31. Valentine's....

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I know that it's been a while since the last update but due to the death of Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Winsor II on the 8th September I thought it best to wait until everything was over and done with

It was the most important day in a woman's life, besides their wedding day of course, was upon them once again, it was Valentines Day which meant chocolates and dates for the day and no one paying attention to classes.

Yes it was a day for women to give chocolates to the men in their lives but it didn't stop one, two or even three couples to give their partners a chocolate or two in their book, one of the six had such a sweet tooth that his husband knew he would love the day, another also had a very sweet tooth and was hoping that his husband would get him something while the youngest of the couples just wanted to hang out curled up with his boyfriend and nothing more.

Yes he did love the day but he didn't like all the chocolate to be honest he wasn't a fan of it due to what he had to go through growing up he didn't really see the point in the day.

Sev's date:

Severus was marking papers yet again muttering about dunderheads and even after seven years of taking potions they still couldn't brew to his standards yes he was taking that far as he had passed his apprenticeship only after two years and was the youngest Potion's Master around but still they should know what he wanted from them and a number of them would do very well in an apprenticeship and that was only after Dumbles was kicked out of Hogwarts.

The twins were now coming six months old and were growing so very quickly he didn't know where the time had gone they were now starting to be weaned and Azrael was funny he loved vegetables but hated fruit and Calista was the opposite which made Severus laugh.

They were now both sitting up unaided now and were able to get their own toys within each and he swore that he had seen both trying to crawl but when he told anyone they stopped and just waved at them.

As he was thinking about the twins he didn't know that Tom had come in via his floo and was sneaking up on him with Nagini and Asphodel on his head in his typical hat and cape eating a strawberry like normal a tray floating behind him.

He placed his hands over Severus' eyes making him jump not expecting it making the three of them laugh, the twins were with Narcissa and Lucius for the day as they didn't want the students to give them chocolate.

"Guess who?"

"A murderous, bald red eyed snake hybrid of a man wanting to jump my bones at any giving moment" said Severus making the man huff not happy with that as he was no way near what he had described, he by then had removed his hands.

"Sorry sorry but you did ask and I did in the end add in the jumping of the bones comment for your benefit Tom" looking at his husband with so much love he knew he could worm his way out of trouble.

"Fine you win" said Tom pouting put a storm Asphodel and Nagini just laughed at him while Nova just clung to Severus' hair like normal she was asleep as he was doing paper work and that always put her to sleep she wasn't one for paper work even if she was a bat.

"So what brings you to the deep dark dungeons oh husband of mine?" asked Severus to him as he put down his quill.

"You know it's the one time of year that I really let you have your way with chocolate right?"

"Yes and...?"

"The twins aren't here, Sirius is occupying Remus and our son is with Draco and I know you don't have any more lessons for the rest of the day and so I thought we could have a little date just me and you down in the Chamber..."

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