Fateful Meeting.....

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6 months ago……..

               “Cheers!” shouted in unison by the crowd, lifting up their champagne glasses. The day was very bright with the reception hall being covered with white. From the table cloths to the curtain drapes, down to the flowers in the vase, it was sheer pure white. It was like Winter in Autumn. Everybody took their seats and the conversation started alongside the buffet. Laughters were all over the place and the clattering noise of silverwares hitting the plates was non-stop. The bride and groom were busy sweet talking each other and a banner reading, “Congratulations to Allie and Michael” was hanging behind them.

Jenny looked back at the chattering people inside from the veranda, boredom donning in her eyes. Yeah, it wass true that it was her sister’s wedding, but that didn’t change the fact that she was all alone, she thought. Trixie, her best friend since childhood couldn’t attend the party because of some family issues that she must attend to, so that left Jenny with no one to talk to since all of guests were either old enough to be her parents or spoiled teenagers who didn’t do anything but bragged about their selves. She would just bare being alone than talking to them about what their parents bought them. She didn’t care what their parents bought yesterday, or last week, or last month, or even last year.  

                “You could at least try hiding you disinterest, you know.” A voice said from the door.

Jenny rolled her eyes and smiled."Allie, can’t you see that this is my happy face?” she asked, putting a confused look.

Her sister, 7 years older than her, laughed and shook her head. “Remember this day because on your wedding day, I’ll be looking exactly like that.” She said, hugging her sister tightly.

                “That will be for a while because I just turned 20 and I don’t plan on settling down until I find Mr. Right,” Jenny answered once the embrace was over.

                “Well, it’s gonna be a long time then until you find that guy.” Her sister muttered, inclining her head.

Jenny’s eyes caught someone then. She stood frozen for a second before saying,“Or maybe not.” She announced, smiling at herself.

Understanding that something got her sister’s attention, Allie looked back as well and saw the person that was the new target of her sister's terrifying fascination.

                “Brian Redfield. Only son of Mr. Benjamin Redfield and Veronica Redfield, as well as the only heir of the Redfield Corp., which is a business company who handles telecommunication local and international. It’s spread worldwide and their family is on the Top 10 millionaire list of Forbes for 5 straight years and there are some rumors that they will be joining the Billionaire’s list this year. Even though they're rich, I heard that Mr. Redfield is a very cruel man and there’s some speculation floating around that he even beats his wife sometimes. If I were you, I would stay away from him and the rest of his family.” Her sister explained, still looking back at the Redfield family, who were busy talking to their parents.

                “Wow, stalker much?” Jenny asked.

Allie looked once again at her sister and shoves her forehead. “Idiot. I have a friend whose friend is the cousin of Brian so of course I know!”

Jenny pursed her lips. “What’s wrong with introducing myself?”

Her sister’s eye narrowed. “I know you, Jenny. I know you’ll try something and I don’t want you to get hurt because of your foolishness.” She said, concern could be heard from her voice.

               “You’re just seeing things, Allie. I’m not that idiot that I’ll let myself be hurt so don’t worry about me,” Jenny replied, holding her sister’s hand.

                “I need to go now, okay? Mom’s calling me. See?” she continued, nodding at her mother’s direction.

                “Go on, I’ll follow you. I just need a few more seconds here,” Allie replied, letting go of her sister’s hand.

Jenny nodded and started heading inside to her parents and the Redfield family who were now looking at her.

Allie was left there looking at the confident back of her little sister, worry still weighing in her heart for some reason. “I know that you’re strong, Jenny. But even how strong you are, that won’t matter in a heart break,” she muttered to herself. “It’s not just that. You might end up not only hurting yourself but others as well. I wish you know what you are doing Jen,” she continued watching her sister’s approach to the circle. She turned back to the veranda then and thought more.

An arm suddenly encircled her waist, kissing her neck and she tried stifling her yelp but fail to no ends. “Michael, you surprise me!” she said to her husband who was busy chuckling at the moment.

                “Sorry, hon. I didn’t know that you’re so deep in thought and didn’t hear me came close,” he replied once he stopped laughing.

She leaned back and savored the warm of her husband’s body and closed her eyes.

                “What are you thinking about anyway?” he asked, rocking slowly sideways.

She didn’t reply because she was too busy listening to the soft caress of her husband masculine voice and the rumble of his chest every time he talks. “Hon? Are you still there?”

She slowly opened her eyes.“It’s just Jenny. I’m afraid that her foolishness will lead her again into trouble” she explained, voicing her concern.

                “There you go again, worrying about your sister. It’s our wedding day, for Christ’s sake. Your sister is old enough and she has her own mind. So you can stop looking after her and start looking after yourself. Especially now that we’re a family” he said, frustration etching in his voice. This always happens, her worrying about her little sister even though she is not supposing to.

                “But you know Jenny––––” she started. 

                “Yeah, I know Jenny,” he cuts off. “And from what I know, she’s capable enough to protect herself. I order you to stop thinking about her right this second and enjoy the scenery. I chose the reception place because it’s besides a forest so we can relax, so go and do that!” he commanded.

                “What a bossy guy.” she laughed. “I hope that you’re right though, I hope you’re right” she whispered to herself.

They watched together as the autumns leaves falls down with their hands intertwined. They silently enjoyed the relaxing scenery even though Allie’s mind couldn’t still stopped worrying about her sister.

That event slowly drifted away, marking the beginning of their tangled fates, leaving uncertainty to their inevitable future.

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