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Everyday felt like it was passing by painfully slow. I was super anxious to get back to the members, specifically Jin, I had all kinds of wild thoughts running through my mind about what a night with him would be like.

Monday was torturous, all of my assignments took forever to complete and I couldn't even pass the time by chatting with my guys. They were all pretty busy so their messages were inconsistent but I knew this would be the majority of my conversations with them. When Thursday finally arrived I was literally jumping for joy.

The morning portion of my shift lasted a thousand hours, obviously not for real but it certainly took its time moving along. I decided to go out for lunch, I needed the fresh(ish) air and natural light plus it was a beautiful day, chilly but nice. I walked to a kimbap shop that was across the street, seeing some of my coworkers and other people that worked in my building as well. I waved to the people I knew and sat in the open seat at their table at their offering.

"Hello everyone. Two please" I shout to the owner and she responds with a bow of her head.

"Ami-ssi, are you staying over tonight? Afterwards we're going for drinks later" Baek-min asked, his eyes were big with hope it almost made me feel bad to have to turn them down.

"Sorry Baek-min, I already have plans for after work but maybe next time" I politely declined the invite. I've hung out with these guys before and it was fun, I try not to make it a habit but they know how to have a good time.

I wished the women I worked with were as nice to me and accepting , most of them barely speak when I say good morning or bye. I know some were prejudiced and others were jealous of how well I got along with most of the males we worked with. It used to upset me to tears that they didn't want to associate with me but now I can ignore them and feel nothing about it. I'm fucking awesome and if they can't see that then it's their loss.

"What plans? You don't have a boyfriend" Seungjae said, making my mouth fall open. It was rare when I didn't have a quick and witty come back to their teasing. The other two mean the table laughed at my speechlessness.

"For your information I do have a boyfriend, you jerk" I quip , shooting the wrapper of my straw at his face.

"You imagination is fascinating"

"Don't be jealous of me because the only woman that wants to go out with you is your mother"

"Oooohhhh" all the guys erupted loudly at his expense. I dropped my imaginary microphone and laughed along with them.

"Jokes on you cause my mom is lovely and a great person to hang out with," Seungjae retorted with a smug smile.

"Keep telling yourself that, mama's boy" I rolled my eyes.

We finished lunch together and headed back to work. About 30 minutes into the afternoon I heard surprising gasps and murmurs so I stood up in my cubicle to see what all the buzz was about, only to see 3 delivery men coming my way. Each of them carried a gigantic arrangement of flowers in a cube vase, the first was a soft and pretty rose arrangement, the second was a colorful and vibrant mix of chrysanthemums and the last was a triad of calla lilies. I was truly surprised when they asked for me by name and placed the bouquets on my desk.

"Oh my god! Umm thank you" I was able to say that much as I was left almost speechless for the second time in the same day. Everyone tried to crowd around my desk to see who they were from but I already knew.

"Desperate to prove you have a boyfriend I see" Seunjgae's smart-ass snorted, standing beside me with his arms crossed over his chest "Sending yourself this many flowers is nuts"

"Go away Oedipus" I said without looking at him. I got a few chuckles from the people in the crowd.

"What is going on over here? Why aren't you all working" SiWoo's voice boomed causing everyone to disperse. When they did he saw what caused the commotion "Flowers." He said flatly, I stifled a giggle because I knew he was expecting something more.

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