Im Here Eds,Im Here

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will use ☆ at start and end of tw!

Eddie Munson wasnt your average boy. He had 2 secrets,one was he was gay and the other was that his boyfriend was Steve Harrington. It wasnt unusual to see Eddie alone,but it was unusual to see him with Steve,most people spread rumors about them. Especially Jason Carver.

He was just walking to class when he was dragged into the bathrooms "What the fu-" before he could finish his scentence the whole basket ball team showed up. They circled around Eddie and threw things at him. Eddie was terrified,he hadn't had this happen to him before. He needed to think,and fast.

Before he knew it,Eddie was being beat up. The boys laughed at him,whilst Jason threw punches at him. Some even screamed at Jason to go harder,and he obeyed. Eddie was soon on the floor,bleeding and crying. "Fucking fag cant even defend himself!" Jason laughed. He pulled up Eddies shirt,pulled out his knife and started to carve the godforsaken word into Eddies stomach. They finally finished and just left Eddie there,bleeding out,Jason didnt think anyone would go help him.

Eddie was sobbing,he was using his jacket to apply pressure,he didnt care if he ruined his jacket,he needed to stop it bleeding. Before he knew it,someone came into the bathroom,but not just someone. It was Jonathan Byers. His face was terrified. Eddie thought he was gonna continue what Jason started but instead he rushed to his side "Who the fuck did this?" He asked in a panic,pulling out his phone to ring Nancy,to tell her to send Steve to the male bathrooms near the music room. "J-jason did.." Eddie coughed up. He was loosing alot of blood.

Soon enough Steve came,with the nurse. Eddie reached out for Steve. Who rushed to his boyfriends side. "Its okay Eds,im here" he whispered into Eddies ear as the nurse patched him up. The nurse gave them permission to go home. Whilst that happened,Nancy had gone to the principal and explained what happened. Jason had gotton suspended for a week and Eddie had gotten permission to stay home till it healed, Steve was going to stay either way.

They soon arrived at Eddies trailer. Steve asked what happened. Eddie explained whilst crying that Jason and the Basketball team had beaten the shit out of him,making sure to mention that Lucas took no part in this. Steve held Eddie close,wiping the boys tears. He now had another grudge against Jason. Not only had be been mean to Eddie due to the drug deal with Chrissy,he had now hurt the boy.

Steve stayed with Eddie the whole night. Helping him get to bed and whispering sweet nothings to him till he fell asleep. He smiled down at the boy he held in his arms,wishing he could one day take his place. Steve didnt want Eddie to go through this. He wanted to take the suffering away from Eddie and experience it himself,whilst also beating the shit out of Jason himself.


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