26. Finding New and Old

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Petunia looked at her son and 'husband' who was throwing insult after insult at her son, her baby boy, her Corvus Rabastan Lestrange she was Petunia Elizabeth Evans Lestrange.... 

How could she forget it....

How could she forget her perfect husband and not this whale of disgust and her son... oh her son and that name no it didn't work plus he didn't look like he was mean to... the eyes yes they were hers while he did have his father's hair not the blond he was a dark hair baby why blond she didn't know but they had to leave...

The two had to get away!

She stood up rapidly and took hold of her son's arm and when she did he screamed in pain and held his head like he had a headache she brought him close rubbing his back gently and whispered his real name and in an instant his hair changed from his blond to his natural dark brown and his eyes shone of a darker blue he was back but he still looked like Vernon..... that weight and everything needed to go this was now a cross between the whale and her love... her Rab...

"Mother... where's father?" asked Dudley as he looked over at Vernon knowing that wasn't his father sitting there and then looked at his mother and she just took him by the hand and walked out commenting to Vernon that she was going shopping for dinner the fat man didn't care, what she didn't know was that Sarah had seen the whole thing.

'it's like my grandfather had something to do with his' she said to herself and Vernon knew it but why did she lie to him... she wanted to follow but wasn't sure about it all and due to that she stayed... mind you she wish she never did......

"GIRL get me some snacks you are so worthless" bellowed Vernon making the shy girl jump out of her skin almost she hated being called Girl or anything like that she had been called so many derogative names by her 'family' over the years that she always flinched when someone called her those names she just couldn't help it.

She was snapped out of her thoughts as Vernon hit her making her slam into the wall... the house they were in wasn't very big and Vernon didn't want them in his nice and orderly home.. bunch of freaks that they were he was glad that Dumbles made Petunia forget what she was and made him 'adopt' her brat good thing was that Dudley obeyed him and that was saying something he had been her 'husband' now for fourteen years after all and he was or hand been very bendable... to make him his own...

Little did he know everything was going to go down the pan and quickly at that.....


Petunia ran with Dudley behind her and she was glad that he had asked that question it just proved after fourteen years he still remembered his father, his biological father at that... he may of only been over a year old and everything but he still remembered now to just get away....

They ran to the nearest train station she had no idea why he would set up in Chester in Cheshire of all things as it was a four hour drive for them and she was glad that they met once a month if that and she hated it all that travel but she went anyway wanting the money but now she couldn't careless she had to get herself and her son away.

 They ended up at the station and Petunia thanked any god out there that she had Vernon's cards and everything he always kept hers and so she transferred money over into her account cut up his card quickly and bought tickets to London one way.

It was a three hour train ride and two change overs but she didn't care she had to get them to Gringotts and fast her magic wasn't at all powerful and this was the best she could do and so they were off both of them slept on the trains that they had to catch and soon they were in London.

Petunia went and looked for the Leaky Cauldon and when she found it she asked Tom if he could let her through explaining that she was a Squib and that she had to see the goblin's as a matter of urgency and he opened up the wall.

"Thank you so very much"

"Gringotts is right there the biggest building we have here ok"

"Thank you so very, very much" she smiled to him and both her and Dudley went into the Alley heading towards the bank they didn't pay attention to who was walking around as they were in a hurry but they managed to walk into three people.


Bella and Rodo had taken Rabastan out for the day it was good because they could walk around and not worry about the consequences as they had been completely cleared as it showed that they were all under the Imperius Curse and it was proven that it wasn't even them that had tormented Frank and Alice that Halloween night all the evidence pointed to their innocence and it was Dumbles fault that they had been there... been in Azkaban for all those years... they had lost so very much.

Bella had lost her child not long after being placed in that prison and it broke her more than anything in the world, Rodo couldn't help her as he was in the cell opposite her when she realised that she had miscarried their child, he had to watch his wife slowly but surely go insane at the loss.

Rabastan on the other hand lost his young family fourteen years ago and the paper work was forged stating that he was place in at the same time as his brother and sister in law but no he was placed in before that.... new year of 1982...  two almost three months after wards his son was only eighteen months old for crying out loud he lost them just after his second Christmas....

As he walked he was bumped into bringing him out of his thoughts...

"Oh sorry, sorry I... I mean we are in a hurry and it's been so very long since I've been here" Petunia side stepped around Rab and headed off Dudley not far behind her.

Rab looked... no it couldn't be... no it was it was Petunia....well he never called her that as both hated her name and so he nicknamed her Freyja.

"Fra.... Freyja? is that you?" he asked which made her stop and slowly turned around there was only ever one call her that besides Lilly of course it what she nicknamed her after all and when she saw who it was she had tears running down her face.

"Rab?!" she hugged him tightly crying into his shoulder, Dudley not knowing what to do stood back slightly... if his mother was hugging this man could it be....

He wasn't sure of who or what he was.

Rodo and Bella looked at the boy and smiled slightly he looked just like Rab did but he was so over weight they hoped that it wasn't nothing serious glad to see their nephew again...

"Come on you were heading to Gringotts right Freyja come lets get this done as I think this must be our son Corvus... he looks like me but that weight.... no has to go" said Rab and took her hand and placed his arm on Dudley's shoulder and the family headed to Gringotts. 

They entered the bank making Dudley cower at the sight of the goblin's as it had been so very long since he was last there and he tried to hide but his father wouldn't let him and they walked up to a teller and waited.

Once on was free they stepped up to them it appeared that it was the Lestrange goblin of all people that they saw and this made Petunia smiled remembering Sliver Blade after so long.

"Business.." asked Sliver Blade to them not really looking at them.

"Ah Silver Blade just the goblin I want to see, thank you, I would like to see if my wife and son have any spells, potions and what not on them we've had only just found each other after all this time" explained Rab to the goblin, this made him look to them and when he saw the missing Lestange's he was happy enough.

"Follow me" said Silver Blade and lead the family of five to his office.

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