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I arrived at HYBE, nervous. For some reason I was expecting there to be a problem with my badge or someone not believing that I was allowed inside the facility but everything was smooth. I followed the instructions the front desk personnel and Namjoon had given me and found the dance studio they were scheduled to be in when I arrived. Cautiously I walked down the hallway hoping none of them would suddenly come out and catch me trying to surprise them. Instead, I crossed paths with Sejin, both of us stopped mid step and stared at the other person, coldly.

He made the first move, completely masking his disdain for me and smiled and bowed politely. Either they guys talked to him or he's putting on a show just in case anyone is watching, or both.

"Hello, Ms. Porter, they're in the practice room" he pointed to the tall set of doors on his back right speaking a mix of English and Korean.

I nodded first then spoke, "Hi. Thank you" I bowed and quickly went around him but he touched my shoulder, effectively halting me. "Excuse you"

"Calm down, I don't want to fight with you, I just wanted to say be careful when you're here. A select few people know about the contract but not everyone can be trusted" without letting me reply he walked off.

I chose not to think too much into what Sejin did for me at that time, I already knew I had to be extra careful with my actions and words. Hell, the mere presence of me, a dark skin black woman, was enough to set some people off and I did not want to draw any more attention to myself, especially that of the unnecessary variety. I shook it off and continued towards the double doors, hearing the music blaring from within. I cautiously stepped inside to see their backs facing me, it looked like they were reviewing footage of their rehearsal. Quickly, I scurried across the room being seen by some staff so I flashed my pass only to receive blank stares.

"Ahhh I'm still too late on the transitions, I want to run through it again from the top," Jungkook twitched.

"The whole thing needs to be tighter," Hoseok added from his squatting position. Now that I was right up on them, I could see their chests heaving from behind and the shirts soaked with sweat. I wondered how long they'd be practicing choreography. "Let's do it one more time."

Jin's head dropped but he began moving into position as the camera was handed off to a short woman wearing a face mask and glasses, letting her long black hair hide the rest of her face. I mimicked Taehyung's steps, turning when he did so he couldn't see me yet. He was the last to get in position, so I followed him until I was standing right in front of the tape marker on the floor. Still with their backs to me the music restarted signaling their shoulders to sync up and wave to the left then to right before turning around to unknowingly face me. With my biggest and brightest smile, I waved at them using both hands, laughing at the shocked faces of Yoongi- who I was not expecting to see, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. Namjoon and Seokjin smiled at me just as big and sent secretive winks my way.

"Noona!?" The five of them shouted over the music and run up to hug me.

"Surprise!" I said, trying to wrap my arms around all of them at the same time.

"What are you doing here?" Hobi asked before pulling away.

"I should have known this was the surprise" Jungkook smiled.

"Jin told me to come by when I got off work so I could ride back with you all since I was going to come back over tonight anyway but it doesn't look like you will be leaving anytime soon" I explained.

"You're spending the night?" Yoongi asked, adjusting his beanie.

"I am"

"Good" he licked his lips making me want to kiss him. Visiting them at work sounded like a good idea in theory but if it happens more than a few times during my contracted time, I won't be able to keep my hands to myself every time.

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