35. Memories part 3

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Tom had asked Harry to join him in his office again and when he did Nagini wrapped around him calling him Hatchling even though he didn't like being called a child in his book as he was sixteen but he loved it just the same so he just rolled his eyes at the mother hen of a snake.

"Nagini please let my son go will you?" asked Tom towards his best friend and familiar but all he got back was a raspberry and her wrapping more around Harry for a second or two before she let go and went back to her warming stone.

Harry just laughed at the two of them before he looked at his papa, yes he was the man that killed his parents but they had found out that he was under spells and charms as well as potions to do it and to this day fifteen years on he still regretted it and he had paid every cent back by helping anyone and everyone in Hungry when he started off as a Lawyer.

"So why am I here again?" asked Harry as he looked into the blue eyes of his papa.

"Ah yes Hadrian as you know we are learning about my past and how Dumbles manipulated me into what I did and so far you have seen me before and during Hogwarts now I want to show you afterwards when I finally find my family, my uncle Morfin and grandfather Marvolo which happens to be my middle name" he sighed.

"I would also like you to see what Dumbles did when I tried to work after I got my Masters in Defence and when I went to try and get the job at Hogwarts it's so then you can understand fully what happened and then we can go from there alright? your dad has the twins and so... shall we do this then?" Tom really didn't want to show Harry these but like he had said he needed his son to understand that everything that he had done, all the wrong was all because of Dumbletwat.

"Ok then papa" he smiled shyly still not sure about the name and everything.

They walked over to the Pensieve and placed their fingers in and Harry yet again looked around for a second or two waiting for Tom to appear next to him and when he did Tom looked at the scene in front of them.

"Harry welcome to Little Hangleton again the same place that the Goblet sent you and the Diggory boy, this is my father's family house, Riddle Manor but I don't want you to see this just yet.." he waved his hand and everything shifted to a completely run down building.. well it was more of a shack than anything else.

"Here we are the Gaunt family home, I know it looks nothing like any sort of home but these are the Slytherin linage or was as I am the last or was thought to be the last until we did you inheritance test..." he gave Harry a small smile.

"My mother her name was Merope Gaunt, my uncle his name was Morfin Gaunt and my grandfather Marvolo Gaunt all lived here until... well lets say they were abusive to my mother, she died while giving birth to me, and died"

"You killed them didn't you?"



"They were abusive to my mother while she was growing up, which caused her magic to be suppressed after the death of my grandfather and imprisonment of my uncle, I do care what happened to them but I did find them and I did kill them, her magic manifested and she used a love potion to make my father Tom Riddle fall in love with her, they had me but when my father found out she was a witch he didn't want to know and so kicked her out for the better sense of the word and she gave birth to me in the orphanage and she died there, I was told that I would be unable to love due to being conceived under the effects of a love potion"

"But you do love don't you?"

"Yes Hadrian I do love you and I have learnt to love that was something that I never knew I could do in all my years I never thought I could love or would love but look at me now I have three wonderful children and a wonderful loving husband that is something that Dumbles never excepted when he came to find me back when I was eleven years old".

They let the memory play out in front of them Harry now knowing more and more about his papa then he wanted to know but like Tom had said the boy needed to know what had happened and why.


The scene in question was when the sixteen-year old Tom encountered Morfin as he sought out his heritage. 

"Who are you?" asked Morfin to his own nephew but Tom only smiled at him

"Family if you will call us that after that you have done to my own mother but alas she died the night I was born"

"Good riddance if you ask me the good for nothing whence that she was"

"Well now I don't think that but at the same time I do, strange don't you think about what has happened over these past sixteen years" looks around them the shack was really no more had his mother really grew up in this it made him sick.

The memory showed that, in the absence of Merope, the Gaunt Shack had gone to seed. Riddle entered the house, and because he so resembled his father, Morfin mistook him for a moment as his hated, Muggle brother-in-law.

"You're that disgusting filth of a man aren't you?"

"No but you could say I'm related to him after all his was my father don't know where he and the rest of them are" and he sighed hissing something in Parseltongue proving to Morfin that he spoke Parseltongue.

"Ah the noble language of our respected family line I had hoped that it would not die out with me as the only family left to speak it but you are now here you can carry on what we as a family have tried to protect sadly our family has now almost died out"

"And what's it to you?"

"You can carry on with what we have tried to do!"

"And that is?"

"Making sure that our noble line is protected! we have never bred with other members of the Noble houses as we want to keep our ability to ourselves we do not want to ruin the family lineage like we thought that whence did with you but I can see that our Noble tongue is strong even if you are a disgusting half breed"

Tom didn't look impressed with his 'uncle' and waited for him to say more about his parents as he couldn't find either of them and after learning about his mother had died the night he was born well that was now a complete lost cause if he ever saw one if his man... well he could die.

Morfin then informed Tom that Marvolo was dead and told Tom the story of Tom Sr, leaving Merope and Merope subsequently robbing them of Slytherin's locket. Tom Riddle, learning that in fact his father, a Muggle, left his mother, was furious.

It was time for him to track down his father and see what they had to say about what they had done to him and his mother, he turned around and killed his uncle not caring one bit he had another that he need a little 'chat' with

The memory ended and Tom and Harry left the memory Harry was pale as he saw his papa kill his own uncle like it was nothing but then with what they had done to Merope all her life it was justified on some respect... at least he thought it was.

All Tom wanted was answers even now he still hadn't had them and worried that he had scared his son which he never, ever wanted.

"Thank you for showing me this papa, me you and dad went through so many similar things and I think that's what brought us together more than we every hoped for" and he hugged Tom tightly making the man cry for the first time in many, many years he had finally learnt that it was ok to love as well as cry he was now only human after all. 

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