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"I'm coming back as a Korean in my next life." I frowned, watching Lisa put away a thick piece of steak from her plate. She always ate like she never would again and maintained a model thin figure "Where the hell does it all go?"

She shrugged and munched on a stalk of asparagus as well, "Fast metabolism is still on my side" she finally said with a shimmy. I just rolled my eyes and pulled a piece of shrimp off the fork with my teeth.

After the spa treatment we were both starving so we stopped at our favorite bistro for lunch, Lisa got a fat, juicy steak and I opted for the shrimp. She took a small break midway through the meal to grill me over my whereabouts the last two days.

"So, spill. Tell me all about this oh-so amazing guy that made you so dick dumb you forget to text and tell me you weren't coming home" I snorted without laughing, her sarcasm did not go unnoticed so I again, rolled my eyes "What?"

"What?" I mocked her "Don't be a hater your whole life, okay?"

"I don't know what else I can be at this point" we both laughed at her goofiness. "Seriously tell me about him"

"He's really cool" the enormous grin spreading across my face could not be contained. "He's handsome, sexy, sweet, funny, and easy to talk to. I think I like him."

"Girl he got you sprung already, I just counted all 30 of your teeth from here" Lisa shook her head and I had to laugh "That's good for you, it's been a long while since you even went out on a date let alone liked someone."

"Too many fuck boys have crossed my path and I learned that I am not built to deal with them on any level" my eyes rolled involuntarily.

"Understandable. How was the sex? Must've been great to make you forget I existed" she teased, sliding another piece of meat into her mouth. I just stuffed more food in mine and looked away, pushing my thighs together to calm the throb.

"I don't know how I'm going to keep up with him, his stamina is incredible, its likes he's seven men in one"

"Oh my god, is she okay?" Lisa's face showed actual concern as her eyes darted down.

"She's good and I'm great. Maybe it's because I haven't had sex in a really long time so I could just be rusty but he was working me out. I'm sore but if I was still with him right now I would definitely be getting my back cracked again" we both broke out laughing.

"I love it! So is this something that's going to get serious or just some fun until you go back home?"

"He knows I'm only here for a short while so neither of us are looking for anything serious. Maybe we'll stay friends when I move back home" I shrugged. My best friend's eyebrows bunched and her rosy, pink lips pulled to one side "What's that face for?"

"Nothing" she quickly straightened it out and gave me an insincere smile "What does he do for work?"

"He work in music, he's a rapper"

"Oh hell no, Ami, seriously?" a deep frown rested on her normally soft face "A Korean rapper, ew."

I couldn't not laugh, "He's actually very good. I heard his music, he works with some other guys who are also really good. Stop judging people you don't even know"

"Are you secretly dating an idol or something?"

Yes. Seven actually. "Be serious for once in your life please. I met him on random night walk in the middle of a park"

"Yeah, you're right, this isn't a K-drama" laughed at herself and went back to eating. If only she knew she was right, I hated to lie to her but this was not a secret I needed to share, not yet anyway. "I probably haven't heard any of his music then"

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