1. News Just In- Ron

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Ex Weasley Obliviated

by Rhiem Reido

You heard it from us at the Daily Prophet an ex member of the Weasley family, Ronald Bilius Weasley, as well known Light Orientated family has been obliviated.

How and why you ask well lets get down to the nit and gritty of it all and lets tell you a bit more of this boy.

Born March 1st 1980 he is the youngest of the male children of Molly Louise Weasley nee Prewett the only daughter to Agatha and  Bryce Prewett, and Arthur Septimus Weasley.

He started his Hogwarts schooling back in 1991 at 11 like everyone else does he was place in Gryffindor like the rest of his family but lets tell you about his first train ride that every new student goes on so let me set the scene for you...

Its a wonderful hot day of 1st September 1991 and the Weasley family are heading towards Kings Cross to head to platform 9 3/4 like they do every year this year Molly had with her who were already in school was then 5th year Percy Ignatius Weasley, twins Fredrick Gideon and George Fabien Weasley both in their then 3rd year and Ginerva Molly Weasley, only daughter, then only 10 years old.

They head to the train where his older brothers went to compartments to find their friends while Ronald went in search for one of his own and found a compartment with one boy in it and that boy loyal readers is one Hadrian Jameson Severus Snape or back then he was known as Harry James Potter.

He asked for him to sit with him and Hadrian let him, Ronald went on about Hadrian and his scar which he was happy to show him and they became fast friends from here on out.

Throughout their first year they were technically inseparable best of friends they did everything together, they both loved Quidditch, young Hadrian had become the youngest Seeker in history, Ronald liking chess as well, but it also came to our knowledge was that he was a bully as well as his main target was Hermione Jean Granger but a twist in fate brought the three together and that was a troll.

Yes dear loyal readers a troll was brought into Hogwarts that very same year only seven weeks after the new school year had started, how you may ask did a troll get into Hogwarts without the wards going off we do not know but after a battle of some sort namely saving young Hermione Granger from being killed by said troll thanks to the quick thinking of Hadrian Snape who managed to pull off a fantastic levitation charm that was only just taught to them the week before knocking the troll completely out cold.

The three fast became best of friends known as the Golden Trio, somehow they started to look for the stone that belonged to Nicholas Flammel, we don't know why and when asked Hadrian Snape said that he didn't want to answer it as it brought back bad memories which we understood his wishes.

Through the year they searched the stone and who would try and get it where ever it was and it came to ahead in June/July time in 1992.

They managed to get passed a three headed dog called Fluffy that did belong to Rubeus Hagrid the grounds keeper and a 3rd year drop out back in the 1940's, during his 3rd year he let loose Acromantula by the name of Aragog killing a student.

They set about a course that was hidden under a trap door that the three headed dog that was Fluffy and went about trying to get the stone from a possessed teacher Professor Quirinus Quirrell the Muggle Studies teacher turned DADA teacher.

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