10. Instant regret.

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➶-͙˚ ༘✶ As both of the boys were in Tsukasas bedroom, Tsukasa was making the matress for Rui ready as he dropped it gently on the floor, putting a pillow and blanket on it. As he finished he could see Rui sitting on the chair, spinning around on it. ''What are you doing?'' Tsukasa said while he giggled as he looked at the other boy. ''O-Oh! Sorry...'' he said as he felt dizzy, getting up as he dropped back on the chair. ''You shouldnt have spun around like that, jeez!'' Tsukasa says as he walks over to him. ''Yeah I was just bored, its also only 19:00pm so what do you wanna do?'' Rui asked as Tsukasa wasnt preapred for that sort of question. 

''Actually.. uh..'' he said as he was thinking about what to do as he took out his phone. ''We can maybe watch a movie again! Not a scary one this time tho...'' Tsukasa says as Rui chuckles, nodding with his head. ''Sure, why not! We are gonna watch it from your phone?'' 

''Mhm! If you dont mind of course, I dont have a tablet nor TV in my room.'' Tsukasa said as he sat down on is bed, petting the spot next to him as he told Rui to sit down. The other boy instantly got up as he sat down, looking over at Tsukasas phone. ''Oh wow, you wanna watch a romance movie?'' Rui asked as Tsukasa blushed slightly as he looked over to the other boy. ''Yeah.. what about it..'' he said as Rui giggled. ''Nothing, its just unexpected.'' he said as he layed down, Tsukasa laying next to im on his stomach as he let the phone kind of sit on the pillow so they could see the screen. ''Okay, wanna watch it now?'' Tsukasa asked as Rui groans, looking over at Tsukasa. ''How about we just talk and get to know each other abit more, hm?'' Rui asked as Tsukasa looked annoyed at the other. ''You... You just agreed to this a second ago! What do you mean?!''

''I know but...''

''We can talk while watching it, how about that?'' 

''Oh, that sounds good.''

As they than were sitting on the bed, Tsukasa watching the movie, Rui couldnt help but to keep looking at Tsukasa. ''His face looks so dreamy... '' Rui thought to himself as he was basically checking out Tsukasa, as he then had a sligt smirk on his face. Eventually Tsukasa noticed as he turned his head to Rui. ''Is something wrong? You are basically starring holes into my body..'' Tsukasa said as Rui laughed abit, then looking at the movie. ''No, everything is fine, you just look... ah nevermind.'' Rui said as he had a light red tone on his cheeks, Tsukasa now getting curious. 

''I looked like what?''

''Dont worry about it.''

''But I wanna know!''

''You really wanna know?'' Rui said as he looked back the boy, raising an eyebrow. ''Of course, I asked like 2 to 3 times already!'' he said as Rui had a smile on his face, as he got closer and gently grabbed the other chin, leaving Tsukasa completly red after. ''You looked adorable, thats why I was looking at you.'' Rui said as Tsukasas eyes widden, feeling like his head was about to explode. He had no words so he stayed silent. rui then let go of his face as he giggled and got up. ''Are there any spare clothes I could wear?'' Rui asked as Tsukasa was still red, as he pointed at the wardrobe. ''Just.. see what fits you, I... will change after.'' Tsukasa said as Rui walked over to the wardrobe, looking through the oters clothes while on the inside he was panicing completly. ''Why did I say that? Does he think I am weird now? He probably thinks I like him now. I mean I do but-'' his mind was complete chaos as he wasnt even looking through the clothes at that point, but just starring at the darkness of the wardrobe. 

As he got back to reality he picked a big t-shirt he found and some shorts as he went to the bathroom of the house. ''Fuck...'' Rui said to himself as he sat down on the floor, completly regretting what he just did. ''I should say sorry.'' Rui mumbled to himself as he quickly changed and walked back into Tsukasas room. 

''Hey, I am back.'' Rui said as Tsukasa was still sitting on the bed in the same position. ''Okay, I will go change aswell.'' the other boy said as he picked up the clothes on the chair and walked out instantly. The purple haired boy sighs, laying down on the matress Tsukasa prepared for him. As he layed down he had a certain smell in his nose, as he blushed slightly. ''These smell just like him.'' Rui thought to himself as Tsukasa was done aswell, walking inside the room. ''Tsukasa-kun!'' Rui said as Tsukasa just looked at Rui confused, without saying a single word. 

''Im sorry if I creeped you out of something, I dont wanna seem weird to you.''

''Oh, R-Rui..'' tsukasa said as he got slightly red aswell, looking away. ''Its fine, dont worry. I-It was just unexpected I guess! But please dont worry so much.'' Tsukasa said as Rui smiled and walked up to the boy, hugging him. ''Thank you 'Kasa-kun~'' Rui said in a charming voice with made Tsukasa even more flustered than he already was. ''Pfft.. no problem!'' 

''We should go to sleep tho.'' Tsukasa said as he let go of the hug and walked over to his bed. Rui nodded as he also layed down in his matress, as he turned around and blushed. ''God he is so cute.'' he mumbled to himself as he covered his face with one of the pillows as the room was filled with darkness and silence. 

As he slowly got his torso up, he looked over at Tsukasa to see him having his eyes as he sighs, not knowing what to do. ''I cant sleep...'' Rui says to himself as he looks at the clock. It was just striking 9pm as Rui was still awake. He decided to open up his recent chats on his phone as he looks over at Tsukasas chat and he was smiling at it, seeing a missed massage he got. ''6 hours ago.. who wouldve texted me..?'' Rui mumbles to himself as he opens the chat. 

It was Mizuki?

He looked at the chat as he saw a long paragraph of text written, as he was shocked at the massage he saw. Mizuki talked about how she didnt mean to cheat on Rui but how it was more like an accident, basically apologizing for everything they did. ''Pfft, what a sucker.'' Rui said to himself as he blocked her and left her on read. By that time Tsukasa was already awake aswell, confused of why Rui was still up. ''Rui?'' Tsukasa asked sleepy as the other boy instantly turned around, seeing the other one basically still asleep. ''Tsukasa-kun? Is something wrong?'' Rui asked as he got up, sitting on the matress. 

''Why are you still awake? Did something happen?''

''Oh, Mizuki texted me, you know.. the girl I was with a few years ago.''

''Oh no..! What did she say?''

''Oh nothing imporant, dont worry. I also blocked her so..!'' he said as he smiles gently at the other, Tsukasa smiling back. ''I am glad, now sleep please.'' Tsukasa said tiredly as he turned back around, Rui also laying down again as he smiles, his head stuck again, his only thing in mind the boy that was only a few meter, maybe even centimeters away from him. ''I should confess to him soon enough.''

A/N: Short chapter again, but I didnt quiet know what to write O_0

Next one will have quiet alot of tea so be ready for that 🍵☕

I promised myself to never fall in love again.˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ RuiKasaWhere stories live. Discover now