18. Waiting till the moon rises.

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➶-͙˚ ༘✶as they kept driving about 5 hours have already passed, Rui and Tsukasa both being asleep, Rui being asleep on Tsukasas head as Tsukasa was resting on the others shoulder, now having a habit on holding the others hand while sleeping. As Tsukasa was sleeping he was holding Ruis had stronger and harder by the point of squeezing it even. ''Hmmm..'' Tsukasa growled in his sleep, making Rui wake up as he noticed the other hold his hand again, making some weird noises while sleeping. Rui couldnt help but giggle a few times, even thought about recording it, but he didnt want to make his crush any more uncomfterable. He quiet enjoyed the embrace of holding his hand, but it still felt wrong because they werent a couple. 

''Tsukasa-kun? Are you awake?'' Rui asked as he was unsure because he was making more noises. ''MmMMmm.. no..'' Tsukasa said as his head dropped onto Ruis chest, smiling right atter as he felt like he was on a pillow. Rui was shocked at first, but than he smiled sweetly after, slowly petting his head as other students were already looking at them. ''Oh wow, I didnt know we had gays at our school..'' a random girl says further away as Rui heard it, being confused, but decided to ignore it. 

He continued to pet the others head, raising the others head by lifting his chin while giving him a kiss on the forehead, Tsukasa slowly opening his eyes as he noticed Ruis hand on his head. tsukasa yawns once more as he gets up, Rui pulling his hand away. ''Oh, youre awake.'' Rui says as he looks friendly at the other. ''Mhm.. are we there yet?'' Tsukasa asks as he looks outside the window. ''Oh! I can already see the ships. I think we will arrive on the island soon, god this has been a long drive.'' Tsukasa says as he has been still rubbing his eye slightly from just woken up. ''Yeah I agree, but I doupt I will feel good on the ship..'' Rui says embarrassed as he already didnt heave that great of a feeling about this. ''Oh? Are you seasick?'' Tsukasa asked as Rui nodded slighty, laughing awkwardly after. ''Yeah, I like the sea, dont get me wrong, but on ships I just dont feel well.'' Rui says as the bus studdently stops, parking in a parking spot near some cars. 

''If you need to throw up just vomit in the water. We can get far away from others if its embarrassing for you.''

''Sure, I would love that. Thank you for caring Tsukasa-kun~.''

''Haha! No problem dear Rui.'' Tsukasa said as the other student went outside, the two boys walking outside aswell as there was another crowd of students outside, everyone trying to get their bags as fast as possible. Everything turned into a whole mess. Everyone was pushing each other, but many other students were also standing outside the crowd, getting their bags the last. ''This is such a mess.'' Rui says dissapointed as he sighs, Tsukasa chuckling slightly. ''Yeah, but lets just wait, we will get out bags soon enough.'' Tsukasa explains as Rui nods, noticing Mafuyu standing sorta near them. Rui waves at her, as he calls for her name. ''Hey, Mafuyu! Come over to us!'' Rui says as Mafuyu smiles from afar, walking over to both of the boys. ''Hey Rui, who is that?'' Mafuyu asked as she pointed at Tsukasa. 

''Oh, this is Tsukasa, and Tsukasa-kun this is Mafuyu.'' Rui says as he indroduces each other to them, the boy waving friendly at the other. ''Hello!'' he says as Mafuyu looks at both of them, noticing that Tsukasa is the guy Rui always hangs out with. ''Oh, well you are his boyfriend?'' Mafuyu asks as both boys widden his eyes. ''What?!'' Tsukasa screams out loud as Rui was blushing slightly. ''You two are always together, if you see one the other isnt so far away. I am sorry if I got it wrong.'' Mafuyu says as she looks with a serious face at both of them. ''Its fine, dont worry. Me and Rui are just friend so..!'' Tsukasa says as Rui felt rejected already. Mafuyu noticed Ruis annoyed and upset face as she giggles at it. ''Rui doesnt seem to be so happy with it.'' the girl says as both boys blush, Mafuyu turning around and leaving, swinging her ponytail and went grabbing her bag. 

''W-wait.. what does she mean? Do you really feel offended if I say that?'' Tsukasa said shy as he looked over to Rui, still being red. ''What.?! No.. of course not!'' Rui says, obvously lying but Tsukasa buying it, still being worried about Rui tho. He turns his head back, facing the crowd of people as he wanted to grab his bag. ''Okay.. I will grab our bags, be right back!'' he said as he sprinted over to the teachers, making his way through the crowd trying to carry his and Ruis bag at the same time. 

''When.. do I confess..? I definetly need to do it today.'' Rui mumbles to himself as he looks at the boy who was approaching him with both bags. Tsukasa was struggling carrying the heavy things, as Rui came over to help him. ''Need some help?'' Rui asked as he grabbed one of the bags and holding it himself. ''Thank you..! These are really heavy..'' Tsukasa says as he takes a few loud breaths, slowly walking over to the ship as the teachers were already making their way over to it. 

''Rui, if you need to throw up, remember, dont vomit in the ship but water please.'' Tsukasa asks as Rui nods, already having a gut feeling. ''Of course. I will try to not be that much of a problem tho..'' he says as they all get on the small ship, Rui sitting on the edge of the ship, being ready if anything bad wouldve happened, Tsukasa sitting right next to him, laying his head on the others shoulder again. Rui instantly noticed of course. ''You really like my shoulder, dont you?'' he asked as he giggled right after. ''Yes, its very comfterable. I love it.'' Tsukasa says as he wraps boht of his arms around Ruis, making the taller blush as she ship started going. 

The drive was very comfterable and not as shaky as Rui thought it would be. ''Are you feeling well, Rui?'' Tsukasa asked as the purple haired boy looked at the other. ''Yeah actually. I thought the boat was gonna shake and stuff, this is like a car drive.'' Rui says as the other one smiles while still feeling himself confterable on the others shoulder. ''I am glad. And hey I can see the beach over there!'' Tsukasa says as he lifts his head up slightly, still hugging the others arm tho as he points at the beach with one. ''Oh, hell yeah! I am excited. By the way.. Tsukasa-kun?''


''Is it okay if we meet up at night. I wanna talk to you about something.''

''Sure! I wanna see the moon aswell when its night, so while that we can talk, is it about something bad tho?''

''Nono! Dont worry, I just wanna tell you something, thats all.'' Rui said as Tsukasa was already trying to think about what it would be. Rubbing his chin slightly and looking thoughtfull at the ground, he still couldnt think of anything. ''But if we meet up at night, can we go to the beach? I wanna talk there atleast!'' Tsukasa asks friendly as they almost arrive, the boat drive not being so long. Everyone grabs their bags once more as they exit the boat and make their way over to the hotel the teachers prepared, entering a sort of village where the kids could do whatever they want for 3 days straight. ''Okay, everyone get your room and pair up in teams of 2-4! '' the teacher screamed loudly so everyone could hear her, everyone entering the hotel as Tsukasa and Rui were the first one to enter. ''Hello, what room do you guys want?'' the man behind the counter asked as he checked all available rooms on the computer. ''Hm.. give us a room with a double bed.'' Rui said as Tsukasa looked at Rui confused. ''Okay. Your room number is 286 on the second floor. Have fun.'' the man said as Tsukasa and Rui left. 

''Hey, do you know what a double bed is?!'' Tsukasa asked as he was slightly red as always, Rui nodding confidently. ''Of course I do~. Dont worry to much about it.'' Rui said, both entering the elevator and sending themselves to the second floor, nobody of them talking. As Rui answered the question Tsukasa asked, both stayed quiet, Tsukasa being flustered, Rui smiling dirty at the other, noticing how red he was. They both exit the elevator and open the door to their room, seeing a massive bed that would easily fit both of them in. ''I guess this isnt so bad.'' Tsukasa said, dropping his bag on a chair that was standing in a cornor, Rui dropping his on the ground near the chair aswell. ''Mhm, told ya.'' he said as he layed down on it, noticing how comfterable the bed was aswell. Laying on it, he looked outside the window seeing the sun slowly setting. 

''Okay Rui, today is the day, you got this.'' he thinks to himself, the orange-yellow sun reflecting his bright yellow eyes, him smiling as he imagines everything going according to plan.


I promised myself to never fall in love again.˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ RuiKasaWhere stories live. Discover now