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"You're kidding right? This-this is a joke, isn't it? This cannot be be real, it's not real" my words came out in quick succession, rambling was more like it

"Ami, I know this is shocking for you but we are very serious" Namjoon said, laying his hand on top of mine, letting his thumb caress my knuckles softly.

"So..." words failed me as I tried to process what they were asking of me. I was being propositioned to be the stress relief for all seven members of the world's biggest male idol group. They were literally asking me to be their secret sex slave "Why?"

The question was simple yet none of them seemed prepared for it. Did they think I'd be so excited or blinded by their celebrity that I would sign without pause?

Have I ever fantasized about one or two, a few... okay all of them? Sure. Have I ever pictured myself in a relationship with them? Absolutely. I even imagined a specific someone while taking care of myself before, but it's one thing to be a hoe in my delusional state of mind and another to be one in real life. I couldn't believe what I was presented with, was it because I was foreign? Because I am black? Because lots of Asian men see black women as objects of sexual desire only?


I may not know them on a personal level but I know in my heart they aren't like that. They're good guys and probably feel like this is the only way to have a piece of a romantic-ish relationship. However, I am a bit flattered that they all agree that I'm attractive enough to fuck at least. It's weird that I'm not that offended, right? I should be outraged and ready to fight but I'm kind of curious... I've always wondered who has the biggest d-


"Huh? What?" I jumped at being pulled from thoughts. Good thing too, I was about to spiral

"I'm not sure if this is a good answer but it's the truth; you are not the first woman who has seen this contract. Five before you have signed but only two fulfilled it, two caught feelings knowing we would never feel the same and made a mess of things, and the last one tried to extort us for money." Namjoon explained, which earned a slight frown from my lips. "The reason this contract was ever drawn up was to keep us out of serious trouble but being realistic as we are young men with needs and urges. So, Bang-PD along with our manager put this together for us. In the past we let them find us a girl and we'd, more or less, agree on her after an interview but from past experiences we decided to choose our own noona-"

"Noona?" I questioned. Like an older sister?

"Uhh, yeah, it's always a woman older than most of us, the eldest was the same age as Yoongi-hyung" Hoseok said, speaking for the first time.

"We know this is crazy but would you at least think about it before giving us an answer?" Jin added

I looked down at the papers in front of me, flipping through them. I must be truly losing my mind to even remotely consider wanting to sign it. Okay, let's think for a moment about the pros (?) and cons (!) of signing:

2. They are famous as fuck!
3. This could go horribly, terribly wrong
4. What if I get pregnant?
5. What if I catch feelings?
   a. Never mind, I won't. I can't.
6. What if they catch feelings
   a. HA! As if.
7. I have to leave the country in 4 months.
8. I'm risking a lot.
9. They're risking everything.

1. BITCH ITS BT-motherfucking-S!
2. They all fine as fuck!
3. This could be a lot of fun
4. I'm old enough to enforce safe, protected sex
5. I am a freak on the low.
   a. Could be the perfect opportunity to express myself. Famous people are always super freaky
6. I have to leave the country in 4 months so no strings would be attached. I could get my back cracked on a regular basis then bounce.

Damn it, the cons outweigh the pros. I should probably say something at this point they're going to think I'm a total weirdo.

"I don't know, this is so... unexpected and honestly, a strange way approach to a stranger. You guys don't know me, I could be a lunatic, and despite following your career since 2014, I don't know you as individuals. How would this even work, I sleep with one of you each day of the week? That sounds tiresome besides I have a job already, at least for the next four months then I'm going back to the states" the words stumbling from my lips as I looked around the table

"You're here on a work visa" Taehyung said rhetorically, as if he just now understood what I was doing in South Korea in the first place

"But we could still have four amazing months together if you sign the contract. We'll get it amended, just give it more thought" Hoseok's normally bright smile was dim "And you're not a lunatic, you could have sold us out the night you met RM but you didn't. I know we can trust you"

"Thanks. Look, I promise I will think about it but please don't get your hopes up" I agreed, closing the leather folder "Do you have the NDA for me to sign? I should get going" just then a frightening roar of thunder rumbled in the sky followed by a bright crack of lightning.

Jungkook curled into Yoongi's side, Hoseok covered his ears after nearly jumping out of his skin and Jin moved from sitting in front of the window. I couldn't help smiling at their reactions, they were cute. This time Namjoon got up and retrieved the documents.

"You need to sign here and here," he pointed on the colored coded tabs "then initial here, here and here" I skimmed over the words then scribbled my full name and initials where I was told

"I will call the car for you then" Jimin volunteered as we all stood up

"Thanks" I pulled my coat back on, settled my purse across my body and wrapped my scarf over my head. It wasn't going to do much to protect my hair but it was something.

"Thank you anyway for at least meeting with us. I knew it was a long shot but it was nice to meet you Ami-Noona" Jungkook spoke to me for the first time since greeting me "I hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Korea" he big brown eyes were sad

Awwww. How am I saying no to that adorable face? Cause they want you to be a living sex doll for them.

Right, that's why... and that's bad because?


Oh good lord, maybe I am going crazy. I'm internally scolding myself.

I walked with the group to the common area where six of them broke off after saying goodbye to me and wishing me well. I admit I was starting to feel sad too, I felt like once I left their house I wouldn't be talking to RM anymore and the next time I saw them would be on a screen. He gestured for me to go first towards the door and he was close behind, I could smell his cologne, it was fragrant but subtle; I liked it. I could now hear the rain falling outside, it was pouring down and thunder still rumbled in the distance.

I bent down to put on my shoes when a hard, loud knock rapped on the door, jolting me upright "That must be the driver" he said opening the door

"Namjoon-ssi, I'm sorry but we can't go anywhere right now. The roads are already flooding and cars are getting stuck. It would not be wise to try driving in these conditions" the man explained. He was wearing a raincoat and holding an umbrella but was getting soaked anyway. I stepped into view

"So I can't go home?"

"Not right now, if the conditions clear up at all tonight I'll come back for you but right now it is not safe"

"Thank you Dex, be safe" the driver nodded, carefully running to the black sedan. Namjoon closed the door, the chirp telling us it locked, and leaned against it

"Hopefully the rain will slow down soon and you'll be home before the night is over" he said looking at the floor, kicking at nonexistent dust

"I guess we'll see" I sighed removing my shoes once again then my coat and scarf followed. The tall, lean man took my outerwear, motioning for me to follow him as he hung them in a nearby closet.

💙Lola's Note: What do you think Ami should do? Would you sign it?

Don't get comfortable thinking this version will be tame, it will not.

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