6. This is love.

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➶-͙˚ ༘✶ As school ended Rui hopped on the bus, waving Tsukasa goodbye as he went the other direction. Rui sat down on my spot again as he looked outside the window, embarrassed completly. ''Why did I say that..'' he questioned himself as he was red again. He could see other students walking home as he looked outside the window, including Mizuki who already had a little friend-group with 4+ people. Everytime he saw her Rui would have some sort of mad emotion in his body, having the urge to punch someone or something. As the bus continued to drive Rui arrived at his station, going off as he made his way over to his therapist. 

He walked back into the dark alley as he opened the massive and thick door, looking for a free seat. ''Wow, there are many people here.'' Rui mumbles to himself as he saw a free spot to sit on. There were people from all ages in the waiting room, from about 10-30 year olds he could see waiting, either alone or with their parents. 

Rui could see Luka open the door, as he walks inside and sits down accross her again. ''Ah, Rui! Long time no see, huh?'' Luka asked as he nodded, saying nothing tho. ''How was you day? I heard you went to a new school this week!'' she said excitedly as Rui looked at her, smiling abit. ''It was fine, I made a few friends.'' he says as the woman smiles, being happy for him as for some reason she saw Rui as her son or second child. ''That is amazing! And.. do you maybe find anyone pretty/attractive?'' she asked him as Rui got a light pink tone on his face, starring at the floor once more. ''Eh..'' he says as he remembers what his mom told him the first they came here. To always tell the truth to Luka, since lying wouldnt help at all. ''I-I guess so. There is someone in mind..'' he says nervously, a tiny bit of sweat coming from his forehead down his face. ''Oh wow! I am glad you found someone. Whats her name?'' 

''Its a boy. And ehm. His name is Tsukasa, I guess I kind of like him.'' Rui said as he brushed his sweat off with his arm as Luka's eyes widden. ''That is good, Rui! I am glad you are moving on from your past.'' Luka says as she smiles at him, resting her face on her hands as Rui looks at her again. ''I didnt tho, I dont wanna like him and even if I do, I dont plan to be in a relationship with him. He is probably as terrible as the others.'' he says as Luka sighs, fixing her fake glasses abit as her smile turned neutral. ''Rui, than why are you hanging out with him? If you think he is so terrible?'' 


''If you think he is so horrible, why are you around him?''

''I... I have no clue. Its something dragging me to him. God...'' he says as he covers his mouth, blushing. ''I hate him so much.. but I am still deeply in love with him.'' he mumbled as Luka didnt understand him, but she didnt mind. ''Okay, so! Anything else happening in school.'' Luka questioned as Rui got up taking, taking a deep breath. ''Oh, and my ex is in my school know. The one that cheated on me.'' Rui said as Luka widden her eyes. ''Really? Thats horrible.'' she said as Rui nodded, agreeing with her. ''Yeah, but I dont know what to do. I made an excuse for now that she would leave me alone, but I dont know what to do, really.'' Rui said hopeless as he sighs, Luka always having an answer on her shoulder as she said: ''I recommend you just avoid her! If she does something terrible you can always tell the teacher, Rui. No need to worry! She isnt important to you anymore, so you shouldnt think about her so much, no?''

Rui nodded as he smiled. ''Thank you, Luka. But I am still not sure what to do with Tsukasa. I like him but I dont want to.'' Luka continues to have a smile on her face, even tho she had no idea what to say to that. She never experinced someone with that sort of problem. ''Rui, running away from something is never the answer. You need to face your problems and sometimes not let fear take you over.'' 

Rui was speechless. It isnt that he didnt want to be in a relationship with Tsukasa, he would love to. He was just scared of what would happen the moment they get into one. Wilk it be the same as Mizukis or Nenes? ''But... even so I already told him I am not interested in any relationships.'' he said as he was about to cry. ''Why is everything just so difficult.'' 

''Rui, dont cry. Thats just what life is at this point, especially when you are a teenager. When you grow up, life will be alot easier.'' Rui let a few tears out as he wiped them away, smiling slightly again. ''Thank you.''

After a few more conversations, time was over. It was time for Rui to leave and to say goodbye to Luka. ''Well, Rui! I will see you next friday!'' Luka said as Rui waved Luka goodbye, exiting the room and walking home. While he checked his phone, he didnt see that Tsukasa was texting him. 

Texting POV:


Ruiii! :)

Wanna maybe hang out some time? Maybe on Sunday?

Or you can come on Saturday to Pheonix Wonderland and help us perform, we need a few more actors!

Oh, I mean sure I can come visit you guys tomorrow. Need any props?

Yes! Bring anything youd like we dont have a script for now anyways

Okay cya tomorrow

Cya! Be there at 12am! <3



As Rui puts his phone away he was smiling brighter from the massages. ''He send me a heart.. cute.'' Rui thought to himself as he made his way back home, knowing his mother was already home, as the lights were coming from his apartment. Opening the door, Ruis mother was in the living room, watching TV. ''Darling! Welcome back home!'' she said as she waved from the living room. ''Hi!'' Rui said happily as he dropped his bag off, walking over to the kitchen. ''The food is still warm, you can eat in your room today!'' she said as Rui took a plate and put some speghetti with sauce, heading off to his room and over to his desk. 

He opened his phone as he accidently was in Tsukasa's chat again. He wanted to text him, but should he? It wasnt even that important, he was just bored. ''Why am I nervous about this...'' Rui questions himself as he text again, sending him a simple hi. Then for now he opened YouTube to watch something while eating and waiting for Tsukasa to answer. 

As he was eating, he heard a notification come, it was Tsukasa. He said hi back, as Rui asked if they could call since he was bored. Without even answering Tsukasa called him, Rui instantly picking up the phone. ''Rui! hello!'' Tsukasa said in a happy but also tired voice. ''Hello! Sorry if I texted you out of nowhere.'' Rui said, apologizing as he could hear Tsukasa giggling across the phone. ''Its fine, dont worry! I am always happy to chat with you.'' Tsukasa said as both had a smile on their face as they chatted, Rui continuing eating.

''Tsukasa-kun, you sound tired..! You can always hang up if you want to.'' Rui said as Tsukasa was already in his bed, yawning. ''But I enjoy talking to you.'' Tsukasa said which made Rui blush. ''Thanks, but Tsukasa I have a question for you..'' Rui says as Tsukasa was curious. 

''Whats up?''

''If you were to get your first kiss, where would you want it to be?'' 

''W-what?! What kind of a question is that?!''

''Hehe~. Sorry, I was just curious.'' Rui explained as Tsukasa hesitated at first than smiling as he told Rui. ''I mean, I think if I were to choose, I would love to be at the beach with the moon in the sky, shining like the sun. It may be basic but... I feel like thats so romantic. ANYWAYS!'' Tsukasa said, panicing as both chuckled after. ''I see, well its already 10pm, we should head to sleep.'' Rui explained as Tsukasa nodded accross the phone. ''Yeah, we should. Bye Rui, cya tomorrow!'' Tsukasa said as Rui said goodbye aswell, hanging up as he put his phone away, laying down on his bed.  

''He is great, maybe Luka is correct. But... I knew Nene for so long too and it turned out she was a bad person. Dammit.'' Rui says to himself as he looks ouside of his window, seeing the moon clear as day, as he imagined like Tsukasa-kun said. His first kiss on a beach with the moon up in the sky. ''I love him so much, its unbelieveable.'' Rui says to himself as he than turns around, facing to the wall as he closes his eyes, falling asleep.

I promised myself to never fall in love again.˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ RuiKasaWhere stories live. Discover now