7. Whats up with him?

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➶-͙˚ ༘✶ It was Saturday, and Rui was already awake, making himself ready to go to Pheonix Wonderland as he got invited from Tsukasa. He was excited, as he puts his costume in his backpack, dressing normally at first. ''What tools or props should I bring...'' Rui questioned himself as he looks at his table, seeing all kinds of stuff he created. As he was deciding, he got a phone call from someone, it was Tsukasa. Rui picked it up, as he asked him why he was calling. ''Rui..! I wanted to ask if you have any sword props, I know I said yesterday you can bring anything you like but we really need that.'' Tsukasa said as Rui smiled. ''Of course I do! I have everything you need!'' Rui said as Tsukasa chuckled, saying thank you to the other, than hanging up. 

''I should hurry, he seems to be already there.'' Rui said to himself as picked up everything he and Tsukasa needed, trying to shove everything in his backpack without breaking it. As he finished he tip-toes around his mom who was sleeping on the couch, the TV still being on. He sighs as he exits the apartment, rushing downstairs as he was outside. It was 11am, so he should be able to make it in time. 

He continues is way over to the Theme Park as he could already see it from afar, hearing the laughs and screams of diffirent children as they were on rides. As goes inside, paying of course as he makes his way over to the stage they were at. ''I wonder if Tsukasa-kun's friend is also there, I wanna spend the time with him a little bit alone.'' Rui thinks to himself as he finds the small path again, walking down. He could already see the stage from afar, and now seeing.. three people over there?

''I thought they were only two..'' Rui said to himself as he arrived, dropping his backpack next to the other ones. As he walked over to them he waved to everyone, Tsukasa smiling more than anyone else. ''Rui!'' he screamed as he jumped down from the stage, hugging him. ''T-Tsukasa-kun!? What are you doing..'' he said quietly as his face was heating up. Tsukasa liked how warm Ruis body was, he never wanted to let go. 

As Rui pushed Tsukasa abit away, he looked at the third girl. She had short and brown-ish hair that had alot of yellow stripes in them with a red and black type of costume on, with also very light reddish eyes. (Its an oc I created btw since I needed an replacement for Nene.) 

''Hello!'' the girl yelled as she jumped down aswell, waving. ''I am Kiku! Nice to meet ya!'' she said in an exciting voice, winking at him and reaching out for a hand to shake it. ''I am Rui, nice to meet you.'' he said, smiling as he shook the others girl hand. The pink haired girl also jumped down on Ruis back as she giggled. ''A new member!! YAAY! Thats so~ WONDERHOY!'' 

Rui had no clue what was happening, but he was surrounded by two girls, Kiku being really pretty. Even tho he had no feelings for anyone, he couldnt help but blush out of embarassment as Emu almost broke his back. Tsukasa was standing by the side, looking at them. ''What is happening to me.. why do I feel.. jealous.'' Tsukasa thought to himself as everyone around him was talking to each other, except him. He saw Rui being so happy as he was around Emu and Kiku, it made him upset and angry for some reason. ''Why do I want no one around him.. why do I feel so jealous all of the sudden.'' tsukasa said to himself as he went backstage, fixing the stage light as he could hear the others talking to each other. 

''Do I.. like him? No... I mean.. maybe?'' Tsukasa questioned himself as he remembered all both have done together. There were two moments where they almost kissed, as he felt his entire body heat up, feeling hot in his costume. ''Hmpf.. Fuck...'' he said to himself as he leaned his body against the wall, sliding down as he was sitting on the hard, stone floor. 

''Why do I want so much more from him than just 'be friends'? I feel like I am going crazy.'' Tsukasa said to himself again as he imagined himself kissing him, doing all kinds of other stuff. By the time, everyone got worried of where Tsukasa was, Kiku decided to check up on him. ''Rui, Emu, I will go check up on 'Kasa, be right back!'' she said as she walked off-stage, seeing his sitting on the floor, his head resting on his knees. She walked over to him, kneeling down as she was worried. ''Kasa-kun? Are you okay?'' Kiku asked as Tsukasa instantly put his head up, seeing the girl next to him. Kiku instantly noticed how red he was. ''Is everything fine? Do you have a fever your face is basically burning!'' she said as Tsukasa looked away. ''I-Im fine. Its just.. ugh!'' he said as he groans, making the girl even more confused. ''What?'' she said quickly as she tilted her head to the side, her long ponytail now touching the floor. 

''Its just..'' he says as he has the words in his head, but couldnt get them out. ''Take your time, did something happen to Saki again?'' she asks as Tsukasa shakes his head. ''I think I like someone, it makes me go insane!'' he says in a loud voice as Kiku had a smirk on her face, getting up again. ''And thats why you are here, whining?'' she says, crossing her arms as she swings her ponytail to her back. ''Its the new guy, isnt it?'' 

''Shhh! Dont say it so loud! And how did you guess?'' Tsukasa asked as the girl chuckled. ''Its so obvious, you instantly went to hug him, hell, even when we were doing shows on Friday you texted him, WHILE ON STAGE, PRACTICING!'' she said as she offered Tsukasa a hand, helping him get up. ''Oh.. well...'' Tsukasa said as the taller girl put her hand on his shoulder. ''Dont be to harsh on yourself.'' she says as she lets go, leaving backstage and going to the others. Tsukasa tho was still nervous, he didnt like seeing Rui and the others together. I mean.. Kiku wouldnt steal Rui from him, he knew it, but what about Emu? He groaned as he went to the others aswell, seeing Rui at his backpack as the other two girls were on stage. ''Rui! What are you doing?'' Tsukasa asked as he peeked a look into his stuff, seeing all kinds of builds and some clothing parts. 

''I am taking my props out, you said you needed them right?'' Rui asked as Tsukasa nodded, agreeing with him. ''Yeah, but what is that purple coat you have there?'' he questioned as Rui put it out. ''Its my costume I usually wear when I do my shows ect, I thought I'd bring it with me!'' he said as Tsukasa took a closer look at it, his fingers brushing off his own chin as he inspects it. ''Hm...'' he said as Rui was confused of why he was invensted in it so bad, making the purple haired boy giggle slightly. ''You can wear it if you like! I am sure the others would love to see you wear it.'' Tsukasa said as he smiles at Rui, him grabbing the costume as he goes backstage, wanting to change. 

''Huh? Where is Rui going?'' Kiku asked as Emu wondered aswell, looking confused at Tsukasa. ''He is changing into his costume!'' Tsukasa said happily as he brought the many props on stage aswell, slowly giving it to the girls as they had a big smile on their face aswell. ''Wow! Metal swords, and they arent even that heavy!'' 

''Yeah! Finally we dont have to use a stupid wooden toy-set.'' Tsukasa said happily as he chuckled right after, as Rui came out from backstage, completly changed. Everyone looked at him as his arm was on his hip, him smiling. As Tsukasa saw him he instantly blushed, seeing how good he looked in the costume. ''nononono... this is wrong.. he is just a friend..'' Tsukasa thought to himself as he was starring at the other guy, as Rui walked over to him, Kiku and Emu watching both of them as they were smirking, than looking at each other. 

Tsukasa finally snapped out as he turned his head away, looking off at the distance. ''You look.. great.'' Tsukasa mumbled as Rui smiled, apprichiating the compliment. ''Thank you. And.. you are really.. red. Are you sick?'' Rui asked nervously as Kiku and Emu were about to burst out laughing, knowing exactly why Tsukasa was red. ''I am fine, dont worry! Lets just start particing and lets write the scrpit heh?!'' the blondie said as he turned to the others, seeing them smirking as Tsukasa looked at them annoyed. ''Uh-huh~ How about me and Emu do our own thing while you two write the script?'' Kiku said as Emu nodded. ''Yes! You two can have so much fun and we will also do fun WONDERHOY~ stuff!'' emu said excitedly as Rui nodded, Tsukasa groaning as he knew why the others were doing this. 


''Do you not wanna work with me, Tsukasa-kun?'' 

''What? N-No of course I do!''

''You just seemed upset, thats it.'' Rui said in a low, depressing voice as he tried to cover it with a smile, Tsukasa now feeling bad. ''Rui its fine, I didnt mean it in a harsh way, just these two girls are annoying me with their... STUPIDITY!'' he screamed out as he took a look at them, both of the ladies bursting out laughing. 

''Anyways, me and Emu are leaving, cya suckers!'' Kiku said as she grabbed Emus Hand and ran off stage, down the path to discuss stuff there and leave the two boys alone. Kiku has already told Emu that Tsukasa has a crush on Rui, and that he is worried others will steal him from him. But as both of the girls ran off there was a big silence between them for quiet abit as Rui walked over to a seat, sitting down on it as he told Tsukasa to sit down aswell. ''So, lets start with the script!'' Rui said as he took out a piece of paper and a pen, Tsukasa now sitting down. 

A/N: I am so sorry for being gone for such a long time! I was at vacation if you didnt see my post on the follower wall, but thank you everyone for 500+ reads its insane! 💕

I promised myself to never fall in love again.˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ RuiKasaWhere stories live. Discover now