20. Liquid Luck

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It was another day in Potions, Slytherin and Gryffindor classes why couldn't they be with a different house who knows but the Founders liked the way it was even though Dumbles set it out like this, they were hoping that they were now old enough to sort out their problems without trying to hex each other left right and centre and it appeared to be working as the two houses saw the two Founders their houses were named after messing around together and being great friends and many wanted to have that they hated that they weren't, they wanted to make the Founders proud and soon everyone could see that the two houses were slowly getting along.

In classes they had together they would sit one Slytherin and one Gryffindor which pleased the teachers as they normally set out paired or group working and would place them like that anyway but now there wasn't any grumbling, hexing or curing from the two houses.

It looked like the stupid feud had stopped or was slowly stopping that was.

Slughorn was at the front of the class with several potions in front of him the students around him and he asked them

"Any ideas what these might be?" he looked around and Hermione of all people raised her hand making everyone sigh they just wanted the idiot gone as well as Morning-Glory the two were so annoying and when they learnt what the younger girl had done at the beginning of the year they just wanted her gone.

Hermione stepped forward holding her book close, even now she struggled to take notes as she still had to write them herself and not use a Quick Quill which she was used to but they would never work for her now as she had a permeant block on her for that type of magic and so she had to learn to use a quill which was bad enough in her book.

"Yes Miss..."

"Granger sir" she said to him everyone was still looking at her.

 "That one there is Veritaserum a truth telling serum and that one is Amortentia the most powerful love potion in the world, it's rumoured to smell differently to each person, according t what attracts them, for example I smell...." she took a slight whiff but she couldn't smell anything "I'm sorry sir but I can't smell anything"

Someone from the back laughed "you're meant to be a werewolf Granger can't you use that nose for something?" everyone laughed making her walk off

"Now Amortentia doesn't create actual love, that would be impossible but it does cause powerful infatuation or obsession and for that reason it's the most dangerous potion in this room" and he closed the lid on the cauldron making the slowly advancing girls to stop in their tracks.

"Sir, you haven't told us what's in that one?" said a student to him.

"Ah yes" he took a small vial off its stand, it as tiny compared to the others.

"What you see before you ladies and gentleman is a curious little potion known as Felix Felicis which is more commonly referred to as-."

"Liquid Luck" said Hermione without being asked what it was.

"Yes Miss Granger Liquid Luck desperately tricky to make disastrous should you get it wrong one sip and you will find that all of your endeavours succeed..."

The students looked worried some more than others while others looked like Slughorn was off his nut.

"...at least until the effects wear off, so this is what I offer each of you today one tiny vial of Liquid Luck to the student who in the hour that remains manages to brew an acceptable Draught of Living Death recipes of which can be found on page ten of your books".

Everyone opened their books then.

"I should point out however only one student who managed to brew a potion of sufficient quality to claim this prize. Nevertheless good luck to you all, let the brewing commence" he shooed them off to start working on the potion.

Draco, Blaise and Theo were with him Otiz was laying under the table not wanting to deal with Slughorn or even potions today.

"Ok he's weird professor my father had him when he was in school" said Theo as the friends all set up and opened the book that Otiz had stolen from Severus as the man still had baby brain and kept forgetting simple things but couldn't be helped to be honest he loved his baby siblings after all and was very protective of them.

While everyone was trying to cut up the Sopophorus bean Harry noticed that his father had written down crush with the blade to release the juice which he did and it was much easier to deal with and he did just that and put it into his potion.

"How did you do that?" asked Blaise

"Crush it don't cut it"

"No the instructions specifically say to cut" said Theo to him getting confused.

"No trust me" 

The other's looked over their books and their potion.

Goyel melted his ladle Seamus' potion exploded at him making Dean laugh at his friend.

Harry read the instructions as well as the little notes within and added in what was needed and how everything was done via the extra notes.

Hermione's potion actually crawled out of the cauldron Draco's hair was a mess from the fumes but he didn't notice as he was trying and failing sadly to try and complete the potion given to them.

Slughorn came around at the end of the lesson and dropped a leaf in each potion and the only one that passed was Harry's.

"Merlin's beard it's perfect! so perfect I dare say that one drop would kill us all"

Draco looked at them and stirred his potion Harry looked quite smug about it all as he had out done his own boyfriend that loved his potions only second to Harry though.

Slughorn called everyone to the front of the class so then he could hand out the Liquid Luck to Harry.

"So here we are then as promised one vial of Felix Felicius. Congratulations use it well" and he began to clap making the others join in but not like Slughorn who was clapping like mad Harry just smiled and hid the book from everyone.

Otiz yawned from under the table he had slept the whole to hours the lazy bugger he sometimes was.

"No give that here Harry there is no way you could of made that potion you poor at potions it is meant to be mine" said Hermione as she tried to take the vial from him.

"I don't think so Granger" said Otiz who was now human.

She tried to grab the vial but he just grabbed her hand and pushed her away.

"Don't you dare touch him I haven't forgiven you for what you did to me girl and if you keep trying I know someone will forcibly take you out of school remember that girl" and he left with the other students.

"Fascinating creature that one he was but an animal before and then human I wonder if he is an Animagus of some sort I really must ask" said Slughorn and wandered off.


i know its meant to go for slughorns lesson but i wanted to split it up into two paragraphs as well have it done slightly later so here it is

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