Getting Acquainted.....

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 Quote of the Chapter : "Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash."

                                                                                          ---George S. Patton

Heyyo guys, thank you for reading the previous chapters. I hope that you're still liking it and i hope that you continue reading and supporting me. Just leave me a comment on what you think and i'll get back to you! Enjoy Reading!


2 months later…..

                “What are you doing, man?” Rick asked, putting his arms around his best friend’s neck and peaking over his shoulder to see what was keeping his attention.

When he saw what it was, he couldn’t help but groaned out loud. “Don’t tell me it’s her that you are texting again, Brian!” he accused, standing up and walking towards the refrigerator. He pulled it open and tried to pick which one was better, Iced tea or Coke, he liked Coke but decided against it and pulled two bottles of Iced tea.

He straightened up. “Heads up!” he shouted, throwing the bottle in the air. Brian reacted in time to catch the bottle perfectly, holding the phone to his right hand and stretching the other.

                “Gimme a break, will you?” Brian answered back, twisting the bottle’s cap open. He caught a glimpse of the time in his watch and nearly sputtered the drink. “What the hell? It’s 2 o’clock already?” he said, bursting up from his sitting position.

Rick gave him an amused look and snickered at his friend’s disgruntled expression. “You shouldn’t be surprise. After all, you’ve been texting with her all day long, non-stop this week. Wait, let me change that, you’ve been texting with her non-stop this whole month and even last month,” he replied, laying down to his bed and closing his eyes. Brian said that he wanted to talk to him about something so they planned this meeting on Rick’s house. But Brian didn’t even uttered a single word about this “something” he wanted to talk about because he was on his own all day.

Brian glanced at his friend and shook his head. “You could have told me sooner.” he muttered.

Rick cracked his eyes opened and sitting up once again, saying. “Why my lord I apologize if I didn’t inform you about the time since you didn’t tell me to!” He pulled a pillow and threw it over his direction.

Brian caught the pillow and did the same. “You’re the one who wanted to meet here, saying that you wanted to talk about something important and now you’re blaming me for the time, that by the way is your fault. If you’re not texting with her non-stop then maybe we wouldn’t have this discussion that we’re having!” Rick continued, raking his reddish-black hair with his hand. He trained his electric blue eyes to Brian and pulled out his serious face.

Brian only chuckled. “If only the magazines reporters could see that serious face in your pretty face, they would go wild. After all, they never saw it because the “cool heartthrob” always put his cool and smiling face in front of the crowd.”

Rick snorted and strode close to the window. “You asshole! Changing the subjects when you know you’re cornered. Just tell me what you want to talk about, will you? We’ve wasted enough time already,” he said, looking outside.

Brian sighed and approached his friend. He knows something’s up when Rick’s attitude was like this. “Is it your dad again?” he inquired.

Rick didn’t look back but instead replied, “You know it. He said that he can’t give me any fund for the project I was thinking about. I want to build a school for kids and he doesn’t even give a damn about it.”

Brian placed an encouraging hand to Rick’s shoulder and smiled. “It’s harder to be a rich kid than what others thought, isn’t it?”

                “Are you kidding? It’s harder than getting a 100% average in school”

                “People always thought that we rich people only live in luxury, fame and happiness. It may be true for the first two but for the last one, I don’t think so. For rich people like us, it’s unusual for us to find true happiness. Yeah, we smile here and there pretending that we’re all cool and tough. But the truth is, we’re just as lonely as any other person. Look at you,” pointing at Rick.

                “What’s wrong about me?” he replied, glowering at Brian.

                “You’re controlled by your parents. Yeah, they buy you shit and stuff but they also took away one thing that made you different from a normal person, and it’s not because you’re wealthy. Can you guess what is that important something that we don’t have?” he asked. He saw the look on Rick’s face and he knows that Rick understand that “important something”.

Rick stared at Brian eye to eye. “It’s choices!”

Brian nodded at him and strode back in the bed. “That’s right. We’re both 23 years old and we’re still living with our parents. It’s not like something is wrong with that because we’re rich and all and this is a big house. But you know, even though we’re rich, we’re still human beings and as human beings, we need to find independence and took our wings and learn to fly on our own. Look around your room; it’s big, fancy, and full of things that I bet you will never get around using at all. My point is, because we’re rich people we got all this stuff. But in exchange of that, we traded something important as well: choices.”

Rick looked back then and leaned in the window. “That’s exactly right. Our choices are bound by the chains of our inheritance and fortune. We will never be able to spread our wings and experience the world until we got it back. So what do you suggest?”

 Brian took a breath and his green eyes flashed, glistening with excitement. “I have a plan. You said you want to build a school, right? But you don’t have that kind of money and neither do I. There’s only one option left for us. Wait––Actually there are two” he explained.

                “We? Are you saying you’re gonna help me?” Rick implored, exhilaration running on his blood.

                “Of course I’m gonna help you. If your dad doesn’t want to help, then your best friend will. I said that I always got your back, didn’t I? Anyway, back to–––––whoa!”

He suddenly stopped because out of nowhere, Rick gave him a big tight bear hug. “It’s okay man. It’s okay,” he said, patting his best friend’s back.

Once recovered, Rick straightened up. “Sorry about that. It’s just that I never thought that it will be possible for my dreams to come true. The reporters lied when they said that my dream is to be the next president of my dad’s company. I don’t even want something to do with it. I want to become a teacher. When I took all those courses in university, all I can think about is teaching. But my dad didn’t allow me, saying that I’m gonna be the next president of the company and not some crappy teacher. I always asked why did he let me took all those classes in college if he’s not planning on letting me to become a teacher anyway? And it always comes back to only one thing. He just wants me suffering from my broken dreams. But now that you’re gonna help me, then maybe there’s still a chance.”

                “I know, I know. But to make this dream of yours to come true, we need our plan to work first. As I said, we have two options here. First, to give up and be controlled by our parents for the rest of our lives or second,” Rick explained, pausing for a second.

                “Or second?” Rick asked, impatience overriding his voice.

Brian put his serious face once again. “Or second, we can do it by ourselves.”

When Rick gave him a confused look, he detailed it out. “We’re gonna steal from our parents.” he muttered.

Rick’s eyes widened and his messed up mind became more confused. Seriously?

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