17. DADA Lesson Snape Style

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Severus came into the DADA classroom like he would for his Potion's class with his robes billowing out behind him waving his wand to close the windows to then he could start the lesson, he was once and for all happy that he had this class but he was missing his Potions and everything but he could always experiment and brew them when the twins were sleeping and was only able to do teach these lessons as Slughorn was teaching Potions he hoped and even dare he say prayed that nothing would go wrong...

He hoped that is.

As the windows closed the students jumped including Harry and Draco as they had been planning a study group as Harry was the best in DADA and some students *cough cough Draco Malfoy* were struggling in the subject they could also use it as a date night.

"Well now... I didn't think most of you would pass and be in this class... with your.... lack of teachers it seems..." he looked around leaving them wondering what he was going to say next about the sub-par teachers.

"I am here to teach you... finally... something that will hopefully stick into your skull so then you can pass your N.E.W.T's next year but I feel that it would be rather lacking in marks as your Potions were before hand..."

The students kind of understood what he was talking about as they knew how he would mark them in their Potions class he was fair mind you but very, very strict and they had seen why with many ruined Potions as well as exploding cauldrons over the years they had even warned their younger siblings if they had any to be careful even if it was now Slughorn teaching the class.

"Well now we will start on Dementors... I have no idea why you never covered it in your third year... I won't go into that as we all know what happened that year...." he looked around knowing that they knew.

"No then the information given here is: "Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them... Get too near a Dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you. If it can, the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself... soulless and evil. You will be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life, and you will just be an empty shell that lost its soul... Well now we have seen them yet again in your third year but alas here we are.." he looked around.

"...well why aren't you writing it down!" he snapped the twins had kept him up part of the night now happy but managed to settle them down no thanks of Tom helping.. they had some what made up but he hadn't helped with the twins since and today they were grumpy and were staying with Tom.

Karma bites!

Everyone was listening to the lecture on Dementors as Severus explained everything to them about them:

"A dementor was a gliding wraithlike dark creature, widely considered to be one of the foulest of the dark creatures to inhabit the Wizarding World the dementors fed on human happiness and thus generated feelings of depression and despair in any person in close proximity to them. They could also consume a person's soul... indeed...  leaving their victims in a permanent vegetative state and thus were often referred to as "-sucking fiends", and the people they left soulless were deemed to have been turned into an "empty-shell" he looked around after he had finished speaking and smiled ever so slightly at some of the pale students that were scared, he still got it.

He carried on with the lesson giving some facts of them as well:

"Eye colour none, skin colour is a scabby grey, hair colour none, maybe related to the Lethiford but we aren't sure of that, they reside in Azkaban where they do their work as stated from my previous speech, they are about 3 meters tall and are Amortal it seems.... well class it appears we are out of time and for your home work..." some groaned at it "... will be a 3 foot essay on dementors, in your own words from what I have given you and please I beg of you dunderheads research I won't waste my time grading your pathetic excuse of an essay otherwise" he soon left and went to the office not caring as the bell went.

"I think he's in a bad mood" said Daphne to the group as they headed off to the greenhouses.

"Yeah Lizzie and Azzie were grumbling most of the night and papa didn't help and so dad is tired and due to that he gave them to papa even though he knew he had a meeting today" laughed Harry as Otiz helped him his broken leg still hurt even with the potions he was on.

"Really Snape in other words palmed the twins off on someone else as he was annoyed" said Blaise making everyone laugh.

"Yeah he did and I was told to stay away from their rooms for a bit so we can play exploding snap later as well as study like normal if everyone is all game that is.." he turned to Daphne "... we help some of the younger years as well if Astonia is ok with that will you talk to her for me?"

"I can all but ask Hadrian you know that"

"Thank you and we have Helga for today it seems" said Theo as they walked into the green house.

Back in the DADA classroom Severus was trying to mark the younger years essays as he had a free period and normally he would check on the twins but he thought that Tom needed to learn that they needed him as much as they needed Severus and he had a feeling that his two out of three precious children knew that their parents were fighting but he would never know.

Tom knocked on his door and Severus could hear crying, ah Tom was here to pass them off onto him.

"Sevvie can I come in please" the twins cries picked up.




"I'll buy you your favourite chocolate"


"Why not?"

"Because I spent most of the night up with them your turn now leave me alone!"



"Fine be like that jerk!" he went off back to his office with two crying babies who were hungry and didn't like their parents upset at each other.

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