto his cheek as he looked back towards his father.
"Not in this house you're not! My son is not gonna go around kissing boys!" His father shouted at him causing Steve to wince a bit. "My son is not a f^ggot!!" Steve clenched his fist before punching his father. The word that disgusted him. His father now angrier than before grabbed Steve by the collar of his shirt. "You stupid boy." He said causing Steve to just spit in his face. He hated his father and although usually scared of him, the anger that streamed through his blood overtook it. Steves father wiped the spit off of his face and sent a punch towards his sons face, causing him to fall to the floor. "You're out this house by tomorrow. I never want to see your disgusting face again. You're lucky I didn't end you." His father said as he crouched down to Steve, fear finally setting into him. Steve stood up within an instant and ran back upstairs to meet a saddened Eddie.

"Steve..." Eddie whispered as he watched Steve walk into the room. Tears we're pricking at Eddies eyes as he saw how bruised his face looked. "" Eddie said as he walked towards his lover who was now sitting on the bed. He sat next to him and looked at him. "Look at me.." He whispered to him, Steve looked at him, tears now pouring out of his eyes. The other pulled him into a hug and shushed him, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. Eddie laid him down, Steve now had his head in Eddies chest getting tears all over the others band t-shirt. Eddie didn't mind though. He loved Steve, and the other knew that.


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