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credit goes to japgal94 for the idea, thanks!

Draco was finally out of the Hospital Wing but he was on light duty meaning just school work and the Great Hall for light food nothing else he was still recovering which Poppy made sure that if she found out that he was doing more than that she would tie him to one of the beds and keep him there for at least a week which he didn't want and so followed her rules, or at least he was.

The staff knew what had happened and were on the look out for anything that Draco wasn't doing aka following Poppy's rules even Otiz and Harry were making sure that he was it made Draco feel like he was under a magnifying glass for inspection which was driving him crazy as hell.

"Oh come on let me go and watch the match!" whined Draco

"NO!" said Harry as he continued to look through the potion book that he had yet again taken off his father, well he took it off both of them countless times as it was helping him improve this potion's even if it was kind of cheating but hey he was improving wasn't he and that's what counted if you ask him.

"Stop reading uncle Sev's book will you Hadrian" said Draco as he tried to take the book off him again only to have Harry roll out of the way from him.

"Make me"

"Get back here and I will"




"Stop that"

"Stop what?"

"Copying me"

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are!"



Both of them looked at each other book out of reach to the pair of them as it had been thrown across their dorm room and burst out laughing realising they were acting like children which was nice as Harry had never really experienced it before and for Draco it was refreshing to say the least.

Yes they were sixteen but once in a while like this was nice and had a sort of calming effect.

"Are you two finished yet?" asked Blaise by the door with Theo next to him both trying not to laugh at the couple.

"Pretty much" said Harry as he got up and went to pick the book up again so then he could read through it all over again for the hundredth time.

"Will you put that away already you're worse than Theo when he reads" said Blaise as he sat down on her bed and watches him for a minute or two before getting his shower items and heads to the bathroom.

"Hey Blaise I'm not that.... oo there is a spell in here... sect..... sectum... cut? semp... sempra.... forever? sectumsempra.... cut forever ok that's dangerous even for dad why in the world did he make a spell like that?" said Harry changing his sentence half way through.

"I think you need to tell him about that it sounds way to dangerous if you ask me, why would he make spells like that he is a potion and defence master but that is way to dangerous Hadrian please go to him we don't want to get into trouble or anything" said Theo as he closed the book he was reading which was a Sherlock Holmes book.

"I didn't know you liked fictional books Theo" said Draco

"I like to read and to learn but I never brag about it like a certain someone in Gryffindor"

"Very true you do and you help us when you need it and not set up stupid study schedules that no one can do even her either" said Harry gathering his things for his shower pushing Otiz in there first of all.

"Stop pushing me!"

"No you smell and your fur is starting to stick together as well what in Merlin did you roll in? dragon dung?"

"No I did not pumpkin juice fell on me"

"Yuck! shower for you now!"


The following day Harry's friends had managed to convince him to head to Severus and talk about the book and the spell that was written in it, it was a weekend after all.

Harry walked into Severus' private rooms and picked up Calista who had found herself by the door and both Tom and Severus looking for her and only stopped when Harry coughed.

"There she is!" said Tom who's hair was being pulled by Azrael as he wanted to be back with his toys but his father didn't want him to be at the moment.

"Dad can I have a word with you about your book?"

"Which one?" said Severus taking Calista off him

"You know which one I'm on about, the one I found"

"Ah, Tom can you take the twins with you it looks like I need to have a word with my oldest"

"That's fine Sev, come on monsters lets go bug nana Minnie"

"Papa she'll kill you for calling her that you know it right"

"Of course I do Hadrian I do it to annoy her but with these two I get away with it" and he smiled and walked out of the chambers with the twins on his hips.

"What is it Harry?" asked Severus using his old name.

"It's about this spell I found in your old book what was it about and why something so dangerous for Merlin's sake".

"Ah I know which one you are on about son and I was going to use it for some... thing but it turned out to be too dangerous to use and so I tried to get rid of the damn book"

"Who were you going to use it on?" he looked his dad hard in his onyx eyes, emerald eyes sparkled needing to know this made Severus sigh.

"Fine you win Hadrian I was going to use it on your father and his friends to get back at them for all of the bullying they did to me and Black almost killing me back in 5th year saying it was a prank but it wasn't

I hated them so much as no one would listen to me about the bullying and about Black, I was told to keep my head down and to keep quiet as no one would believe a half blood over two pure bloods but when I found out how dangerous it was I managed to do a counter curse for the spell and tried to forget it all together it was once of the reasons why I insulted your mother my best friend as I was so scared and upset that I said something..."

"You called her a Mudblood didn't you that's why you don't like that word because you called her that and you lost her friendship"

"Yes son and to this day I hate myself for calling her that awful name and I just wish I could of told her that I was sorry and I didn't mean it and that I loved her but I loved her more than a friend and a sister but...."

"You never got the chance did you?"

"No I didn't get to and I regret it to this day son I hate that she will never know" sighing.

"It's ok dad I know she loves you and is grateful that you took me in when... you know"

"Yes I do son, yes I do come on before your papa sets the twins on Minerva" and they left the chambers and headed up to the head Lioness. 

A Father A New Life Start Book 4Where stories live. Discover now