Last Goodbye.....

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Quote of the Chapter: "There are two times in every man's life when he is thoroughly happy; just after he has met his first love and just after he has parted from his last one."

                                                                                      ---H.L. Mencken

Well, as they said guys, every journey must come to an end and it seems that it's that time for The Heart Songs Presents: All or Nothing at All to take a bow and close off the curtain. So as the final farewell, i'll present you the Last Triple Finale Update of Hearts Songs Presents: All or Nothing at All.


The hall felt like an endless road. Even though they were just walking for 3 minutes, it felt like centuries for her. Every step felt like a hammer inside, smashing her heart into million pieces. Her head pounded so loud as if every cell in her brain was gonna burst any minute.

She walked so slowly, while clutching one of her hand over the other in her chest. She didn’t know what to think anymore. She was not sure if she should be happy that Brian asked for her or be scared that he did. There was no time for her to think it over though because they already were at the door of his room.

The time stopped for a second, and after that, it slowly began moving, but in slow motion. It felt like she was walking in the middle of a movie scene. But the thing that she didn’t know was it was a horror movie.

They started going inside and after a while, he came into view. She was left there outside the door, frozen in place, staring at her guardian angel.

Then he slowly moved and she saw him opened his eyes. He turned his head and said something to his leaning family. Mr. Redfield shook his head and said something back. She wanted to go closer but she knows that if she even dare take a single step forward, she’ll fall because her legs turned jelly. Then the most wanted and dreaded moment for her came.

He turned his head and looked at her direction. She expected anger and hatred to cross over his face and for his eyes to be filled with so much resentment. Or she expected him to shout at her about how much he abhorred her. But neither happened. Instead, a smile slowly appeared in his face. He waved at her direction, urging her to come in. She wanted to ran and cry. She wanted to tell him to hate her for all the things she’d done to him. She wanted him to shout at her because at least in that way, she will really know what he feels. She didn’t know what to feel or think that exact moment.

She stepped forward, a little bit surprised because she expected the ground to swallow her if she moves. Every step she made felt like she was climbing a never ending mountain. It felt like aeons before she managed to get inside the room even thought it only took her for about a few seconds.

Brian waved at her more so she went closer. She raised her bowed head and came across with Mr. Redfield’s glare, causing her to suddenly stop.

                “Dad…..” whispered by Brian, a smiled spreads across his pale face and lips.

Mr. Redfield was protesting inside his mind but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he stepped back to let Jenny have a space beside Brian’s bed.

Brian glanced at Jenny and reached his hand out. Jenny was reluctant to take it but she found herself holding his hand as she walked closer to him.

                “Hey...” Brian greeted silently, offering another weak smile.

Jenny could find the courage to answer, much less to smile back. She felt her lips quivered.

Brian’s eyes turned lonelier and he said,

                “Will you please leave us alone for a second?” he asked to his family weakly. He saw his dad was about to protest so he silently pleaded with his eyes. Mr. Redfield got the message and just nodded.

They all started turning away but before his dad and mom could completely step out of the room, he called out,

                “Mom” he said, making them stopped and looked at him, “you’re beautiful as always today, I know you’ll always be like that” then he turned to his dad and continued, “Dad, sorry for being such a disappointment. There wasn’t a day that passed that I didn’t wish that you have another son; a son who can make you proud and be what you want him to become. I really did wish it. Even though most of the time our opinions and beliefs were different, I still love you guys. Thank you for everything” he said with a tear in his eyes, “I just want you to know that”

Brian’s mother burst into tears and buried her face to Mr. Redfield’s chest. Mr Redfield nodded and solemnly said,

                “There’s no need for us to have another son because you’re already here, right?” looking down at Brian’s mom who didn’t budge and continued crying, “We’re proud of you, Brian. Never forget that. We will always love you no matter what. I want us to put everything behind and once you get out here, we’ll start a new life” Mr. Redfield said, giving him a sad smile, “I learned a lesson because of you; Life’s too short”

Brian smiled back and asked,

                “Can you do me one more favour then?”

                “What is it?” Will try to do it no matter what” Mr. Redfield responded.

Brian squeezed Jenny’s hand, looking at before turning to his dad and saying,

                “Promise me that you won’t blame Jenny for what happened. That you will respect her and never do or say something that will hurt her”

Brian’s dad glanced at Jenny before giving a nod. Meanwhile, Mrs. Redfield finally stopped crying and went to Brian, and then she gave him a kiss on the check she muttered,

                “I love you, my little boy” she smiled, and then turned away.

Mr. Redfield put his arm around her and with a final smile, he and his wife left the room.

Jenny heard the sound of the door closing but she didn’t turn to look at it. It was more like she couldn’t turn. She felt so scared because the confrontation between the two of them finally came.

Brian’s eyes shifted from the door to her and it becomes filled with seriousness. And the unexpected words that came out from his mouth were,

                  "How are you doing, Jenny?"

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