Invicible Thread.....

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Quote of the Chapter: "Freedom is not something that anybody can be given; Freedom is something that people take and people are as free as they want to be."

                                                                               ---James Arthur Baldwin


“You’re insane!” Rick whispered, gritting his teeth together as they went down the stairs. “Steal from them? You must‘ve lost your mind!”

Brian smiled at Rick’s incredulous expression. “Hey, at least I thought of something. Why do you keep contradicting my idea?” he emphasized. “I thought that you want to build a school.” he said, knowing that his friend wouldn’t be able to counter what he just said.

                “Yes, I do!” Rick replied in a frustrated voice.

                “Then why don’t you tell me how are you gonna do that, Hotshot? Last time I check you’re broke. Wait, no, you’re not, because you have no money in the first place.” Brian retorted.

Rick glared at him. “At least I didn’t think of stealing…” He didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence because Brian gave him the eye. And he knows that "The Eye" was not a good sign.

                “Think of stealing what?” A voice said behind him.

He slowly turned around, pressing his lips together and trying to come up with something. He came face to face with the man he grew to hate. He tried speaking but his mind just went blank.

                “Think of stealing my girlfriend.” Brian responded. He knew from the very moment that he saw Uncle Phillip that Rick wouldn’t be able to answer, so he came up with something instead.

                “Stealing your girlfriend?” Uncle Phillip questioned once more.

                “Yeah, we were joking around, right?” he said, smiling and nudging Rick who seemed to lost his voice. “so how are you doing, Uncle?” he inquired, quickly changing subjects.

He jumped the last few steps walked besides him, Rick following them. “I just got off on the phone with a friend of mine, inviting us to dinner tomorrow. He said that his daughter wants to meet you,” turning to Rick. Brian always gets the feeling that in some weird sense, he’s closer to Rick’s dad than he was.

                “Really? How fascinating. Another meeting for an arrange marriage, huh?” Rick coldly replied.

Brian almost, almost smirked because even if both of these guys denied their similarities, they were still like a peas in a pod. For example, the demonstration that he was seeing right now, both of them talking so coldly to each other, that they could probably freeze the entire Pacific Ocean if it was possible. He could also see the major resemblance between them, especially their electric blue eyes. If the saying was true about “if looks could kill”, they both would be dead by now. He interfered before the glaring competition turns into a more physical and possibly bloody event.

                “So, who is this lucky girl that Rick’s about to meet?” Brian asserted, stepping between the two.

Uncle Phillip easily took this as a cue to turn away but that there was still a little bull whose snorting flames behind his back.

                “Try to keep it low, Bro,” he whispered.

                “You know them. You met them before. Actually you were in the wedding of one of their daughter a few months back, don’t you remember?” Uncle Philipp replied once Brian stepped next to him.

Brian froze in his place, trying to take in what the old guy said. He only knew one wedding he went these past few months. Why wouldn’t he? He found his soul mate that day.

Uncle Phillip gave him a bewildered look, creasing his forehead. Brian’s phone started ringing just as he was about to say something.

                Jenny, the caller ID displayed. He quickly pressed the talk button.

                “Hey, hon, how are you doing?”

At first, the only thing he heard was sniffing and then after he repeated asking again, he got a reply. “Brian,” sobbed by a very feminine voice from the other line.

Brian heart tightened and worry started clouding his mind. “Hey, are you okay? What happened?” he asked again, but this time the cheerfulness was gone replaced by concern.

                “Brian, can you come here?” was the reply he got followed by simultaneous hiccupping.

                “Sure, sure. I’ll be there in 15, alright?"


He quickly put his phone in his pocket and turned to Rick and Uncle Phillip. “Sorry, guys but I need to leave. It’s an emergency. Enjoy tomorrow night, alright?”

Uncle Phillip nodded but Rick came closer. “What about the thing that we were talking just earlier? You know; the plan?”

Brian grabbed Rick at the shoulder and looked him in "the eye". “I’m just kidding with the stealing stuff. But I really do have a real plan. I’ll just tell you later, okay?” he quickly said. After patting Rick’s cheek for him to focus, he bumped his fist into his and made a run.

He quickly got in his Blazing Blood Orange McLaren F1 GT car and drove off quickly.

Rick was left there scowling and more confused than before. What the hell was wrong with his friend? He said that he was gonna steal at first then now he was saying that it was a lie? He couldn’t understand him anymore. But there were more changes he noticed on him. He became more cheerful and happy guy these past few months, since he started dating that girl. And this was actually the first time that he saw him this worried, he was not even this worried when he got thrown off a motorbike and been diagnosed that there was a possibility that the doctors need to cut his leg off, not even then. This Jenny girl might really be special to make such an impact to his best friend and Rick couldn’t wait to meet her.

But before that to happen, he need to deal with a bug first, who was busy hanging around him. “Show is over!” he announced, turning back and heading up once again.

                “You’re going to the dinner tomorrow night, are you not?” his father called.

He stopped walking and exhaled. “Yeah, I’ll be there Dad. Just don’t expect me to kiss the feet of whomever this new girl is, alright?”  With that being said, he climbed up into his room still thinking about what Brian said.

Just great! Now he’s not going to be able to sleep because of Brian’s declaration of his new plan. Because if they succeed, then it was freedom!

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