20. Our happy end.

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Small reminder: Since this is the last chapter I wont be writing much at all and this will contain very horrible writing aswell, since I just wanna get this book done with and move on. You dont have to read this but if you are bored or something feel free to.

➶-͙˚ ༘✶ The classtrip was already over, as Rui was packing his stuff to go to Pheonix wonderland again, to prepare for their new show and also his very first one. You could say the boy was very much excited, especially to see Tsukasa again, his now boyfriend. He opens his backpack and puts the props he made inside, his costume in there aswell, folding it carefully and slowly inside the bag. ''Okay.. I think I have everything.'' Rui mumbles to himself, smiling in excitement, him grabbing his stuff and walking over to the door. ''Mom! I will be heading out!'' he says loudly, hearing a normal responce from his mother. ''Okay darling! Have fun!''  she said as Rui smiled, leaving the apartment and going outside. It was 12am as the sun was shining clear as day, the weather being fantastic that day. 

Him walking down the path and towards the theme park, he enters it casually and quickly makes his way over to the small stage, trying to be as fast as possible, Rui being a little bit late. He walks down the small path and could see both of the girls on the stage already, Tsukasa sitting on one of the benches near-by and looking at the performance it seemed. The purple haired boy makes his way next to the other male, sitting down. ''Hello everyone.'' he said as Tsukasa looked surprised next to him. ''Oh, hey Rui! I didnt notice you coming over, sorry..'' 

''RUI-KUNN!!!!!!!'' Emu screamed as she jumped down the stage and hugged the other, Rui hugging her back. ''Hello! I am glad you came today, WONDERHOY~!!'' she said loudly and got off of him, walking back on stage with Kiku. ''What are you guys walking on right now?'' Rui asked and tried to see what they were acting as, having no clue tho. ''Oh, we are doing a small scene where Emu is a weird creature and Kiku is fighting her. Just as a quick warm up!'' he said proudly, Rui looking over to him and smiling. ''Thank you for explaining, 'Kasa-kun.'' he says as gives the other a quick peck on the lips, standing up and walking backstage to change. 

While the kiss, both of the girls obviously saw it, looking confused but also happy at the boy. ''See? Told ya they would get together.'' Kiku says as Tsukasa looks flustered at both of them. ''HEY! Whats that suppossed to mean?!'' he screams out loud, making the two girls giggle and laugh out loud. ''Okay okay.. but in all seriousness I am happy for you two!'' she says excitedly as Emu nodds, agreeing with Kiku. ''Ahaha... thank you guys. But you two can continue practicing, I will check up on Rui real quick.''

''OKAY!'' Emu says loud as always as she picks up the prop again and starts to pretend like she is stabbing the other. While that, Tsukasa made his way over backstage to see Rui put his small gloves on, looking at the other smirking. ''Oh, hey darling~.'' he says as Tsukasa looked flustered but also annoyed at the other. ''Yeah yeah hello. Whats taking you so long?!''  he asks, making Rui chuckle, him standing up and putting his shoes back on. ''Not even 5 minutes passed, Tsukasa-kun. What do you mean?'' he said with a chuckle. ''I dont care, you are still taking ages to do this.'' Tsukasa says as Rui gets up to him, giving the other a passionate kiss, Tsukasa blushing hard, Rui only smiling at the other. ''Lets go back.'' Rui says, him heading over to the others, Tsukasa still unable to take sudden kisses. Eventually he goes back aswell, them performing and practicing their show. 

-time skip, 9pm-

Rui was in his bedrooms as always, working on one of his biggest projects, making the small Tsukasa-robot a bigger one, wanting to surprise his boyfriend when he comes over again. While he was working on the robot and wanting to pick up the screwdriver, he saw next to it his phone, someone calling him. ''Oh?'' he asks himself as he looks at the number, seeing it was Tsukasa. He happily picks up the phone. ''Hey my love.'' Rui says in a charming voice. ''Hey~!'' Tsukasa says back and giggles. ''Why did you call me? Did something happen?'' Rui asked as Tsukasa chuckled again. ''Nothing to be honest, I am just bored. Also I am excited for school on Monday!'' Tsukasa said excitedly, falling onto his bed. ''Oh? I am not, to be fair.'' 

I promised myself to never fall in love again.˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ RuiKasaWhere stories live. Discover now