2. News Just In- Hermione

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Werewolf Returned To Pack

by Rheim Reido

We have been told many times that Werewolves are evil and they are eaters of children but we could be further from the truth it has comes to this news reporter that they are just like us in many ways besides having to go through a nasty change every full moon that makes them dangerous yes but other than that they are completely harmless the other time during that time of the month.

They can hold jobs which they do in the Muggle World just to get buy and who did feed us this lie well it's non other than Albus Dumbledore, yes dear readers he's got to many fingers in the proverbial pies spreading lies...

We talked to Fenrir Greyback and it turns out that it wasn't him that was hunting children down killing and turning them into werewolves it was his older brother Reynir he was sick of his father ruling the pack that he knew was rightfully his and so went out on his own attacking children turning them and because him and Fenrir looked alike it appeared that it was the younger out of the brothers that got caught.

The only one that Fenrir 'attacked' was Remus John Lupin when he was only four years old he was a very sickly child and if Fenrir didn't change him he would of died the Lupin's were indebted to him for saving their son's life and so Remus was now a Werewolf.

Our story again is about a Miss Hermione Jean Granger, Muggleborn born 19th September 1979 to Muggle Dentists Jean and Daniel Granger, their only child.

At the age of three she started to display magical abilities which scared her parents but said that it just made her special but due to their jobs they were always busy and young Granger was left on her own and so started reading anything she could get her hands on not matter that it was.

When she got her Hogwarts letter it all made perfect sense she was a Witch and so when she went to get her things with Professor Minerva McGonagall Head of Gryffindor, Deputy Headmistress as well as Transfiguration Professor along with her parents Hermione made sure she had everything in the list and more.

I spoke to some of the students in her old house and from others that she was a bossy know it all and if she didn't like what you had to say she would hit you either with her hand or book but then she would sprout nonsense about not abusing the books but she did it herself but would blame others for what she considered wrong in her eyes.

So she's allowed to hit people without consequences just because she was so called 'smarter' than others around her, Albus Dumbledore even said that she was the brightest Witch of her generation but we found out she was 3rd in the year. Draco Malfoy was 2nd and Susan Bones was first so not the smartest it seems.

Well we will again set the scene on the Hogwarts Express she took it upon her self and not speak to a Perfect or Head Boy/Girl to look for a lost pet opening and demanding if they had seen a toad, we wont mention the owners name as they don't want to be known and we respect their wishes.

Throughout her first year she was bullied due to her ways of being bossy and a know it all and students learnt not to answer questions or even be prepared for classes as they quickly learnt that she would just shout out the answers or even give long lectures on the topic they had been given, it was just easier for the other students.

During a Quidditch match, the first of the year I might add she set Professor Severus Snape's robes alight thinking he was cursing his now son Hadrian but in fact he was trying to save him.

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