8. ''I am scared, guys.''

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➶-͙˚ ༘✶As the two boys were working on the script, Kiku and Emu both were walking around Pheonix Wonderland as they were still giggling about the two gays. ''Oh, by the way, Kiku~! Are you excited for our show? I heard Tsukasa say you will be singing on stage!'' Emu said excitedly as she jumped up infront of the taller girl. Kiku was already nervous as she looked awkward on the ground. ''Emu, you know I have stage fright. But I guess we are lucky since barely anyone comes to watch our shows!'' she said as she went through her brown-yellow hair, Emu looking annoyed at her. ''But the point of being an actor is to be on stage! Rui even brought us so many props! There is nothing to be scared of, Kiku!'' Emu said as she went over and hugged the other girl, Kiku hugging her back. ''Thank you, Emu, but I dont wanna sing on stage.''

''But why were you so extrovered when Rui came? It seemed like you were the most confident person out of all of us.''

''I dont know, I am just excited when you or Tsukasa bring new people over. He also seemed pretty nice, so why not be nice? Also only bc I am very talkitive in private doesnt mean I dont have stage fright, dummy!'' Kiku said as she gave Emu a gentle hit on the head, looking down at the smaller girl. ''Than we should go over and tell both, Rui and Tsukasa, that we shouldnt give you that big of a role.'' Emu recommended as Kiku nodded, both then turning around and walking down the stone path, as they see the two sitting on the bench, Tsukasa's head laying on Ruis shoulder. ''I-'' Emu said quietly as both looked at them from afar, them not seeing the two. ''Should we really disturb them now?'' Kiku asked as Emu grabbed her hand and ran back to the main part of the Theme park. ''Of course we shouldnt! Lets tell them later, wanna go on the roller-coaster for now?'' Emu asked as Kiku nodded excitedly, both running over to the coaster while still being in their costumes, getting quiet abit of attention to them. 

While the two girls were off to the roller-coaster, Tsukasa was resting his head on the other boys shoulder as he fell asleep, Rui not minding at all as he continued writing the script. ''Hm.. I think I am done, Tsukasa-kun!'' Rui says as he looks over to him, seeing his eyes closed, sleeping. He blushed at the sight as he was smiling, not even moving at all. ''What do I do what do I do..'' Rui thought to himself as he was slightly panicing. He wanted to Tsukasa see his script but also didnt wanna wake him up. He sighs as he decided to rest his head on Tsukasa's, as he looks towards the wonderstage.

As Rui could feel Tsukasa move around, he got his head back up in a second as he could see Tsukasa rub his eyes, from waking up. He yawns as he says: ''Oh, did I fall asleep? Did we finish the script?'' Tsukasa asks as he didnt notice that he was sleeping on Ruis shoulder. ''Yeah, I finished it alone, but I think it turned out well.'' he says as Tsukasa widden his eyes, taking the paper from his hand as he starts reading. ''You did this yourself?! Its great, Rui! I am sorry for not helping.'' he says as he looked back at Rui, worried. ''Tsukasa-kun its fine, really! If you are happy I am aswell.'' 

Tsukasa blushed slightly as Rui smirkes at the boy, chuckling after. Some time later the two girls arrived again, walking up to the boys. ''Rui, Tsukasa-kun~!!!'' Emu screams as she rushes towards them, hugging both of them. ''Emu! Dont be so loud!''

''Yeah yeah, anyways! Did you guys finish the script?'' Emu asks as both nod.

''Yes, we finished, is something up?''

''Tsukasa, you know Kiku has strong stage fright and she doesnt wanna sing on stage anymore, I wanted to let you two know.'' Emu says as she lets go of the hug, Kiku arriving now aswell. 

Rui widden his eyes as he felt bad, making the script enterily diffirent then they wanted it to be. ''Well.. Tsukasa fell asleep and I did the script myself, atleast half of it, and I didnt know..'' he says as he gives the girls the script, both reading it. Kiku widden her eyes as her light-red eyes were slowly tearing up. ''I.. I dont wanna sing on stage..'' she mumbles as everyone of course notices, Rui now feeling bad. ''We can always fix it, right Rui?!'' Emu says as he nods, but that must contain changing the entire story line. 

''Hey, Kiku I am sure you can do it, fears are there so you can get over them, its like a challange!'' Tsukasa says as even Rui took that advice to his heart as Kiku smiles at the boy, still crying a tiny bit as she wipes her hears with her black gloves. ''Thank you, 'kasa. But I still dont know..'' she says as Rui also gets up, hugging her. ''Its fine, I am sorry.'' Rui says as Kiku smiles even more, hugging him back. Tsukasa was looking annoyed at both of them as he crossed his arms, looking away from them. ''Anyways..'' Tsukasa says as he also gets up, looking at the sky as the sun was slowly setting. ''Its getting pretty late, we should hurry and get home before its too dark.'' he says as the others let go of the hug, Kiku knowing Tsukasa was jealous again. 

''Sure! I will head off already!'' she says as she grabs her backpack, Emu joining her aswell. ''me too me too!'' she screams as she runs after her, leaving Rui and Tsukasa alone again. 

Even tho they could have talked, everything was silent and both of them were doing their own thing. Rui changed back into his regular outfits while Tsukasa was cleaning up the stage, helping Rui with his props. ''Hey, Rui, is it okay if we leave the props here? I doupt anyone would steal them.'' Tsukasa screams out loud as Rui comes out backstage, as he holds his coat. ''Oh, sure.'' he says as he walks over to his backpack and puts everything back. ''Why is he acting so strange now...'' Tsukasa questions as he mumbles to himself. ''Ehm, Rui, is everything fine?'' Tsukasa asks as Rui turns his head to him. ''Huh?'' he said confused as Tsukasa looked at him from afar. 

''You seem upset again, is something wrong?''

''Oh, no of course not. I am just tired. Today was a rough day, haha.'' 

''Oh, I see. But today was fun, especially with you, Rui.'' 

Rui blushed as his heart started beating fast again. ''AH.'' Rui let out a silent scream as he finished packing up, making his way over to Tsukasa. ''Do you mind if I walk with you to your house? I want abit of company.'' Rui says straight up and Tsukasa smiles, also already changed into his normal clothes. ''Of course! I dont mind at all!'' he says as they both make their way to the exit of the Theme park, Rui now being curious where Tsukasa lives and what his house looks like. 

A/N: woo another chapter finished, sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, to lazy to fix them because I am sick and wanna rest

I promised myself to never fall in love again.˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ RuiKasaWhere stories live. Discover now