38. Sarah's Showdown

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The friends were in lesson which was potions and they had to admit it was shit, too many students had ended up being hurt and they realised very quickly the reason why Severus was so strict in class they could really hurt themselves if not kill not only them but someone else as well!

Who in Merlin let the crack pot into the classroom and to think he used to be a teacher of some high degree but about twenty years again if not longer in some cases but still he was completely and utterly useless, the students had taken it upon themselves to form inter house study groups that would help them somewhat know what they were doing even the older years tutored the younger years because some of them had been pretty badly hurt and Poppy even wanted Tom to get rid of him but he couldn't he had a years contract and it was binding thanks to that old fart!

It was then that the castle shook slightly as the wards came down slightly admitting entrance to whoever it was making the Founder's appear in a flash their wands at the ready only to lower them when they see Sarah in Siren form.

"Get Potter!" she said trying to keep herself awake after using too much magical power.

"Who?" said Godric but with another burst of magic she sent all four to the floor.

"HADRIAN JAMESON SEVERUS SNAPE GETE DOWN HERE NOW!" she screamed this made everyone jump as with her Siren abilities her voice carried all the way done into the dungeons as well as up to the towers everyone heard her.

Harry came out of the classroom and headed towards the entrance where everyone was waiting strangely enough they were worried about what was going to happen and when Sarah saw Harry she casted an unforgivable at him but he dodged easily enough thanks to what he had to go through when he was younger.


"Hey just because I like Draco doesn't mean I want to be insulted!" he looked at everyone as they moved out of the way as Sarah shot off another spell and Harry dodged again.

"Everyone to the hall, teachers stay with them I'll go and make sure that these two don't kill each other" said Tom as he watched as Harry kept dodging and made his way outside he didn't want his friends in the firing line an getting hurt.

"ITS ALL YOUR FAULT! ITS ALL YOUR FAULT IF YOU HAD JUST FOLLOWED WITH THE PLANS EVERYTHING WAS GOING TO ME FINE" she fired another spell which didn't even hit its mark and went flying into the air away from everyone.


"You have some serious issues right there it seems perhaps a mind healer is what you need?" said Godric, Fawkes landed on his head and started to preen his hair.

"Shut up Godric you aren't helping matter" said Rowena as Noir came over and nuzzled her before heading over to Helga licking her face.

"He's just dodging out of the way he's not even trying to attack back" said Salazar as Asmadeyus came out of the chamber and shielded the Founders as well as Severus and Tom.

"Sal the child is upset at what she has found out she thinks that only Hadrian can understand her" said Asmadeyus closing his eye lids and looked at everyone.

"Kinda figured that out!" said Otiz as he changed into his Kitsune form grabbing Harry and flipping out of the way of a Avada Kedavra hitting Asmadeyus' tail

"That had to hurt I am sorry dear friend that you had to have that attack you" said Salazar as he pet the Basilisk's head.

"Tom we need to stop her if he wasn't in the way and Harry had Otiz we would of died!" said Severus getting really worried.

"I know love I know but he's safe at the moment" said Tom he thanked Merlin that the twins were having their nap.

Harry again with the help of Otiz dodged another spell each one getting weaker the more she went on her mental state was bad she just wanted someone to listen to her to understand what she had gone through but no one could... well in her book that was.

"YOU JUST HAD TO LISTEN TO HIM YOU JUST HAD TO OBEY AND NOT GET SOMEONE ELSE INVOVLED, GETTING OTHERS INVOVLED IS A DEATH SENTANCE, WE GET HURT AND WE GET BETRAYED BY PEOPLE WHO ARE MEANT TO LOVE US!" she just stopped and stood there crying with one last bout of power she sent a shock wave to the Founders and castle only for it to be stopped by someone.

Everyone looked to see who it was and it appeared to be Dezaral standing there on land, he was a Siren and he was on frickin land.

"Kuv tus me nyuam, kuv lub plawv, so tam sim no nws yog lawv xav tshuaj kuv tus me nyuam koj tau muaj zog lawm, Kuv thiaj zoo siab rau koj tag nrho yog" said Dezaral as he placed his hand on her head stopping all magic from flowing. *1

He turned around just as Sarah collapsed into him returning to normal, he looked at everyone and then back at Sarah

"So tam sim no tus ntxhais ntawm kuv lub. Kuv thov txim rau qhov nws tau ua dab tsi, nws tsis tau raug noj los ntawm peb tau saib qhov txhia chaw rau nws, nws yog tus ntxhais ntawm ob haib creatures Alexys thiab kuv tus kheej txawm ntawm kaum ob, kuv vam tias koj yuav zam txim rau nws rau nws yawg tau ua rau nws, nws yuav tsum tsis txhob muaj tshwm sim" *2

And he left with Sarah in his arms but not before Salazar nodded and said "So kom zoo thiab mus txawv tebchaws rov qab mus rau koj lub tsev ntiaj teb" *3



my child, my heart, rest now it's ok child of mine you have been strong, I'm so proud of you we all are

rest now daughter of mine, i am sorry for what she has done, she shouldn't of been taken from us we have been looking everywhere for her, she is the daughter of two powerful creatures Alexys and myself even at twelve, i do hope you can forgive her for what her grandfather has done to her, it should never should of happened

rest well and travel safe back to your home world

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