Ticking Time.....

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Quote of the Chapter: "Life doesn't hurt until you think about how much things have changed, who you've lost along the way, and how much of it was your fault."

                                                                                                                                      ---Unknown Author


                “ECG’s crashing, EGC’s crashing”

                “Bring him to the operation room immediately!” the people on the white coat shouted, pushing quickly the gurney forward.

Jenny ran after them, not understanding what was happening but still trying to catch up to Brian and trying not leave his side. It hurts her to look at his damage face, knowing that it was her fault that he was in that condition. She covered her mouth and tried her best not to cry because there was so much blood that was dripping, covering the face that she never thought would look like this.

                “Miss, you can’t go in. Just wait here until the doctors come out” a brown-eyed guy said, blocking her way. He’s pretty tall, around Brian’s height of 6’5, so she really had no chance of getting through. He’s also pretty muscular, not ripped muscular, but an athletic muscular type. His black hair spiked up made her think whether he was a staff here or not. If not for the shirt with a hospital’s logo printed on it, she would have mistaken him for a Hollywood actor.

                “But, I need to see, Brian. I need to be there!” she cried, pushing forward.

                “I’m sorry, Miss. But it’s a hospital policy. Why don’t you wait in here?” he said, guiding her to the chairs in the corner.

She glanced once more at Brian until the door finally closed, leaving her feeling so alone more than ever.

She didn’t notice the guy left, muttering about if she was okay. She just kept sitting there, trying to gather her scattered thoughts. She was still reeling in from what happened that she couldn’t help but shake, feeling the dread that keep clouding her heart and mind. She couldn’t erase the memory of the accident and how she caused it. When the paramedics arrived in the site, she already started panicking but too afraid to move Brian. Everything happened in a blur and the next thing she knew, she was standing here in the hospital, watching Brian being taken away.

If Brian dies……if Brian dies then she will blame herself all her life. But no, Brian won’t die. He promised not to leave her side so he can’t die. He just can’t.

She was still clutching her arms together to stop the small quivers passing through her when her phone rang.  That was when she remembered that she needs to inform Brian’s family about his condition. She immediately flipped it open and answered,

                “Hey, dearest sister, how are you doing?” said by the voice in the next line.

Jenny’s lips quivered and tears started leaking out of her eyes,

                “Allie” she moaned, “I’m in the hospital. Brian was in an accident”

Allie worriedly asked her what happened and she explained it while trying not to break down. She told her everything, trying really hard to stop the tears that were running out of her eyes. She just doesn’t know what to do now.

After she was done talking, they decided to call Brian’s parents and friends. After ten minutes, a bunch of people came barraging in the hall, everyone wearing a grim and worried expression in their faces.

Jenny immediately saw her sister with her parents and ran to them. She embraced her mom tightly while Allie patted her back. That was when she let it all out. She just cried and cried, not hearing the consoling murmurs of everyone.

                “It’s my fault. It’s my fault” she chanted repeatedly, “I was not looking to where I’m going then this truck came and then Brian pushed me out of the way. What should I do, mom?” she said simultaneously, looking up to her mother.

                “We should pray for him. Let’s pray for him to get through this and thank God for your safety” her mother supplied but,

                “Thank God for her safety? What about our son? He’s not safe, is he?” Brian’s father shouted, “It’s your fault that Brian’s in here. We don’t even know if he’s still alive. And it’s all because of you!” he continued, pointing and looking at Jenny as if she was the most evil person in the world.

                “Back off, Redfield” Jenny’s dad threatened.

                “No, you back off” He yelled back, “Your daughter tried to kill our son”

Jenny, not wanting to be hated and misunderstood, immediately tried to explain what happened but,

                “Mr. Redfield––“she started

                “Shut up. I don’t want you talking to me or my family” he hissed, anger and hatred coming out from his voice.

Jenny covered her mouth and buried her face in her mother’s chest. She didn’t see that her dad approached Brian’s dad and punched him straight in the face. Everyone gasped as Mr. Redfield hit the ground. The guys, especially Dave, immediately went between the two, trying to calm them.

                The doctor, with a dark short hair and green eyes, came out then and saw what was happening. He frowned, lines creasing his handsome and tan face. He looks more like an outdoor type of person than a doctor.  His easily looked eye to eye with Brian and Jenny’s dad with his height, building up more tension. He looks like he was ready to rumble and by the looks of it, he’ll be able to tackle down both dad’s with his muscular body. But instead of doing so, he just said,

                “What’s going on in here?”

Everyone stopped struggling and stared at him,

                “Just a little misunderstanding, Doctor” Jenny’s mom answered.

The doctor shook his head and said in his big voice,

                “It’s a hospital policy to have no any violence in the premises. So If you start a fight or create any ruckus, I’m personally gonna throw you all out. And believe me when I say that I can absolutely do it,” he coldly explained, “I’m Dr. Leox Neoxford. I presume that you’re all family of Mr. Brian Redfield”

                “Only us. These guys are just stowed away” said by Mr. Redfield.

Dr. Neoxford nodded and said,

                “Well, I’m looking for the family of Brian Redfield. If you can please come with me” he started saying.

                “That’s us. Let’s go” Mr. Redfield immediately said, pulling his group forward.

                “And I’m also looking for Ms. Jenny Walstern. Mr. Redfield is asking for you” he continued, looking around.

Jenny was too stunned to speak that she just stood there, paralyzed, as if a block of ice was holding her body down.

Her sister urged her forward and when the doctor placed a hand behind her back, she slowly made her way to Brian’s room with her heart galloping like a horse.

How Brian could still asked for her? After all what happened, he still wants to see her?

Maybe he’s going to tell me how worthless I am and how he hates me so much, she thought.

That’s okay, she thought. At least she’s gonna see him for the last time. They silently walked forward. not knowing that her last thought coudn't be more a dead on prediction.

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