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It was early when I woke up being spooned by Taehyung since I slept comfortably in his bed the night before. He remained sound asleep as I slipped from his body heat to run to the restroom and relieve myself. When I finished, I got my toothbrush and toothpaste from my bag, took a fresh towel from the tower of clean folded and locked myself in the bathroom to get cleaned up. Afterwards, I got dressed in a pair of basic black leggings, my favorite t-shirt, which was a very old and mostly faded concert shirt I got from a Lil Bow Wow concert when I was in middle school, and a pair of cozy socks decorated with smiling pizzas; I will be comfortable if nothing else.

Once I was dressed, I spritzed a healthy dose of my favorite basic bitch body spray, Love Spell, and went downstairs to see if anyone was awake. I was surprised to see Jin was up playing a Mario video game with only the warm glow of a floor lamp as his company.

"Good morning, Jin" I waved at him.

"Morning Noona, you're up pretty early, is everything okay?" He greeted me.

"Yes, everything is fine. I just couldn't sleep any longer and I was about to say the same to you."

He tapped the couch next to him inviting me to sit down with him. "I'm typically one of the first people to wake up unless I am dead tired. Also, I like being able to play my games in peace and quiet, don't get this," he said gesturing to the solitude of early morning "very often so I take advantage when I do."

"That makes sense. How long have you been up? Have you eaten yet? I am starving" Jin shook his head without taking his eyes off of the game in play.

"Not really, I sliced up a mango and drank some water so I can definitely eat."

"If you don't mind a mostly American style breakfast I will cook."

"Not at all, knock yourself out" with that I went into the kitchen to see what I had to work with. I pulled out eggs, bacon, potatoes, veggies and found a box of pancake mix and got busy.

While the bacon was cooking in the oven, I made up the pancake mix, adding a pinch of sugar and a splash of vanilla because I like mine a little sweet. I set the batter aside and cracked the eggs then cut up some onions and spinach that I planned on scrambling with my eggs. I went on to wash and cube some potatoes then boil them to soften before pan frying them in butter and oil.

Knowing Jin was (sadly) allergic to potatoes and garlic I cooked those last to avoid contaminating any of the other foods. I moved about the kitchen in my zone, never noticing I had an audience  watching me. By the time I was done everyone except Taehyung and Jimin had woken up and found their way into the kitchen.

"Good morning, guys" I greeted them with a warm smile, lifting the last four pancakes from the griddle onto a plate. The uneven circles stacked on top of each other were nice and fluffy with crispy edges, just the way I liked them.

"Morning babydoll, you made all of this by yourself?" Namjoon asked with his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. His voice still had its morning bass and that scratched an itch I didn't notice. Why do I find him sexy even when he looks crazy with bed head?

"Yeah, I made plenty just in case any of you wanted to partake. I know you don't normally eat like this, but I was craving it and Jin said I could."

"This looks delicious, you won't hear me complaining" Jungkook licked his lips as his eyes roamed the hot foods covering the stove and countertops. He took a stack of plates from the cabinet and took the top one for himself. "Thank you noona"

"You're welcome" he placed a chaste kiss on my cheek making me blush. I picked up a plate for myself, but had it taken from me by the man behind me, turning I saw Hoseok smiling down at me.

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